Will homosexuals go to hell? True or False?

@Eitchy (178)
Johannesburg, Sudan
September 27, 2016 8:14am CST
Wed. 27 September 2016 So much debate and controversy envelops this subject, and it has been the topic of endless discussions. Discussions are good, and opinions can be good, but.....what does God have to say about this? Why not just believe him? After all he created us, right? Hear the clear words of the living God:- In the same way the men give up natural sexual relations with women and burn with passion for each other. Men do shameful things with each other, and as a result they bring upon themselves the punishment they deserve for their wrongdoing. Rom 1:27 Most clearly they will receive their punishment, unless they repent and turn away from these things. But before you comment...carefully read the words, so that you might not be found as one who argues with God himself!
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13 responses
@msiduri (5687)
• United States
27 Sep 16
I'm not a believer, so the point is moot from the beginning for me. But let me ask this: What harm do homosexuals cause?
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@Eitchy (178)
• Johannesburg, Sudan
27 Sep 16
I would like to leave that to God to decide, but evidently so much harm that they will be cast into hell.
@msiduri (5687)
• United States
27 Sep 16
@Eitchy If you are really leaving it to god to decide, you would not support penalization or marginalization of gay people. You would not want to inflict suffering into their lives. You would not support a system that discriminates against people for a condition that did not ask for and cannot control. You think they cause harm but you cannot even name this harm.
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@Eitchy (178)
• Johannesburg, Sudan
27 Sep 16
@Bluedoll The BIble is absolutely accurate on these things. One 100% You cannot say you are open to ALL that God says, but when you read in the bible that sinners will go to hell, and that there in fact is a hell, you do not believe it. So tell me, which words of God are you going to believe and which not? Only the words you like and agree with?
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@Pass12 (998)
27 Sep 16
Who would someone go to hell for things they completely have no control over?
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@msiduri (5687)
• United States
27 Sep 16
Precisely. All indications are people are born gay.
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@Eitchy (178)
• Johannesburg, Sudan
27 Sep 16
@msiduri God is not influenced by these opinions, his words and judgments shall stand forever. Whatever we think and say about it is of little consequence.
@Eitchy (178)
• Johannesburg, Sudan
27 Sep 16
The reason why they do not have control, is because they do not want control. The want to enjoy it without getting a bad conscience. If they knew the consequences of this sin, they would go to Jesus to be helped, and then they will receive help. I do not condemn such people at all. I condemn their deeds, because God condemns it. But he have just as much love and care for them as for others. If only they would repent and turn to him.
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@GreatMartin (23671)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
27 Sep 16
And God made US in his image--are you saying He didn't? Are you saying He made a mistake? Correct me but didn't He say NOT TO JUDGE--that is His job? I as a Gay man am willing to be judged by Him but certainly not someone like you who picks and chooses from the bible what to believe in--and don't say you don't!!!
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@Eitchy (178)
• Johannesburg, Sudan
27 Sep 16
2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living, Hear are some wonderful guidelines from God himself on how we should use the scriptures. Read it above. 1. Teaching the truth 2. Rebuking error 3. correcting faults 4. Give instructions for right living.
• Eugene, Oregon
27 Sep 16
That is assuming that any of the above exists.
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• Eugene, Oregon
27 Sep 16
@Eitchy I am straight but gay people do no harm to me at all.
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• Perth, Australia
28 Sep 16
@JamesHxstatic Nice to see your answer. I agree with you!
@Eitchy (178)
• Johannesburg, Sudan
27 Sep 16
God will do what is right: he will bring suffering on those who make you suffer, and he will give relief to you who suffer and to us as well. He will do this when the Lord Jesus appears from heaven with his mighty angels, with a flaming fire, to punish those who reject God and who do not obey the Good News about our Lord Jesus.They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, separated from the presence of the Lord and from his glorious might, 2Th 1:6 God will simply do what is right. He is absolutely not dependent on our opinions and criticisms of his words. What is right? Just read carefully above.
@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
28 Sep 16
@Eitchy You know what, I'm really sick of this. Like I honestly felt as if my heart was being broken. On behalf of this sickening post, I want to apologise to those who were offended and hurt. People like you need to shut your friggen mouths! Seriously! Let God deal with who he wants, when he wants IF he even has a problem with one of his creation's behaviour. Would you walk up to a stranger and tell them they need to raise their children better? Just let God deal with his creations. Butt out! The truth is, YOU have an issue with gays but find it easier to point the finger to someone else! F*CK SAKES!
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
28 Sep 16
Please don't get angry with me @Eitchy why do you lie? You can't be happy with that comment or find it positive. Why be sarcastic? It is taunting. I can see how you might like the attention though and also have a willingness to appreciate what other peoples views are if that is what you want. I think we all can learn about the bible and I think you should consider that your religious views might not line up with the bible. Does not the bible say to teach (I'm assuming that is what you are attempting to do here) in moderation? Yet here these teachings that perhaps you have received from someone else are an extreme. The bible also says to kill lambs as a sacrifice. Does that mean we should? Of course not. To anger people Let God deal with who he wants, when he wants IF he even has a problem with one of his creation's behaviour. - @VivaLaDani13 only hurts them. Doesn't the bible also say don't be stumbling others? After reading here the non-believing are God's children also and they might decide never to look for God and even take a negative view of the bible because of this. This is something God does not want. Please just consider this.
• Perth, Australia
28 Sep 16
@Bluedoll Can't tell if you're having a go at me or not?
@Eitchy (178)
• Johannesburg, Sudan
28 Sep 16
Thank you for that positive remark. I appreciate your participation, and that you stand up for your views.
@ms1864 (6885)
• Bangalore, India
27 Sep 16
I don't think it is up to us humans to pass judgment. If you are a believer...you should leave this up to God. ..what is the point of discussing it?
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@ms1864 (6885)
• Bangalore, India
27 Sep 16
But you don't seem to be really UNDERSTANDING anyone else's point of view...it feels like you are trying to enforce your own views on people...that is not a discussion...that is an article. This place is for conversation...not to "condemn" people.
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@Eitchy (178)
• Johannesburg, Sudan
27 Sep 16
@ms1864 Yes I understand what you say and I agree. But in a discussion we need to be honest and truthful and say it the way we really believe, otherwise we become false and phoney. On all issues of life I follow God's views, and he is not going to change anything just because us humans disagree with him.
@xFiacre (13239)
• Ireland
27 Sep 16
@eitchy The same God insists that all have sinned and come short of his glory, not just homosexuals. Strange how we all pick and choose which sin we think is the worst when we are all guilty of something and are deserving of punishment. You could just as easily have decided to write about gossip rather than homosexuality - it causes a lot of harm and is denounced in scripture.
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@msiduri (5687)
• United States
27 Sep 16
@Eitchy My question: why does homosexuality bother you so much? Why doesn't poverty or lack of compassion or adultery get your dander up like homosexuality does? A rhetorical question. I don't expect an answer.
@Eitchy (178)
• Johannesburg, Sudan
27 Sep 16
Homosexuality is a very relevant topic today, and it certainly is very interesting and helpful to get a scriptural view on anything. If you go through my comments you will see that nowhere did I condemn people who choose this lifestyle. In fact I have stressed God's love for everyone. But just like any other sin, it is something to repent from if one wants to inherit Eternal life. Tomorrow I might choose something else. It is important that you exercise your freedom to choose your topics as it pleases you, I have the same freedom. It might just be gossip. In every thing I say and do, I strive to live according to Biblical norms. That is me! You might feel differently, but then again, that is you. I give you full freedom to be the person you wish to be. I expect the same respect from you.
@1creekgirl (42637)
• United States
27 Sep 16
I respect you for speaking the truth as written in the Bible. Prophets in the Old Testament were also abused for telling people what God said. Thankfully on myLot, it's not with rocks and stones. I guess it all comes down to whether we believe what the Bible says. I agree that all sin is wrong, but praise God, all sin can be forgiven when we truly repent.
@Mike197602 (15515)
• United Kingdom
27 Sep 16
People that believe in god (as defined by the bible and other man made religious books) may says gays will go to hell. People like me that do not believe in man made religious books will say there is no such place as hell for the gays to go to even if they were sinners Gay people are gay, straight people are straight...then we've got the bunch in the middle You are what you are...gay people do not choose to be gay any more than I choose to be straight.
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
27 Sep 16
I believe in God. I also read the bible which is an imperfect book and written by men. Still we can get goodness from the bible. But I don't believe in a "hell" in the way it is often applied by man.
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• Muscat, Oman
28 Sep 16
According to me i strongly believes that it is a sinful act and it will be punishment
@Tridib14 (177)
27 Sep 16
If there doth existeth a hell, thee will find no place in there. It's already filled with people who thinketh 'gays go to hell'. I command you to find solace in your love. -God to a homosexual. 'Imadethatup- 8:55'
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@Eitchy (178)
• Johannesburg, Sudan
27 Sep 16
Surely you know that the wicked will not possess God's Kingdom. Do not fool yourselves; people who are immoral or who worship idols or are adulterers or homosexual perverts or who steal or are greedy or are drunkards or who slander others or are thieves---none of these will possess God's Kingdom. 1Co 6:9
@saulgoodman (2643)
• Dundee, Scotland
28 Sep 16
Will homosexuals go to hell? I think not. I am from Scotland. I was born and brought up as a Christian. A Protestant. Church of Scotland. One of our local churches - wait for it - has a homosexual minister. He reads the same bible as I did and as you do if you read the King James version. The Church made the appointment. The congregation supported this fully. He is a fine man. A fine Minister. Guess what. We have women ordained as well.
19 Dec 22
Homosexuals will go to hell as God created Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve.