Look what DJ sent me!

Perth, Australia
September 4, 2016 8:33am CST
A package arrived for me on Thursday. I thought it was something that I had ordered from Ebay until I read on the box that it was actually from DJ ( @Daljinder ) I was super excited. I knew she had sent me something but wasn't expecting it to come anytime soon. I quickly messaged her letting her know that it had arrived and asking if I could open it. But I opened it way before she replied back haha! I couldn't help it! I was so curious and couldn't stand the suspense! It took like a million years trying to open the box and to see what was inside but when I eventually opened it, I got teary eyed when I saw the first mug. As you can see, the mug on the left says "A hug for you my friend." I fell in love with it straight away. And then I laughed so much when I saw what the second mug said. So cute and so true! Just wanted to show you all what she has sent me. And like I told her, these aren't just mugs. These mean a lot to me and are automatically very sentimental. Thank you again DJ. I love them very much. And just thank you in general for always being there for me even away from MyLot. You really are a best friend of mine!
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27 responses
@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
4 Sep 16
I knew you two had developed a strong friendship, and I'm happy for you. Lovely gifts.
6 people like this
• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@jaboUK aw thank you! And yeah, I never expected to make any friends on here let alone someone who I can call my best friend.
6 people like this
• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
4 Sep 16
@JaboUK Yepperz! I have her hooked, lined and sinker. On a serious note, I joined this community to interact. Nothing major as expectation. Making a friend as close as I made in Dani was far from my imagination. She was a total shock to the system. lol Totally unexpected but a very pleasant one. Never thought I would have a best friend again (had made a vow to myself awhile ago) and all across the oceans at that. In fact, I made many friends here (including you). That is why myLot is kind of a special place in itself and hence, I call it my "Happy place".
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@TheHorse (224444)
• Walnut Creek, California
4 Sep 16
That's very sweet! I'm putting a package together right now for one of my MyLot friends. You can probably guess what it is!
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@sishy7 (27166)
• Australia
5 Sep 16
@TheHorse Wooden coasters because the speakers are harder to ship...
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@TheHorse (224444)
• Walnut Creek, California
5 Sep 16
@VivaLaDani13 Well, what do I most enjoy making that would be easy to ship?
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• Perth, Australia
5 Sep 16
@TheHorse I actually have no idea! What is it?
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@vandana7 (101504)
• India
4 Sep 16
You two are like...under 7 years old little girls...lol
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• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@vandana7 HAHA! I will take that as a compliment!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
5 Sep 16
@vandana7 I am kind of stuck in that period of my life and I am not complaining
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@skysnap (20153)
4 Sep 16
WOW. I need girlfriend like this
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@skysnap (20153)
4 Sep 16
@Daljinder well from where i come from.. nothings easy :P
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• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@skysnap haha!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
4 Sep 16
@skysnap LOL! Fat chance dude. A girl like me will be too hard to impress (no kidding) but she would be a keeper.
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@moffittjc (123000)
• Gainesville, Florida
4 Sep 16
That is such a nice gift from DJ! See, she does have a soft side! lol I really like the "hug" one, it demonstrates the friendship between you two! And of course, the minion one is funny, because it is definitely something DJ would say! She's watching you Dani! She's watching your every move! LOL
4 people like this
• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@moffittjc As much as she likes to hide it, I know she does lol And yeah the hug one means a lot to me. It means something to me because I often get frustrated when good friends of mine live so far away. It gets me down sometimes that I can physically spend time with them ( including you ). You're a good friend I've made on here too. And yeah LOL she always said she was my stalker. And she has surely proven that haha
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
4 Sep 16
@moffittjc You have no idea. I do watch her every move. She knows that coz I have told her ages ago. At first it was just making sure that whenever she is online on myLot she is not upset or feeling down coz that's the time when she comes here. I noticed that. I become accustomed to the way people talk through their writings and particularly those with whom I interact the most and have taken interest in. I literally used to read each response and comment she ever made. I still do actually! I am a stalker not just in name. lol I did indeed do the stalking. It is now more in a sense that she kind of digs up old posts that I haven't seen. But before I was monitoring her activity to keep a careful eye on her (like a friggen mother hen *enter eye roll*). I know ridiculous. lol (Bad habit of mine ) Each moment I felt the bar going down in her way of writing, I stepped into the conversation and talked about random stupid stuff. It takes her mind off whatever evil she has conjured up in her pretty little head or whatever was bothering her. I don't understand depression Jeff. I may never will coz I haven't gone through it. And to be so far away from her, being her stalker was my way of looking after her. (It still is )
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@moffittjc (123000)
• Gainesville, Florida
5 Sep 16
@Daljinder I know, it's hard for me too, having never experienced depression before. The best we can do is stick by her and be good friends to her. She knows who her "go to" people are on this site!
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4 Sep 16
I left my favorite mug at the office of the last company I worked with. Told the janitor I am going to get it back when I become successful
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• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@BenRyanLee Sorry you left it there lol funny how you said that though. So why can't you just grab it now though? What if someone takes it before you can grab it?
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• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@BenRyanLee ah cool. So what sort of guitar /s do you play? You good? :)
2 people like this
4 Sep 16
@VivaLaDani13 Only one of my fans would do that. It has my name painted on it. and a promise is a promise. Anyway I see that you are from Australia. My guitar mentor is currently there.
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@rebelann (113406)
• El Paso, Texas
4 Sep 16
And you two are proof that we can make REAL friends online, this is wonderful .... those mugs are awesome.
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• Perth, Australia
5 Sep 16
@Daljinder It's kinda cute now with seeing how much people have noticed our friendship developing and getting stronger. We are like the two sneaky, mischief children in a big class.
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• Perth, Australia
5 Sep 16
@rebelann aw that's a really sweet thing for you to say!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
5 Sep 16
@rebelann Well true that! thanks!
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@hereandthere (45638)
• Philippines
4 Sep 16
sticky tape, cloth and 3 boxes huh? what a sight that must have been afterwards. i love the yellow mug.
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• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@hereandthere lol yeah. Had to keep it all secure...and difficult for me to open!
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• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@hereandthere That's right! I still would have loved them regardless. Poor DJ was worried about that. I worry about that stuff too so I am also glad it didn't come to me like that and disappoint her.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
4 Sep 16
@VivaLaDani13 And I knew that you would and it would have been more disappointing- all the process and all the effort put in yet failed.
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@marlina (154129)
• Canada
4 Sep 16
Very thoughtful and cute.
4 people like this
• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@marlina Definitely is!
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@noni1959 (10283)
• United States
4 Sep 16
What a beautiful awesome gift.
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• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@noni1959 They sure are! I adore them very much!
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• Otis Orchards, Washington
4 Sep 16
That was nice of her.
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• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@RichardMeister It really was nice of her. Was very happy to get such lovely mugs!
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• Perth, Australia
5 Sep 16
@Daljinder HAHA! ok THIS was hilarious! I don't like coffee! In fact I was worried about using them in general because I don't want them to stain lol That's a good idea!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
4 Sep 16
@VivaLaDani13 Those are coffee mugs. Are you going to drink tea in them? Actually I gots an idea. When you are sad, grab the bear and drink tea from the mug. Sad occasion kind of thingy
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
4 Sep 16
You sent the message at 10:46 a.m. and I replied 1:14 p.m. So, how long did you wait, if at all? There is a confession here lol I was to send only the yellow mug. I haven't placed the order for either of them yet. Then I thought Dani would understand the "I have my eyes on you" thingy but others around her won't. I thought I might come out as a stalker (like real creepy one). So, I looked for one with a message that would comfort you in your down times. Like even if I wasn't there, maybe you can hold onto that. Something tangible! lol I am crazy and too senti. Ignore me! Ah! The packing..... it was fun doing it I told my Dad, "She will be unpacking it into her next birth." Ya know when we went to the post office, a delivery van came through to deliver parcels. The delivery guy was dumping all the boxes without an ounce of care on the ground. I gave my Dad a horrified face and said, "They aren't going to make it." You are always welcome dear one! Helping and supporting is like a second nature to me. I just care! (Picture/poem from Pinterest. Edited by me) P. S. Sowwy! Took me long to reply. I was editing the picture.
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• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@Daljinder I guess I waited like....20-30 minutes lol BUT in my head it was hours so....that counts for something! lol nah you wouldn't have that stalker label even though I know you like it lol but the hugging mug one is exactly how I see it. Something I can look at / hold when I am feeling lonely or down. It's exactly what I do with my Houston bear. Not sure if I ever showed you or told you about that! But it just helps me out a lot! lol well it did take ages but I loved it! It was seriously like a challenge for me trying it open it! So much fun! ah man I freak whenever I send stuff. I worry it will break or get lost or taken to the wrong house. It's a scary process! And that poem was lovely thank you but must say what you said at the end hit me the most. Because it's exactly how I wish to thank you!
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• Perth, Australia
5 Sep 16
@Daljinder lol I know! LOL well I really honestly do enjoy it! I don't know why but it's so much fun! So this is my Houston bear and obviously from Wesley. :P He gave it to me a couple years ago as well as a Houston mug and Houston pen which I keep in my room but this bear pretty much goes with me everywhere. It makes me feel better. In fact I kept it close to me when I was doing that Health & Safety quiz for my nail course. And I gripped onto it when I was waiting for my results. Just makes me feel better having it near by since the person who gave it to me isn't.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
4 Sep 16
@VivaLaDani13 LOL! You waited longer than I anticipated. It's okay though! I didn't wish you to wait either. NO (gasp) It seems like that I know about it but I fail to recall any details about it and that means you haven't yet told me. Okay spill it dude! You have been holding out on me. At least the packaging was good for something other than safeguarding the mugs. I will keep that in mind for future purposes to pack the stuffing out of your gifts/parcels/packages coz Dani enjoys it. Aw nah it's all cool! You are welcome always
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@JustBhem (70555)
• Davao, Philippines
4 Sep 16
Those mugs are cute. I also like collecting mugs and cups.
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• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@JustBhem They sure are! Aw nice! How many do you think you have now?
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• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@JustBhem Awesome! Are you wanting to collect more?
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@JustBhem (70555)
• Davao, Philippines
4 Sep 16
@VivaLaDani13 I have like 4. In different colors and style.
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• Dhaka, Bangladesh
4 Sep 16
Wow its really nice..
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• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@kamruzzaman5ndc They sure are!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
4 Sep 16
4 people like this
• Dhaka, Bangladesh
4 Sep 16
@VivaLaDani13 yep.. she loves you a lot..they are expressing it..
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
4 Sep 16
That's so nice!
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• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@1hopefulman It sure is!
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
4 Sep 16
@VivaLaDani13 Is there more to those cups than meets the eye?
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• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@1hopefulman Nah. Both sides have the exact same pictures. :)
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
5 Sep 16
That is so sweet of DJ to send those . And yes , those labels are so meaningful specially to best of friends like you and her .
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
5 Sep 16
@VivaLaDani13 I am happy you are best of friends .
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• Perth, Australia
5 Sep 16
@SIMPLYD It was sweet of her! I am so happy she is in my life!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
5 Sep 16
@VivaLaDani13 I second that !
1 person likes this
• Fujian, China
8 Sep 16
good ,it's sweet story .could you share your happiness ?send us a mug for everyone ???????
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• Fujian, China
8 Sep 16
@VivaLaDani13 The quilt is a joke, but you really are very cute.I wish you happiness.
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• Perth, Australia
8 Sep 16
@xuliwei830406 lol well that would be a very hard task to do!
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• Perth, Australia
9 Sep 16
@xuliwei830406 Thank you very much. Ditto.
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@CinnamonGrl (7086)
• Santa Fe, New Mexico
4 Sep 16
Awww, those are very sweet. It does seem like a million years when you're anxious to open something doesn't it? Nice gifts.
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• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@CinnamonGrl They are awesome! And yeah it does haha only these really did take time and effort breaking in to get them free. DJ and her dad took some time making sure they were safe inside which required sticky tape, cloth and like 3 boxes if I remember correctly lol Seemed never ending!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
27 Jan 17
@VivaLaDani13 LOL! I tried to minimize your suffering this time around. Those were delicate goods so had to make all that extra effort. HEY! You forgot the foam lol I have never seen that thick form until Dad brought it home.
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@JudyEv (348065)
• Rockingham, Australia
4 Sep 16
How lovely is that? They are gorgeous mugs - particularly the huggy one!
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• Perth, Australia
4 Sep 16
@JudyEv haha yeah the huggy muggy one is just too precious!
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
7 Jun 18
@VivaLaDani13 They are very cool. You are lucky to have a friend like that that cares about you to send the mugs to let you know. Enjoy them.
2 people like this
• Perth, Australia
7 Jun 18
@Hannihar I am extremely lucky. She has been there for me through the highs and lows. I'm very grateful.
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
7 Jun 18
@VivaLaDani13 That is a real friend.
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