Stereotypes about Russia

@Julie555 (4155)
Russian Federation
November 23, 2016 3:22am CST
Dear friends, as You probably already know I am from Russia. I bet, when You think of Russia, You figure out a cold, far away land with people in fur ushankas, drinking vodka and dancing with bears around the Red Square. Let me tell You, which of Your stereotypes are truth and what are false. 1.Vodka-drinking nation You don’t drink vodka?!- a constant saying from my new foreign friends, when they come to know, that I am from Russia. Confess, sometimes it drives me crazy! I don`t drink vodka and many of Russians don`t even tried it .In fact, vodka is a traditional Russian hard liquor, but we could drink beer, wine, tequila as well, or even be sober! Are You surprised?! And remember, if it` s a traditional beverage here, it does not mean, that we are drinking vodka. Many of us can’t stand it, even by its smell. 2.Cold Yes we have cold winters,but we also experience beautiful hot weather in summer, too. Russia occupies a vast territory on Earth globe and its climate varies from one geographical zone to another. 3.Corruption I could have missed this fact, but I promised to tell the truth! I think, it`s the main drawback of our nation.Total buraucracy everywhere.Almost any employee can be bribed and often that’s the only way to get things done. Unfortunately, this is no exception for hospitals and universities. 4.Russian women Russian women are very beautiful indeed. Just visit any Russian city and you will see, that is absolutely true. Russian women won`t go outside without perfect hairstyle and make-up . Even in ordinary days, you will see many Russian women in beautiful dresses or skirts and high heels. They are very feminine and try not to get fat. 5.Serious faces Russians always have a serious face. Of course, this changes in private, but you will never hear Russian people exchanging “how are you?”s – this saying is reserved for private conversations. Actually, Russian people have a great sense of humor, but it is just different from the Western humor. 6.Super superstitious Yeah, Russian people have a lot of “superstitions. Many Russians will sit down for a couple minutes before leaving for a trip to ensure a good journey; they will consider it good luck to break a glass accidentally, and they will spit three times over their shoulder after they knock on wood. Strange, but superstitions are still alive! 7.Ushanka Every Russian wears furry hat -ushanka, when it`s cold. It`s the same, as saying, that all French wearing berets and American wearing baseball caps. To be honest, last time, when I saw ushanka hat was in souvenir-shop or in some old movie. 8.Only Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky Russians are avid readers indeed, but they don`t read just Russian classical writers. We have amazing books of Grin, Turgenev, Chekhov and many others, and also we love foreign literature. For example, I adore Victor Hugo! 9.Russian hospitality I am proud to say is true. When going to a dinner or celebration at a Russian home, expect to be bombarded with an array of food and drinks. If I had to give you one advice about how to impress your new Russian friend, it would be to never show up to their home without some gift. Russians are generous gift-givers and you are expected to bring a gift to their home, whenever you’re going there for a party or celebration. Whether it’s flowers, chocolates, booze, food, or any other small gift. 10.Expressive people Yeah, Russians are very, very expressive. And the reason is that we are open-hearted and if we are happy, everyone should know that! 11.We regret USSR collapse True! As my parents say, it was a time of tremendous advancements in science and economic prosperity. It was a time, when everyone was equal in financial and social sense. It was a time, when Ukraine and Russia were more than friendly countries.People from Russia and Ukraine were considered as brothers(actually we are still brothers ,despite tough turmoil, made by corrupted politics ). And keep in mind, Russians don’t worship Stalin. 12.Russian mafia You know, I think, that Hollywood since Cold war and Cuban Missile Crisis is sort of addicted to Russian mafia image on screen, that`s why they continue to produce so many silly movies, depicting all Russians as primitive and outrageous villains. I consider it to be a part of US policy, that keeps thinking of Russia as a main geopolitical threat and a hostile power. 13.Patriots Yes, we are proud to be born in Russia. We are proud, that soldiers of Soviet Red Army liberated nearly half of Europe's territory during World War 2, which comprise 16 modern European countries. At least 27 million Soviet citizens died during the war.These people contributed their lives for better future, for peace in our time. It is really sad, that nowadays their great heroic deeds fall into oblivion. So, be human, don`t betray the memory! 14.Russian soul If You want to be closer to Russian mentality, show up Your true feelings. If we love, we love to the full, if we hate, we hate fiercly. if you want to be a friend of Russian, just be simple and honest, be sincere and don`t keep secrets. I f You are upset, don`t pretend to be happy and pleased. If You are happy, sing loudly. Just say, what You think. Be frank, be open and You will know Russian soul.
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42 responses
@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
23 Nov 16
What a brilliant post! I must confess I didn't really know much about Russia but this is a wonderful debunking of the Russian stereotype. I'm actually currently about two thirds of the way through Dostoyevsky's 'The Brothers Karamazov. I have to admit he is the only Russian author I have read. Other than Tolstoy and Chekhov I'm not really aware f other Russian writers. I'm also a big fan of Victor Hugo. And Charles Dickens.
7 people like this
• United Kingdom
23 Nov 16
Charles Dickens was a Russian? Well knock me down with a feather. I never knew that!
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
24 Nov 16
Thank You so much for Your comment! I didn`t expect, that my post would generate so much good and positive feedback.I am happy Wow,Dostoyevsky's 'The Brothers Karamazov is very deep thing. Not every Russian can understand the value of this novel! My respect
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
24 Nov 16
@Orson_Kart He is good,as he is , being British origin.
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@MALUSE (69373)
• Germany
23 Nov 16
From everything I know you've painted a realistic picture. Where do you live now? Are you still in Russia?
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
23 Nov 16
Thanks for Your opinion!Currently I am living in India.But my family members are living in Russia in Saint-Petersburg.
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@MALUSE (69373)
• Germany
23 Nov 16
@Julie555 I've been to Leningrad three times but never to St Petersburg.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
23 Nov 16
@MALUSE Nice!!! Did You like it?
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• Pamplona, Spain
23 Nov 16
Grest description there. My Sister had a Ukranian Friend who´s Dad was Russian and when I went to play to their House he would pick me up and twirl me around in his arms dancing around with me. Calling me Dushenka something like that. He was so nice and his Wife too. In the Hall of their House they had a load of Icons of Virgins and Saints and Candles it was all laid out so nicely. You were always welcome in their House and I loved to go there because I felt really loved too. My Sister and Marisha were great Friends for many years but time split them up so thank you as this brings back many good memories for me. Have a great week ahead.
3 people like this
• Pamplona, Spain
24 Nov 16
@Julie555 Its just like it was I was sort of his Princess he called me too. No one had ever said or did such nice things like that ever so for me I loved every minute of it. I liked the Icons and the Candles too. It reminded me of Christmas as well. Great day ahead for you.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
24 Nov 16
Sweet and touching story,made me cry I portrayed this scene so vividly, i could even heard that man voice calling You Dushen`ka- means someone very sweet and precious Yeah part of orthodox tradition are keeping icons of saints and lighting candles,while prayingStill nowadays this tradition seems obsolete. Thank You again for nice comment and have a great week ahead too
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
27 Nov 16
@lovinangelsinstead21 Thank You for sharing with us such a sweet story
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@topffer (42156)
• France
23 Nov 16
Thank you for this realistic portrait of Russians. I liked to read it. Point 14 is very true for the Russians I have met, point 1 is perhaps less true : I agree that everyone does not drink vodka, but "zapoy" is still a Russian word.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
24 Nov 16
@Julie555 Not a lot, you can just hope that it will improve with time : traditions can change, we have 4 times less bars and cafés here than when I was a kid.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
24 Nov 16
Thank You for reading and leaving Your comment Yesss"zapoy" is absolutely russian , what to do
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
23 Nov 16
I am happy to know all these things about the Russians. I am surprised that they are very superstitious though .
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
23 Nov 16
@Julie555 Well, fore that is good . These superstitious beliefs limit our actions on ome hing .
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
23 Nov 16
Thanks for readingYounger people, though, are not much in superstitions
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
24 Nov 16
@SIMPLYD That is true.It`s kind of backword thinking
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@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
23 Nov 16
It is very interesting to read about Russia. I am Italian, you surely know that there are many stereotypes also about Italy. Last, but not least Mafia. Mafia is something of the south, as they are men with moustaches and black hair. I am a northern, I am half blond with green eyes, my brother is even blonder. The north is cold and we do not spend our time singing and laying in the sun. Norther Italian women are not fat at all, we do not dress in black, but we like to go outside elegant in high heels, like the Russian women.
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@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
23 Nov 16
@Julie555 Yes "Cosa Nostra" is the Sicilian mafia, while "ndrangheta" is the organized crime in Calabria. Nothing to be proud of.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
24 Nov 16
@LadyDuck Still i was always fascinated with southern part of Italy.There is something unique and charming,especially picturesque villages and towns
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
23 Nov 16
I love Italy . Actually, i always believed that Russian and Italian have a lot in common "Cosa Nostra" I guess, concerns mostly Sicily.
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• Preston, England
23 Nov 16
I visited St Petersberg - then still called Leningrad in 1977 as part of a school funded educational cruise - I was 15. I loved it. The people I met were very friendly
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• Preston, England
24 Nov 16
@Julie555 so many people before I went were saying things like 'they won't let you out', 'don't talk politics or take photos' etc - the only place we couldn't take photos was at the docks where we moored as there was a nuclear submarine right next to the cruise liner.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
24 Nov 16
I am happy that You liked it Though i must admit, since that time people changed a lot.My parents say,Soviet era people were more kind ,cultured and friendly.Might be influence of mass media and materialism.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
27 Nov 16
@arthurchappell So You experienced yourself how false is to believe in stereotypes.Truth is different.Thanks for sharing
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@Madshadi (8840)
• Brussels, Belgium
23 Nov 16
There is nothing from the things above that I didn't already know. I've dealt with many people from Russia and made good friends sometimes.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
23 Nov 16
Nice to hear that
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@DianneN (247186)
• United States
23 Nov 16
Both sets of my grandparents escaped from the pogroms of Russia.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
24 Nov 16
It was also sad event in Russian history
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@franxav (13793)
• India
23 Nov 16
Glad to know Russians better. Thanks for dispelling some myths. And sorry, I thought you were from Portugal, US,or any Central American country. We have Rozarios in India and Bangladesh too.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
23 Nov 16
Thanks for reading!Actually I borrowed last name of my husband, who is half Indian,half Portugal
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@fishtiger58 (29820)
• Momence, Illinois
23 Nov 16
I think that we all are stereotyped because of where we are from. Not all Americans are rich and living in luxury. We are a proud people just like all other nations. I personally prefer to make my opinions about someone on a person to person basis. I have friends of many different cultures, races, and religions.. As for corruption Russia nor any other nation has a lock on that. Our government is no better than any other and many Americans know in their hearts that our politicians are only out for themselves and don't care about us common man. It's shameful. We are all humans and our country of birth should not define who we are, nor the color of our skin, or our religious beliefs. As I like to say we are all red inside. Living breathing members of the human race. If the entire world could look at it this way I think this would be a better place to live. I love your article it is very informative. And by the way I don't care for Vodka either lol.
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@fishtiger58 (29820)
• Momence, Illinois
24 Nov 16
@Julie555 Thanks very much. You have a most wonderful day.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
24 Nov 16
@fishtiger58 Same to You!!!
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
24 Nov 16
Thanks for amazing comment. Very meaningful words, You said. I am glad to know, that in this world there are such people like you with such approach , who don`t judge superficially,based on rumors and stereotypes, but think deeply and learn it from its own experience. "We are all humans and our country of birth should not define who we are, nor the color of our skin, or our religious beliefs. We are all red inside. Living breathing members of the human race.If the entire world could look at it this way I think this would be a better place to live".-let me quote, what You said, as these words are brilliant!
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@Dextoi (1845)
• Philippines
23 Nov 16
I am a true believer that Russian women are very beautiful... we have one example here, folks! Russia is an interesting place as you mentioned about your geographical location and climate. I know there are a handful of brewers there as well and is not limited to vodka. I'm interested in #9 as well...
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
23 Nov 16
Thank You, if it is about me?! Yeah, Russia is absolutely not that Hollywood movies show
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@Dextoi (1845)
• Philippines
23 Nov 16
@Julie555 yes, ma'am... I agree. Even the countries that are large in the news because of wars and conflict. It doesn't change the fact that their place is still worth travelling. I really like watching tourism videos of all places on earth I can think of... not a single video disappoints me... :)
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@responsiveme (22926)
• India
23 Nov 16
It was good reading all these facts. People do have some preformed ideas about different people and countries. Reality is different.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
24 Nov 16
That is so true.Absolutely agree
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@Mycanvas (108)
• India
23 Nov 16
A perfect synopsis & virtual tour of Russia & its ppl. I really agree at happiness index, open hearted nature, expressive nature, lively nature & hospitality of Russians. I've personally seen the same during my recent trip of Goa.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
23 Nov 16
Thanks for Your comment.Glad,that You liked it
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@youless (112425)
• Guangzhou, China
25 Nov 16
I think people need to go there and then they will change their mind. You know I had travelled to Moscow in 2015. It totally changed many impressions in Russia. Russians are so friendly and I even felt moved to it. For example, when we held the map and looked confused in the subway, Russians were very friendly and came up to ask whether we needed help. Although many Russians didn't speak in English, but we used the global languages by guetures. Some even led us to the destination because it seemed we didn't understand each other very well It really left me a great impression. Next year we will we will travel to your country again in January. As your country is so large and our vacation is too short. We do need a long time to see all the beauty of your country. I love the museums there. It is sad for me that I can not have enough time to see it well. By the way, I think Russians are good looking. They wear simple, and actually they don't have more makeup because they have good figure and they look very nice already. And finally, the government and the people are sometimes different. This is why I don't want others to judge Chinese according to our country.
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@youless (112425)
• Guangzhou, China
27 Nov 16
@Julie555 I love to watch Russian ballet but we don't have a long vacation I know we will travel to your country for the third time in the future and hopefully at that time we can stay for a long time.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
27 Nov 16
Thank You for sharing Your insight.It`s true in our country You will find a plenty of helpful people.Not all of them,off course,but still yes.If You plan to go to Moscow again, my advice visit Bolshoy theatre.Russian ballet is definitely worth seeing
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@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
23 Nov 16
I have a friend from Russia. She brought me a beautiful bowl and a cloth with a little wooden spoon that I hung on the wall. I used to joke with her about the cold, but she was from somewhere in the south where it isn't so cold. I would love to visit Moscow and St. Petersburg eventually, but the money's not there right now. Closest I got to Russia was either Berlin or Prague or maybe Copenhagen.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
24 Nov 16
Nice! I know many of my Russian friends in US and I hear from them only positive reviews about simple american people
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• Calgary, Alberta
24 Nov 16
I know some people are not aware about how Diverse Russia as a country is. I know Russia have different ethnic groups and languages. ----- I see the Patriotic Stereotype a lot in Videogames. In the Game Street Fighter, The character Zangief is a wrestler who fights for the Honor of Mother Russia. Yeah he kept on saying mother Russia. In the game Overwatch , The character named Zarya is a patriotic Russian Soldier. The Villain Stereotype on the other hand is very notorious in American media. One think I know, Most of the Russians I met are great people. ------ I love Russian Music actually, I love Tarakany!, Zveri, Tatu and Pazzl I know with the new Laws, The old music videos of Tatu might not be allowed on TV anymore. But I don't think they care since they already disbanded.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
27 Nov 16
Wow! Great comment! I am happy Your highness,that You are not stereotypical thinking person and You met good Russian people.
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@hereandthere (45645)
• Philippines
23 Nov 16
thank you for this very interesting post . russia spans from east (asia) to west (europe). how many time zones do you have?
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• Philippines
24 Nov 16
@Julie555 that's like the time difference between here (asia) and the us and canada. it's almost 1pm in the afternoon here, while it's almost 12midnight in new york and ontario.
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• Philippines
24 Nov 16
I have no idea you're Russian. Sorry I've been here in a limited time only I didn't have time to browse around more than 3 hours or so.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
24 Nov 16
No sorry, my friend Thank You for reading my post
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
23 Nov 16
This is really interesting, well done on writing an eminently readable post.
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@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
24 Nov 16
Thank You for reading! I am happy You liked it
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