Do some women still feel guilty if their house is not clean and tidy?
By nannacroc
@nannacroc (4049)
November 26, 2006 6:18am CST
Even though I go out to work and my husband is at home all day, I still feel guilty if things don't get done around the house. Are there more women like me?
I'd be interested to know what age range you fall in to as I'm wondering if things are changing for the younger generation. I'm in the 45 to 55 age group.
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29 responses
@YoMomma1 (922)
• United States
26 Nov 06
im in the 30-35 range and yes i feel if things are not constantly picked up around the house, things just go down hill from there, the kids think its okay to leave everything around and even my husband wll leave stuff around, but if things are always in thier place, i think the guilt falls more on them to keep things nice
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@nannacroc (4049)
26 Nov 06
That's a good point but I've found that neither my husband or my children ever felt guilty about not putting things away.
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@nannacroc (4049)
28 Nov 06
Maybe they would but my house was always clean, it's the tidy I have problems with.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
28 Nov 06
Maybe your children would have felt guilty about things like that if you were a good influence!

@muffy_092000 (379)
• Philippines
26 Nov 06
yah..i cant sleep with a messy house...i want all things in a proper place or organize..if i will enter the room i can relax well if it is clean and very hot temper person f everything's are in not proper places..i will explode!!!
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@nannacroc (4049)
26 Nov 06
My problem is that I'm the untidy one. My husband does try to keep the place clean and tidy but sometimes he misses.
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@nannacroc (4049)
26 Nov 06
If you're the one at home then it's different but if the roles were reversed and you were at work and your partner at home would you still feel guilty?
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@alicya (39)
• Romania
28 Nov 06
no, I think that things won't change, I'm 20, and I feel the same...:) I think this is, because we are women..we like to keep tidy, and we think that this is our problem. Anyway if somebody sees your house untidy, they will think that you are too lazy to do it. My mother worked almost all they, and she did all the housework alone...maybe this is the reason, why I feel like this...:)
@nannacroc (4049)
28 Nov 06
It really is time this changed but I think even if the man is at home all day and the woman out at work it will still be the woman who is judged on how the house is kept.
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@AxranraRose82 (1120)
• United States
29 Nov 06
I am 24. I am a stay at home mom of two young kids. I am messy by nature so cleaning is very difficult for me. I rarely clean and straightening up- I won't even go there! I feel very guilty for not doing much around the house. I get yelled at a lot for not doing anything. I also have a bad habit of getting distracted. For instance, I will drop my son off at kindergarten (pm since we are late to rise in the morning) and when I get back home I will say to myself, "ok, I have to clean this, get rid of that and do this..." Then I will see something on the computer or tv that interest me, or my daughter will demand more of my time than I had expected and I won't be able to do what I had planned. Then I lose my drive to do what I had orginally planned and then 330pm comes around. Time to pick up my son and hubby comes home. Nothing is done and he is angry. I really do feel bad but it feels like I am in a rut and cannot fix it.

@AxranraRose82 (1120)
• United States
30 Nov 06
He doesn't think that looking after the kids counts for much. (yeah, jerk "bell" going off now!) Unfortunately for me, the thing he notices more is the clutter. Vacuuming is what I do best! And it is the last thing he would notice. Now if I got rid of all of my magazines, stopped leaving books all over, threw away all stray papers THEN he would notice a little. But that is what I want to do LAST! It is good to know that it does get easier after the little ones are older. I have never lived on my own WITHOUT kids. So I don't really know what that is like.
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@nannacroc (4049)
30 Nov 06
I had never lived on my own before I had children and no-one tells you how hard it is, especially if, like you and me, you can't help just putting things down wherever there is a space.
Collect it altogether every now and again and put it in a cupboard. Men do take some training, I've had mine over thirty years and he's only just getting to be the person I wanted when I married him. Good luck to you, you sound like a nice person and he doesn't appreciate what he's got.
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@nannacroc (4049)
29 Nov 06
You sound very much like I was at your age. I still can't get organised and get distracted fairly easily. Has your husband considered how much you do just to look after the little ones?
It gets better as the children get older. I learned that if I vacuumed and washed up my husband thought I had cleaned. I still felt guilty but he never noticed how much wasn't done.
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@dorypanda (1601)
26 Nov 06
Yes I do feel guilty about it sometimes, but it depends what mood I'm in, what I've been doing all day and what the others have been doing too, it I've been in all day and they've been at school and work, I do feel guilty, but I suppose that's fair enough, I always make sure my house is clean and it doesn't bother me too much if it's not absolutely tidy, as long as we can all sit down in the sitting room and still feel comfy I don't think they mind either. I do try and make sure my washing up is done during the day though, but I always seem to have an endless supply of it coming through the floor or something, I think my 'cleaning fairies' have got it the wrong way round! :)
(I'm in the 25-35 age group).

@dorypanda (1601)
27 Nov 06
Nope I wouldn't, unless it was my mess in the first place.
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@nannacroc (4049)
26 Nov 06
So you wouldn't feel guilty if you'd been out to work and the others had been in all day. Maybe things are beginning to change.
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@RieRie (820)
26 Nov 06
I don't feel guilty, even though I'm home more, I tidy up and then people come home from work and just mess it up again, so I get fed up and try to get other people to tidy up too, but I end up doing it all, so I don't have chance to feel guilty about not doing it, cos it always gets done, unless I'm ill.
@mygreyparrot (1461)
• United States
29 Nov 06
I'm 24. No, I don't feel guilty. He can clean it if he doesn't like it LOL.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
29 Nov 06
i am 23 my husband is 30. normally we both work but i am 9 months pregnant right now and well can't work. even though i am home all day and he works he still does his part in the house. which is laundry and the bathrooms. i have been helping out with the laundry but he still does the bulk of it. and as far as the bathrooms he made that choice a long time ago. my deal was he puts the seat down and i clean or i put the seat up and he cleans. people that know me think its funny because i am the only woman in the world that puts the seat UP! i dont feel guilty about not doing every thing and you should not either.
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@nannacroc (4049)
29 Nov 06
It sounds like you've found a real 'new man', they are still few and far between, treassure him.
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@missyd79 (3438)
• United States
30 Nov 06
i would very angry at my husband if i was working all day and he was at home and didn't tidy up the house. Trust me, my marriage went down the tubes because I worked 10 hour days 5 days a week and my husband didn't work at all and our son was in daycare and I would get home and the house was a mess and he wanted me to cook dinner yet, well that didn't fly with me
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@nannacroc (4049)
30 Nov 06
Well done you. I hope you're bringing your son up to do his share.
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@AngelicSouls (228)
• United States
26 Nov 06
I feel guilty if the house is messy. I also feel guilty when my husband offers to "help" I just feel like I should keep it clean. I can't stand a filthy house.
@jillybeans (536)
• United States
30 Nov 06
I am 40 yrs old and I work out of my home and I did feel guilty when hubby would come home and things werent' done but it was because i had gotten really busy with my business, so now I hire someone to come in twice a wk to do the housework and that is my luxury to myself, and I make sure I pay for it out of what i make.
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@nannacroc (4049)
30 Nov 06
Sounds like the ideal solution if you're in a position to afford it.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
27 Nov 06
I don't normally feel guilty. I am the one who is at home but I have the children to look after so it's not like I spend all the time doing nothing. Sometimes if my partner is at work in the evening and the kids are in bed, I feel a bit guilty if I don't do anything but I usually do anyway. Although, when he doesn't help when he is here, I don't see why I should feel bad about not tidying up when most of it is his mess anyway and he doesn't clean up after himself. I think if he wasn't so lazy then I might feel a bit guilty if the house was still messy but then, if he wasn't so lazy, the house wouldn't be so messy because he wouldn't just leave his stuff lying around in the first place.
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@nannacroc (4049)
27 Nov 06
I agree that he should set an example to the children and if he's off work he should at least tidy his own mess.
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@14missy (3183)
• Australia
1 Dec 06
I am the same. My daughter calls me a neat freak. I at least like to have the beds made, washing up done and the floors clean throughout the day. I have learned as my children get older that there is a difference between untidiness and dirty though..
@inkedmama1111 (824)
• United States
28 Nov 06
Well I am only 20 years old, and when my house isn't clean I just don't feel right. I am a clean freak, though. I do all the housework in our home including cooking, laundry, cleaning, and take care of my daughter. My husband changes a diaper now and then, but that's about it. I don't mind, though!
@annsweets (2046)
• United States
29 Nov 06
i don't feel guilty, i just like to keep the house tidy, i make sure the house is clean and tidy before i go to bed
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@DarkD3m0n (321)
• Romania
30 Nov 06
I think some of them do feel guilty but someother don't feel guilty I don't know whom are right !
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