Are There Bullies in Mylot?

Wikimedia Commons
@josie_ (10036)
March 9, 2017 6:32pm CST
Recently I've notice a spate of discussion about members being blocked by other mylot members. One post caught my eye and amusement, prompting me to write a post "JJ Blocked...again". It was meant to be a lighthearted and funny spoof on JJ who took my ribbing in stride. Most of the comments were animated with humor in the spirit of camaraderie. However I was somewhat taken aback by one member's assertion that I was promoting bullying. This got me to ponder on the comment. Is there any validity to the accusation? A "bully" is define as someone who deliberately pick on and harass another person in an intimidating way. Making fun of their disabilities or shortcoming. Does this mean that if you were block, you were guilty of harassment? Or could it be the other way around. Mylot is where you "Make money, Make friends, Have fun!". What happen to civility? . Image: Wikimedia Commons
I read with some amusement a post about someone blocking JJ A side of him can be abrasive. But for me I believe it is part of his charm, this sarcastic humor...
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25 responses
@Morleyhunt (21744)
• Canada
10 Mar 17
I see a lot of discussions that I choose to move past. If I commented with what I actually was thinking they would call me a bully and probably report me.
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@Morleyhunt (21744)
• Canada
10 Mar 17
@josie_ that's because I restrain myself. If I ever let fly....there would be a few people who would probably block me....lynch me....
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
10 Mar 17
@Morleyhunt _ I would probably enjoy your unrestrained banter. If there's a lynch mob in mylot, I hope they ignore me. I'm perfectly harmless. Promise.
@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
10 Mar 17
@Morleyhunt _If people write about topics that are controversial, they should expect diverging opinions. That's what a "discussion" is all about. Unfortunately there are some who post topics not to engage in healthy "give and take" exchange of views, but simply as a kind of "declaration". Woe to those who disagree with their belief and comment otherwise. I've read your comments and a "bully" you're not.
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• United States
10 Mar 17
There are quite a few "characters" here. There is one such "character" that i wholeheartedly ignore. Most seem to find him "charming" or "adorable" whereas I find his antics childish" and "attention seeking." I ignore him, instead of lashing out or stating my opinion, beause it's simply easier to avoid him. Plus I don't really think it's necessary or right to "bully" others. There is one lady here, whom I've recently come to find out more about. I won't state who she is or what I found out, but I will say that she has come across as being somewhat of a "bully." She responded to me not too long ago and said somtehing that was quite insinuating. I simply told her to re-read what I had previously wrote and that was that. She didn't apologize for her behavior and I didn't ask for one. I did report the comment, though I haven't checked to see if it has been deleted. Are there bullies? Sure, there always will be. I don't come across many though.
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
10 Mar 17
@ScribbledAdNauseum _"Bully" is too harsh a description. Some words I can use base on how some people comment here are: holy crusaders, morality censors, uptight no where to go on a Saturday night or people with sphincter muscle problems.
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• United States
10 Mar 17
@josie_ This is definitely a site where one needs to be able to take things lightly.
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• United States
10 Mar 17
@UncleJoe I come across several people here who seem to post just to post. It's clear they are here only for the earnings, though they may choose to deny that. They do post a lot of nonsense. I find myself saying "Who cares?" These are the same people who later post and ask why they aren't getting a lot of responses or how they might get more responses. On top of this, they do not comment back or respond in a way that allows for further discussion. I realize this site is for everyone. There are quite a variety of topics. It disappoints me, however, to see that the majority of topics are rather common.
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@allknowing (134098)
• India
10 Mar 17
As far as I am concerned there is no hiding here how some make no bones about their intense dislike for some and vice versa. We cannot mention names here but if that was allowed I would do so quoting responses and comments made and how different they are depending on who they love and who they hate. You do not have to do anything wrong to be hated but perhaps they just cannot bear the happiness of some here while they are burdened with real life issues.
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@allknowing (134098)
• India
12 Mar 17
@josie_ I have now decided to ignore such taunts and move on.
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
12 Mar 17
@allknowing _Some come to mylot to help relieve the daily stress or to give vent to their problems and frustrations. But decorum should be observed when interacting with fellow members.
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• Eugene, Oregon
10 Mar 17
Maybe I am in the nice part of the site, but I have seen no name calling at all here.
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
10 Mar 17
@JamesHxstatic _ Mylot is a great place to be in. I hope it continues to attract nice people like you.
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• Eugene, Oregon
10 Mar 17
@josie_ Well, thank you!
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@NJChicaa (119104)
• United States
10 Mar 17
I haven't seen name calling (except directed at me recently) but I tend to miss a lot of stuff on here.
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• United States
10 Mar 17
@josie_ The person took what NJ said in a harsh manner. Honestly I think it was blown out proportion, but meh.
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@NJChicaa (119104)
• United States
10 Mar 17
@josie_ no it was by someone who blocked me
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
10 Mar 17
@NJChicaa _Was it in a teasing and playful manner with no disparagement imputed?
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
10 Mar 17
That's too bad, but you can't make all of the people happy all of the time... I know I made a comment on a member's discussion - it had reminded me of something in my own life. I got promptly told that "that isn't what this post is about" which was funny since, it kinda was. So I apologized and now avoid that person. When I post, I hope that it will inspire people to remember things... but evidently this person want discussion to be strictly 100% what he wangts.
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@ridingbet (66854)
• Philippines
13 Mar 17
same with me,'you should agree with me or else'...
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
11 Mar 17
@FayeHazel _That you even consider apologizing despite their rebuke says you're a nice person. It was their lost not yours.
@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
10 Mar 17
Oh my, oh my, I went back to the post and I see that this opened a Pandora box. Are there bullies on this site...??? Nooo, of course no
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@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
11 Mar 17
@josie_ This is true and here nobody can say to have been really bullied. I do not block people, if I disagree with someone I skip their discussions.
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
11 Mar 17
@LadyDuck _ That would depend on your definition of a bully.
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
12 Mar 17
@LadyDuck _We're here to have fun and make friends. Arguments doesn't do that.
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• United States
10 Mar 17
I would not consider blocking someone as calling would be bullying.
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
12 Mar 17
@AbbyGreenhill _Name calling is verbal abuse. A crude way to win an argument.
@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
31 Mar 17
That's what I want to do here - make friends and have fun. Rather than get into an argument I just move on. I don't think blocking can be taken as bullying, as they are just removing themselves from possible conflict. I've never blocked anyone, ignoring works for me.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
31 Mar 17
@josie_ True
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
31 Mar 17
@jaboUK _That would be called in military parlance a preemptive strike. But for gardeners like you it would be to "nip in the bud" before things escalate.
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@akalinus (42874)
• United States
10 Mar 17
Some people will take things wrong or be terribly offended by something no matter what you say or do. You can't fix that.
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@akalinus (42874)
• United States
13 Mar 17
@josie_ There are people I steer clear of, but not many. I really like most of the people I have met on myLot.
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
11 Mar 17
@akalinus _Our only recourse is to avoid them.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
10 Mar 17
I think myLot is just like real life. You slowly get to know people and consequently start to know exactly what you can and can't say to different individuals. At the end of the day this is supposed to be a bit of fun for everyone and I think we all need to occasionally take a step back and think before we press that 'Respond' button.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
10 Mar 17
@Bluedoll I have no issue with anyone writing exactly what is on their mind as long as they are prepared to accept that other people also have the right to do so. Cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and sometimes can lead to individuals just not being prepared to accept that others have a right to express an opinion no matter how much that goes against their own cultural beliefs. I'd like to think we are all adults here and can rub along reasonably civilly despite all of our differences.
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
11 Mar 17
@Bluedoll _Children are more honest and have lesser hang-ups compare to adults.
@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
11 Mar 17
@WorDazza _I try to gauge the tone of the posted article to find some inkling to the writer's frame of mind. how they feel about the subject matter they want to discuss. Can I express an opposing view (tactfully) or should I tread lightly to avoid turning it into a who's right who's wrong debate that usually end up leaving a sour taste in one's mouth.
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@ridingbet (66854)
• Philippines
11 Mar 17
i believe there are some bullies here, and it is in one's perception on how he can defend himself against these bullies. as for me, i can defend myself with my own style. happy to note that the Scorpio is me comes to life when i am bullied, in person or in writing.
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@ridingbet (66854)
• Philippines
13 Mar 17
@josie_ yes, me too.
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
12 Mar 17
@ridingbet _ I would hate to be stung by a scorpion.
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• India
15 Mar 17
I have not encountered such,but yes it should be the most beautiful platform where knowledge and friends are welcome,people should not involve in unsocial acts
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• India
16 Mar 17
@josie_ thats make it a loving and benign platform,i agree u
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
15 Mar 17
@abhinalstrikr _Those people are the exception. Most mylot members are here to make friends.
@diosabella (4789)
10 Mar 17
JJ is just being JJ. He's funny and spot's right on. Some people can be sensitive that they think they were being "attack" and take it negatively. All I know is that bullying will not happen as long as you won't let it. We can't always be thinking of how the person will feel in every word that comes out in our mouth if we are just pointing out our own ideas.
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
14 Mar 17
@diosabella _Bullies are cowards by nature. You just have to stand your ground and assert your rights.
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
15 Mar 17
@diosabella _Some people are onion skin and to be "handle with care least they break.
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15 Mar 17
@josie_ And bullying is very much different with sarcasm. I never been bullied here but I saw some comments that some people thinks they are being bullied but in my opinion it was just direst to the point kind of thing. They were either too sensitive or wanting attention.
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
10 Mar 17
Personally sometimes I feel as if I am back in Grade school when I see things happening like this here or especially Facebook. So someone blocks someone. So what? Be an adult and just move on.
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
14 Mar 17
@josie_ Anywhere anymore and it is so Sad.
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
14 Mar 17
@KrauseHome _Adults acting like children are not adults.
@Debscrochet (1947)
• United States
10 Mar 17
Wow. I guess i have been away for a while.
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• United States
10 Mar 17
@josie_ Thank you
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
10 Mar 17
@Debscrochet _Welcome back.
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@Shavkat (138746)
• Philippines
10 Mar 17
I am sure there are some. But then, mylotters are more bully in the old version. I am a victim of this particular person.
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@Shavkat (138746)
• Philippines
10 Mar 17
@josie_ I don't mind about it. I am not new in this kind of behaviour.
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
10 Mar 17
@Shavkat _Sorry to hear you were harassed, but I'm glad the practice has lessen in the new mylot.
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@Lucky15 (37374)
• Philippines
10 Mar 17
If i am blocked, well, i can just shrug t off :))
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
11 Mar 17
@Lucky15 _That would be the best solution.
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@tzwrites (4835)
• Romania
10 Mar 17
Nah, I don't think it is bullying...but people can take it however they like.
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
11 Mar 17
@tzwrites _Some are overly sensitive and it's better to err on the side of caution.
@Prshnth (907)
• Bangalore, India
10 Mar 17
i did found one guy who argues for every thing.......but a long ago.......
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
11 Mar 17
@Prshnth _Probably left mylot because people started avoiding his discussions.
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