Here is a store I that I love--Winco!!

@dragon54u (31634)
United States
December 10, 2016 4:18pm CST
I discovered Winco online when I still lived back east. Unfortunately, they are in the west part of the country and the northwest. When I moved back to Arizona I checked them out. Wow, I love this store! The produce is fresh and kept nicely arranged and there is nearly always someone there that knows all about the fruits and vegetables. The bulk food section is extensive and I last week I saw that instead of spending $4 for a jar of maraschino cherries of which I'll only use half, I can buy exactly how much I want for my cookies in the bulk foods section! Same with flour, sugar, pasta of all kinds, flours, dried fruits, candy, snack items like chex mix, popcorn, tea bags, coffee, dog food and dog just goes on and on! If it is non-perishable it is probably there. And spices! You can buy 1/8 tsp of cummin and pay only for that instead of a whole can! Once I didn't see the crab cakes I wanted so I asked an employee. He went into the back of the meat department and broke up a large bulk package and gave me 6 for $3. The pre-packaged kind I was looking at were $4.68 for 6, still a great price but holy smokes, I was really grateful! If they don't have something you want they will try to order it for you. All the employees are so nice and helpful. They treat the customers like people they have invited to come in, not intruders. They will drop what they are doing to help you. If they don't know something (very rarely) they will call someone who does. Their Winco brands are as good or better than name brands. Winco facial tissue is thicker and softer than Kleenex and about half the price. Ditto, Winco vs. Charmin--although the price difference isn't as drastic you'll still save a few bucks. If I bought the same cart of things at Fry's that I did at Winco I would spend about $15-20 more. Is it any wonder I love this store?! Is there a grocery store that you love to shop at?
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7 responses
@BelleStarr (61102)
• United States
11 Dec 16
At home here in Connecticut I shop at my local IGA and the Stop and Shop in the next town, In Florida is love Publix but it is not inexpensive.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Dec 16
I always liked IGA and A&P stores but they aren't out here. Even back east they were becoming less, being bought up by bigger chains. I've been to Publix, they are very attractive stores and the employees are very nice. The prices certainly reflect that! My mom loved Publix and I was always after her to shop at cheaper stores but she said it was worth the extra money to shop there.
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@BelleStarr (61102)
• United States
11 Dec 16
@dragon54u She is right, the quality of the food is great and they really do stock everything!! Great chocolate iced donuts too lol
@GardenGerty (159759)
• United States
11 Dec 16
I still divide my time and money between many stores. I like Aldi stores but seldom get there. We do a lot of Wal Mart shopping, because of convenience. I like Dillons (Kroger) and I have a Sam's Club Membership. I like their toilet paper and paper towels. I get my spices from a place that buys them in bulk and repackages them. I use a lot of spices. It is good when we find old fashioned customer service along with great products.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Dec 16
I really liked Aldi when I lived in Ohio! Great prices and I love the idea of a deposit for the shopping cart. No more carts blocking parking spaces!! Kroger stores back there were fine, it seems that out here everyone has an attitude whether it's the consumer or the provider. I wish everyone would just relax and realize that they are very unimportant in the whole scheme of things, ya know?
@yukimori (10143)
• United States
11 Dec 16
@dragon54u I swear it's an Arizona thing. People were nowhere near as uptight as they are around here when we were living in Kansas.
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@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
11 Dec 16
Its noce that you found the place you like.
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@yukimori (10143)
• United States
10 Dec 16
I like Winco, but I can't justify shopping there regularly since we don't have one in our area. I sneak it in when we take the kids to the indoor trampoline park or Build-A-Bear in Arrowhead. The one I can't live without is Sprouts. Their produce sales are phenomenal. I went overboard one day and filled my cart with produce, but it still only cost me $30--and that's the most expensive trip I've ever had there. It's way out of my way--I drive five miles just to get to it. Lucky for me they have a new store opening up a mile away, so now I'll be able to stop on my way home from work or picking up the kids at school.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Dec 16
I've never been to Sprouts but plan on going next time we need eggs. They Carry Vital Farms eggs that are from pasture-raised hens. We use Happy Eggs right now but Vital Farms gives their hens even more space to run in. You can taste the difference between those and the eggs from miserable, caged hens. I'll look at their produce and it's practically across the street from Winco. I'm all about saving money but I'll also spend extra so that my granddaughter gets healthy things like pasture raised eggs and meat from humanely raised chickens. I just cut elsewhere! Those trampoline places are great! My sister was visiting and took my 3 year old granddaughter to Sky Zone in October and she's still talking about it long after my sister went home. It looked like so much fun, I wish I was healthy enough to do it with her!
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@yukimori (10143)
• United States
11 Dec 16
@dragon54u We haven't been to SkyZone, but the kids love going to JumpStreet. I think a day trip is going to be part of the experience they get for Christmas this year. It's great--they bounce for an hour or two, and they're completely exhausted by the time we get them back in the car. Makes me wish that we could get away with having a full-sized trampoline here, since the little fitness one doesn't quite get the same results.
• United States
10 Dec 16
I never heard of WinCo but it seems to be the kind of store I'd be happy to shop in. I like the idea of not having to buy a whole jar of spices when you only need an occasional pinch. Glad that you found a store you're happy with and can get a good bargain too
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@Kandae11 (54675)
10 Dec 16
Sounds like a great store with good customer service.
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@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
10 Dec 16
I have heard of WinCo but we don't have them in the LA area.
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