I'm doing ME these past few days

United States
August 13, 2016 7:37pm CST
I am not quite sure how active I've been here lately. It seems I am offline (from this site atleast) more than online. I've had a walk every other day (except for yesterday) and it's really helped improve my overall health. I know I've lost a few lbs from walking alone. Compared from two weeks ago? My weight has really seen a good decrease. I'm eating more raw foods, pumpkin seeds, almonds, coconut chips. Drinking water. I've not had a soda in over a week. I did have a bit of a cheat day today, which was some cube steak. I'm steering clear of anything but chicken for the most part though. Not sure if I yet covered this, but will cover it again if not. I told my manager last week that I could not break down the truck anymore. It's just entirely to stressful for me, and while it might be hard for me to explain, I do know what's best for myself. I told him that I just couldn't do it but would break down THIS weeks truck. I just looked at my schedule for next week and I am scheduled to break the truck down next week as well? Nope. I will be talking to my manager tomorrow and telling him there is no way and no how that I can do that. I know my boundaries in regards to how stern I can be, and I've already thought up how to broach the subject with him. He's pretty stubborn, but I have to make him see that I can't deal with the stress from it any longer. My constant stress is part of the reason why I've gone on this healthy eating journey. Hmm... I've also cleaned my sleeping area. It's probably as good as it's gonna get. I can only do so much but will try to keep an open mind on other things I can do to make it seem better. I've had several weird dreams that I've been self analyzing. I've been listening to relaxing music. I've been trying to make the most out of my days so they don't seem to go by so fast. What has your week looked like?
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9 responses
@Mike197602 (15506)
• United Kingdom
14 Aug 16
my week has been the sam old same old. Next week is a different matter as I start a new REAL jobon wednesday. I'll be getting fitter as I'll be walking to work and back. By breaking the truck down do you mean you load deliveries into your shop? I did that for a couple of months and it was hard labour for next to no money
2 people like this
• United States
14 Aug 16
The truck is already unloaded but remain on pallets. I have to break the pallets / skids down into individual aisles. Then when everyone else gets there they help me, I'm never quite finished when they get there.
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@Mike197602 (15506)
• United Kingdom
14 Aug 16
@ScribbledAdNauseum same as what I did but you'd probably do it on a larger scale.
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• New Delhi, India
14 Aug 16
Good luck for your new job
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@bella556 (21)
• Kalamazoo, Michigan
14 Aug 16
Hi. My name is Betty. I think that its great you stick to your boundaries. Not easy to do that. You have inspired me to see about starting to eating healthier. Listening to music is a great way to relax from the stress of the day. My week has been wonderful since my apt is getting the repairs done so less stress for me. I have also been writing poetry more on a website called Allpoetry.com. I am learning new skills to improve my life for the better. May your coming be full of blessings and good news about your job. Betty
• United States
16 Aug 16
Thank You. I remember allpoetry.com, I beleive it's been around for awhile. Good luck with your writing. Writing is definitely a good way to de-stress and sort things out. I downloaded the fitbit app on my phone and have started using it to track progress with friends. I need to buy the fitbit bracelet but haven't yet. I'm glad your apartment is getting much needed repairs, that is definitely a de-stresser.
@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
14 Aug 16
Good to know that you are eating better nowadays and walking more. You owe it to yourself. Do what's best for you because no one else will. New week is about to start. Weather has been very bad. It has been raining for days but I do my best not to be affected by it. I'm sticking to my daily workout routine regardless if it is raining or not.
@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
16 Aug 16
@ScribbledAdNauseum you can get all the rain we have! It is raining again. We do not have a storm but rather the monsoon rains is making our whole country wet again! No fun at all!
• United States
16 Aug 16
@allen0187 hazardous for travel as well! I hope it will stop soon.
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Aug 16
I wish we could get more rain here. We had rain last week but it didn't do much for us. It's back to 90 degrees farenheit. I have to wait until around 7 pm when it's finally in the high 80's before I take a walk.
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@CinnamonGrl (7084)
• Santa Fe, New Mexico
14 Aug 16
My week has looked like. .myLot! I have been in here constantly. I suppose I hsould get off and have a life, but I've been enjoying it. I do need to go do things though so I have something to discuss, lol
• United States
14 Aug 16
I definitely understand what you mean! Some weeks we don't do very much of anything but play online. I think I've done that far more than I'd like to admit. Now I am trying to commit to atleast walking every day. Some days I don't even do that.
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• United States
14 Aug 16
@CinnamonGrl I work at night so would have to do it when I wake up from sleep. I tend to go around 7 pm after I've had my supper. I should go on my walk right before I go to sleep but usally I'm already sore and tired from work.
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• Santa Fe, New Mexico
14 Aug 16
@ScribbledAdNauseum I should be, I'd just have to get going early cuz of the heat. So looking forward to cooler weather.
• Asaba, Nigeria
14 Aug 16
My week was good with less activities as a result of the constant rainfall in my country nigeria
• United States
15 Aug 16
Was it much needed rain?
@Ujjawal29 (245)
• New Delhi, India
14 Aug 16
This week i started college, trying to meet some friends and going for selection in sports teams. Awesome week it has been
• United States
15 Aug 16
What are you studying?
• New Delhi, India
16 Aug 16
@ScribbledAdNauseum Chemical Engineering
@Shavkat (138746)
• Philippines
14 Aug 16
I am not so active lately in mylot lately. I am so busy at my work online.
• United States
14 Aug 16
The only other thing I do online is swagbucks.
• United States
14 Aug 16
congrats to ya fer wishin' to improve yer health. no doubt the fresh air'n sunshine's worked wonder's well. aint familiar with the truck break down thingy? but hope ya succeed'n convincin' yer manager that'cha aint willin' to tackle such'n the future. my week? been kinda interestin' but bein' purty much housebound's done nothin' fer my usual sunny disposition :) i'm hopin' this next week'll be better.
• Bethlehem, Israel
14 Aug 16
Sound like you did a lot for your own good ???????? keep it up ??
• United States
15 Aug 16
Yes trying to be more healthy all around. Thank You.