Gambling is addictive and self destructive but hard to get over.

Dallas, Texas
January 13, 2017 11:43am CST
Hard because it appeals to many the quick and easy gains of instant wealth or complete loss of an entire life's savings. One year a man who I will not name so as to protect his identity, will remain anonymous, won over 135, 000 dollars at gambling and was able to use part of this money to pay off his mortgage. The following year and most recently, the year 2016, was bad. I mean, he told me he gambled and lost over 120, 000 dollars. One year he was winning, the next year he lost big time! Now he tells us in confidence that he is trying very hard to only go to the casino once or twice a year and this is due to his wife telling him to. He has to cut back. If this seems like a major change in his ways of doing things, he used to go gambling almost ever weekend. So going out only once of twice and limiting the amount you are willing to take with you no more no less, is the only way he will seem to manage it. The bottom line is, most people who are addicted to gambling fall into the category of having lost far more money than they ever won and having to fight the almost daily temptation from urges deep inside to risk everything or lose it all as the rush in the head the cold sweats and hands trembling, the anticipation of all or nothing thinking takes a major toll on everyone who falls into the gambler's trap. I call it a trap because it is. A trap that many of us know about but will not readily admit to strangers or friends alike. We will keep this confidential. We who have paid a measly dollar to buy a Quick PICK ticket for the Texas Lotto are at the ground floor of impulse gambling. With just one buck, you can be in for a penny or out for a pound. You know who you are. I don't have to spell it out to ya. You and I and the rest of them are likely to at some point in our lives, tempted to taking risks that may seem like no big deal, what's a dollar anyway? right? A dollar lost by a million people is one million dollars in the bank for the Texas Lottery and they keep the change and do what they want with the money. But if you think you might stand a one in one million's chance at winning a few million dollars, of which, taxes will reduce it to less than a third of what you will win, or could win if you only part with a dollar or a few dollars for the mega plier. One guy told me he once won three dollars in a basic lottery. Well, I told him I kept those 20 dollars worth of one dollars and spent them on groceries at Kroger and it was a win-win for us. When you get to the point of no return you play one against the other in The Gambler, with Mark Wahlberg:
Dopey parable about risk-taker is a sucker bet that benefits from three wicked supporting turns by John Goodman, Michael K. Williams and Alvin Ing. The lead character craps out big time.
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22 responses
@LeaPea2417 (37658)
• Toccoa, Georgia
13 Jan 17
My parents gamble. They love to go to Cherokee NC, Biloxi MS, & Las Vegas. They claim they are not addicted and don't spend what they can't afford, but I sometimes wonder if they are addicted and wont admit it.
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@LeaPea2417 (37658)
• Toccoa, Georgia
13 Jan 17
@lookatdesktop Exactly true.
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@LeaPea2417 (37658)
• Toccoa, Georgia
13 Jan 17
@Berniezeitler No, they always like to get together with family and friends.
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@LeaPea2417 (37658)
• Toccoa, Georgia
13 Jan 17
@Berniezeitler No, but they will talk about how many "free perks" they get from going to Casinos.
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@Jessicalynnt (50523)
• Centralia, Missouri
14 Jan 17
yeah it's hard, it seems like easy money, but there is much more lose than there is win. I try to enter sweepstakes and stuff, no money out of my pocket that way
6 people like this
• Centralia, Missouri
15 Jan 17
@lookatdesktop if you can limit yourself to whatever you are willing to lose (some play bingo as you said to pass the time, and for the fun of the game), that's one thing. It's when it becomes out of control. Some people cannot gamble at all. They can't just play a little then walk away. I can get a ticket now and then, I win, I dont win, whatever. Then I may not get another ticket for, shoot. I cannot even remember the last time I bought one!
3 people like this
• Centralia, Missouri
31 Mar 17
@savak03 yeah, I dont do the send in the mail ones that often, sometimes I do the company specific online , like home and garden, travel channel, they dont seem to sell email addresses.
• Dallas, Texas
14 Jan 17
I think you are correct. and many times I knew of people who liked to go play Bingo and this is I think somewhat addictive too but a bit less dramatic when you lose. It is something people do to pass the time and the dime.
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@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
13 Jan 17
I would discourage people from playing at casinos with the goal of winning. Casinos have a definite edge over their customers - sometimes as much as 12%. Casino card games such as poker and blackjack, the customer might have a chance if he/she knows what he/she is doing. Other games such as high/lo, slots etc are money pits. It is almost impossible to win. Same thing with the lottery.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
14 Jan 17
Basically people need to plan on losing.
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@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
14 Jan 17
@GardenGerty I guess people need to gamble with excess money that they have.
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• Dallas, Texas
14 Jan 17
@allen0187 or SAVE IT !
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@velvet53 (22546)
• Palisade, Colorado
14 Jan 17
Gambling is addictive and can cost people everything they own. It is sad to say that most don't realize that until it is all gone.
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@velvet53 (22546)
• Palisade, Colorado
15 Jan 17
@lookatdesktop I love participating in things like that. Did you eat the cakes by yourself or did you have help?
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• Dallas, Texas
19 Jan 17
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@Plethos (13581)
• United States
13 Jan 17
Everyone has some sort of addiction, be it gambling, food, candy or even mylot
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@vandana7 (101605)
• India
14 Jan 17
Yeah...I love eating..nowadays...
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@DaddyEvil (144092)
• United States
14 Jan 17
Hey, Plethos! You leave myLot out of this conversation! I'll admit to being addicted to myLot, but nobody else needs to know that, you know! (Have you ever looked at my profile? )
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@DaddyEvil (144092)
• United States
14 Jan 17
@vandana7 Even so, you still look beautiful!
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@Kandae11 (55950)
13 Jan 17
Makes a lot of sense not to get in the habit.
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@LeaPea2417 (37658)
• Toccoa, Georgia
13 Jan 17
@lookatdesktop Would you spend the price of a stamp to send in those Publisher's Clearing House letters they send to you in the mail? I have sent those things in before. That is the only type of gambling I have ever spent money on is the price of a stamp. Publishers Clearing House says you can enter the Sweepstakes without buying any of the things they try to sell. I have never bought any of their merchandise. I just enter the contests.
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• Dallas, Texas
14 Jan 17
@LeaPea2417 Rumor has it, they toss the envelops in the dumpsters when they see the ones that don't want to subscribe to any magazines. It's got to be a rumor right? I mean would a reputable business just throw away your envelope just because it had no subscriptions listed in the window? Hmm. sounds troubling to me so for this reason I don't participate in this particular how should I put it, scheme.
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• Dallas, Texas
13 Jan 17
One time, one dollar spent, you are in the habit. You only don't realize it yet.
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• United States
14 Jan 17
I am not one to part with my money so foolishly. My husband will by 10 Powerball tickets and not say a word to me. I find them in the visor of his truck. He will turn the table and say that I told him to buy a ticket. Yes, I did tell him we should buy a ticket, not 10. I will purchase one ticket when there is a raffle that benefits a charitable cause. You only need one ticket to win. If I don't win, I don't win, the charity benefits from my dollar. My first husband would bet on the weather. He was hooked. I was delighted when a casino tried to muscle its way into our state and through the efforts of many, it was blocked. Too many people lose money due to the thrill of quick money. Quickly lost more than won though.
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@DaddyEvil (144092)
• United States
14 Jan 17
2 people like this
• Dallas, Texas
14 Jan 17
I remember a television show I think it was Gomer Pyle USMC in that Sergent Carter started betting on just about everything. Or maybe it was Leave it to Beaver. In any case it became apparent that gambling was becoming more like an obsession with practically everything. I bet you a penny that you liked to watch Gommer Pyle, just kidding.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
14 Jan 17
No matter how much it is said that money from lotteries pays for social programs, or casinos provide jobs and tourism, I think it costs more in the long run and it is a shame that it goes on and on. It is like the government is feeding gamblers poison, one grain at a time.
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• Dallas, Texas
14 Jan 17
Yes it does. You make a clear and logical argument against it so many will read and relate to it.
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@jstory07 (142658)
• Roseburg, Oregon
14 Jan 17
If you become addictive to gambling it is like a sickness that you can not get over. You just have to go and gamble and spend all the money that you have. Even if it is your rent and food money.You have the gambling fever. You do not care about anything else.
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• Dallas, Texas
14 Jan 17
I hope you do well not to gamble at all. Meantime the rest of America is gambling by letting Trump into office. He has money to throw around, but we as middle class don't.
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@RasmaSandra (83324)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
14 Jan 17
Due to the fact that we are constantly pinching pennies then once in awhile if the European lottery gets really high my hubby will buy a ticket. That is perhaps only several times a year. I was absolutely amazed to find out that one lottery ticket now costs us 2 Euro and for 2 Euro you can purchase at least a liter of milk and a loaf of bread. So yes, we give it a try because we know that if luck would be with us at least that money that we get on hand could get us out of debt.
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• Dallas, Texas
14 Jan 17
I agree and as far as debt is concerned, have you ever had to pay back on a loan? It is a pain. You know that these days, credit card companies want us all to borrow so we have to spend years paying off 21 percent for the rest of our lives.
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@RasmaSandra (83324)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
16 Jan 17
@lookatdesktop we only use our debit cards and cash never anything on credit. We have enough financial problems without those kind of pain in the neck.
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@cacay1 (84474)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
14 Jan 17
Gambling is 50/ 50 winning, so many bettors, only one winner. At least stay away from it.
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• Dallas, Texas
14 Jan 17
I know. It would seem like gambling at a card game is about 50/50, but the lottery is more like a million to one chances of losing what you paid for that lotto ticket. One dollar, Two dollars, or maybe 3.
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@cacay1 (84474)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
15 Jan 17
@lookatdesktop Yeah, that is the amount, bet Lotto sometimes hehehe
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
14 Jan 17
Both my half-sister and my Dad's wife are gamblers @lookatdesktop and they have gotten to the point of stealing things from other family members to gamble. About once a year I'll buy a scratch ticket and usually win 2, 3, or 4 dollars. That goes right back into my pocket to buy gas, groceries, etc.
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• Dallas, Texas
14 Jan 17
My wife is not a gambler and I am not but yes, every now and again I do purchase one Quick Pick just because I want to dream a little.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
14 Jan 17
Gambling is so deadly. I don't understand how someone can do it, but I know it's addictive and you just can't quit. I've never gambled, not even a lottery ticket. Food is more important.
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• Dallas, Texas
14 Jan 17
I like the attitude you have. You are both wise and have much common sense.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
15 Jan 17
@lookatdesktop Thank you.
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@trivia79 (7828)
• El Segundo, California
3 Feb 17
i don't like gambling! unless i participate for free and i get the prize if i win, that's much better! haha
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• Dallas, Texas
4 Feb 17
Gambling involves actual risk. Otherwise it is just luck.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
15 Jan 17
I avoid any activities that may become addictive so I don't gamble at all. We used to play the lottery with my parents when I was a teenager and I've been to the casino a couple of times but I didn't want to gamble there so I just followed my friends. My dad used to say that we shouldn't push our luck in life by gambling.
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• Dallas, Texas
15 Jan 17
I find myself crossing my fingers every time I get a mechanic to fix something on our Caddy. It is like gambling, when you place your blind faith in the actions of others to do what you only hope they will do by following the basic golden rule. Gambling is almost a sure bet that one will lose their shirt before they realize they are past the point of no return.
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@DWDavis (25809)
• United States
13 Jan 17
Once in a rare while I will buy a quick pick for the PowerBall Lottery, when the amount gets high enough that the lump sum after taxes would be big enough for me to by a private island and declare independence. Other than that, it really isn't worth the $2.
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• Dallas, Texas
14 Jan 17
You have such motivations. I could stand an island for us also, perhaps there is a greater chance at getting to know good old Johnny Depp. lol
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@tessastv (273)
• Inverness, Scotland
14 Jan 17
Of all, gambling is both a win and a loss. To many, it's a loss but to other very fortunate it's luckiness and good win.
• Dallas, Texas
19 Jan 17
For those who can easily walk away from the tables, it's a good thing.
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@TheHorse (224751)
• Walnut Creek, California
26 Jan 17
Many are unaware of how prevalent gambling addiction is.
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@Morleyhunt (21744)
• Canada
13 Jan 17
I'm not a gambler. I have only been in a Casino once...because of the free parking....the noise in the building told me I'd never go back. I don't buy lottery tickets. Like you I use money for groceries (or fabric).
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• Dallas, Texas
14 Jan 17
Yes, indeed. When I see someone walk to customer service to buy like 30 dollars worth of scratch offs, I go away thinking, Yea, the courtesy clerks will have to spend an hour of their job just picking up all the scratch off tickets laying all over the parking lot like so much confetti.
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@gracey90 (51)
14 Jan 17
I won't advise any one to gamble cause at a point it's not worth it
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• Dallas, Texas
14 Jan 17
You are being very wise not to gamble. Let the others do it and then you can feel good for yourself having not given in to this type of temptation.
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