Awoken by a car crash

United States
April 5, 2017 6:21am CST
A car crash woke me up, it was so loud it felt like an earthquake. Turns out there was a car crash a house away. I woke my parents up and we went to peek outside. Neighbors gathered out and my dad went out also. It looks like a driver hit a parked car, a neighbors. Everyone's okay, my heart was racing! Such a scary moment. Ambulance came and left immediately which means there was no harm. The street is lit up with police though. It's 4 in the morning! Back to bed I go.
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32 responses
@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
5 Apr 17
It is always scary when you get awaken that way. I am glad to hear that everybody is okay. I hope you can get back to sleep.
3 people like this
• United States
5 Apr 17
It was very scary. At first when I heard it. I didn't think it was an actual car accident. Thought it was an earthquake. Then I looked on my phone since we have cameras out front and saw someone flickering flash lights or something. Night vision cameras isn't that great but I knew something was wrong. So I woke my parents up and sure enough , a driver hit a parked car Glad everyone's okay. They're towing the cars and cleaning up still very loud. Good morning to you there! I'm going catch some sleep before actually waking up now
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• United States
5 Apr 17
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@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
5 Apr 17
@infatuatedbby Talk to you later!
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@Courtlynn (67094)
• United States
5 Apr 17
Glad noone was hurt but bet it was scary
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• United States
5 Apr 17
It was since it was so close to home. My mom & I was hoping no one was injured but good sign when ambulance came, all is okay and they left so that was a good sign. And no one else injured as it was a parked car the driver hit. I wonder why the driver didn't see?
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@Courtlynn (67094)
• United States
5 Apr 17
@HAPPSINGH no. .i live in Massachusetts. Its just morning here now.
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• United States
5 Apr 17
@Courtlynn Good morning you're 3 hours ahead. I'm still on pacific standard time :)
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@much2say (54866)
• Los Angeles, California
8 Apr 17
Oh my! Well good that no one was hurt . . . but well, there are still the injured cars! My parents house has a flood control behind their yard and then a busy main street close to an intersection . . . so when I was growing up, we heard and saw A LOT of car accidents . . . a few in which a car actually went into the flood control!!
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@much2say (54866)
• Los Angeles, California
8 Apr 17
@infatuatedbby I'm sure it was scary to hear that car crash - especially since you are on a quiet street. If it happened just before 4am, yah maybe the person was drunk or fell asleep. Were any of your cars parked out front too?
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• United States
8 Apr 17
@much2say Yes it happened around 3:45AM. There were several cars, but the car hit only one. In fact.. my fiancé had just parked his car there in the evening. But we decided he drive his car home instead or else.. it could have been hit too !
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• United States
8 Apr 17
Eek that is crazy! There are a lot of car accidents on the main road which is a few corners away but never on our street. Our street is usually quiet & the road is wide so I have NO idea how this person lost control, or whatever he was on, doing, drunk, texting??? But glad no one was hurt however a car and his was injured!
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@Shavkat (137842)
• Philippines
5 Apr 17
I will also feel so startled. It is a good thing no one hurts.
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• United States
6 Apr 17
Yes I was since it was close to home. I am glad also.
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• United States
7 Apr 17
@Shavkat My mom thought it was an earthquake also. My dad heard it but didnt know.
@Shavkat (137842)
• Philippines
6 Apr 17
@infatuatedbby I hope your parents don't have a heart disease.
@moffittjc (120964)
• Gainesville, Florida
6 Apr 17
I gotten woken up the other night at about 3:30 in the morning by what sounded like a sonic boom! Never did find out what it was, but it was loud enough to wake me up and shake my windows!
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• United States
8 Apr 17
@moffittjc I think it could be the navy testing missiles. We have that here too' and controlled burning for tests.
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• United States
7 Apr 17
Oh no! That is scary. I wonder what that was =(
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@moffittjc (120964)
• Gainesville, Florida
8 Apr 17
@infatuatedbby I never did figure out what it was. Maybe it wasn't a sonic boom, but it sure sounded like it by the windows rattled. For all I know, it could have been the US Navy test-firing a cruise missile over north Florida. Every now and then, they will fire one off of a ship in the Atlantic Ocean and it will fly over Florida and hit a target in the Gulf of Mexico.
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@teamfreak16 (43418)
• Denver, Colorado
5 Apr 17
That's kind of a rude awakening. Wonder if the driver had been drinking.
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• United States
5 Apr 17
I have no clue but he hit hard! There are skid marks all over and the parked car was pushed literally 2 houses down
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• United States
5 Apr 17
@teamfreak16 I have no clue at all. I did overhear he mentioned that it was cloudy. There was no fog what so ever unless he was saying he has no defrost button and it's foggy from his breathing!
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@teamfreak16 (43418)
• Denver, Colorado
5 Apr 17
@infatuatedbby - Wow. How do you do that if you aren't drinking. Wow.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
5 Apr 17
That happened to us once, the guy across the street backed out of his driveway and right into our car. It didn't wake us up though.
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• United States
6 Apr 17
@infatuatedbby I think it did. This was a long time ago
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• United States
5 Apr 17
Oh wow! I hope insurance covered everything!
• United States
7 Apr 17
@katsmeow1213 Good to hear and never again =)
@marguicha (220158)
• Chile
5 Apr 17
It is difficult to go back to sleep after that.
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@marguicha (220158)
• Chile
5 Apr 17
@infatuatedbby I imagine so. In that sense it was worse than an earthquake. Usually I´m asleep less than half an hour after the quake.
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• United States
5 Apr 17
@marguicha yeah I slept shortly after The tow truck was there for a long time
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• United States
5 Apr 17
Yes.. one hour later still awake. They're towing the cars so it's still loud as well as investigating the scene.
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@sjvg1976 (41244)
• Delhi, India
6 Apr 17
Was that driver drunk or was he in sleep? Thanks that he did not get injured.
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• United States
6 Apr 17
@sjvg1976 It could be a possibility!
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• United States
6 Apr 17
I have no clue. He mentioned to the police it was cloudy but there was not fog at that time..
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@sjvg1976 (41244)
• Delhi, India
6 Apr 17
@infatuatedbby he may hit a nap that may be the reason of collision I feel.
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@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
6 Apr 17
I used to live right by a spot that had a lot of accidents. Never again. Glad the people involved are OK.
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• United States
7 Apr 17
Yeah there are a lot of accidents a street away because people drive fast but this is the first by our house.
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• United States
8 Apr 17
@Jackalyn Yes, but glad its over with now.
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@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
7 Apr 17
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@ricki_911 (21625)
• Toronto, Ontario
6 Apr 17
Probably drinking and driving.
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• United States
7 Apr 17
@ricki_911 That is a possibility or texting also.
• United States
7 Apr 17
That could be the possibility, the driver stuck around and I dont know what happen after if they ran test on him or not?
@ricki_911 (21625)
• Toronto, Ontario
7 Apr 17
@infatuatedbby Most times in the morning its drinking and driving, or could of been malfunction of car.
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@sol_cee (38219)
• Philippines
6 Apr 17
For all you know it's just a dream. Lol
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• United States
6 Apr 17
It happened though!
• United States
6 Apr 17
@sol_cee Yes, I was thank you :)
@sol_cee (38219)
• Philippines
6 Apr 17
@infatuatedbby of course. Good thing you could go back to dreamland.
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@sunrisefan (28524)
• Philippines
5 Apr 17
Good thing there seemed to be no human injury except probably the driver of the car who might have had some bruises. Catch up with your sleep, Ms. Michelle :)
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• United States
6 Apr 17
Thanks I lost about 2 hours of sleep but I am okay. I was shook because my fiancé had just left his car there and we decided he'll drive it home instead of park it in front of the house! Crazy!
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• United States
8 Apr 17
@sunrisefan He didn't park there He was going To but I told him to take the car home Thankfully
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@sunrisefan (28524)
• Philippines
6 Apr 17
@infatuatedbby It's good it was not your boyfriend's car that was smashed into.
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@dhoyalahoy (1414)
• Philippines
6 Apr 17
Car and accidents are normal nowadays. We should be more vigilant
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• United States
6 Apr 17
Yes there are a lot of car accidents. It'd be nice if people were more careful.
• United States
6 Apr 17
@dhoyalahoy Thank you! You too!
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• Philippines
6 Apr 17
@infatuatedbby Yes right. Take care always
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
5 Apr 17
We are sorry to hear that a car crash disturbed your sleep during wee hours. Good to hear that no one was injured. May be the driver could not control his car and hit the parked car?
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
5 Apr 17
@infatuatedbby He might have been in an inebriated condition.
• United States
5 Apr 17
It's okay, happy no one was injured and it was a parked car. I'm not sure why the driver or how it's possible. But the driver hit the parked car hard enough it was pushed down the street. About 2 houses worth..
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@youless (112366)
• Guangzhou, China
7 Apr 17
Fortunately nobody was hurt in this case. It was so horrible to hear that anyway.
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• United States
7 Apr 17
Yeah it was! I am glad everyone is ok.
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@Nawsheen (28643)
• Mauritius
5 Apr 17
Even i would have been scared if something like that happened during the night. Fortunately no one was hurt. Maybe the other driver was feeling sleepy too and collided with the other car
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@Nawsheen (28643)
• Mauritius
10 Apr 17
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• United States
6 Apr 17
I am glad no one was hurt also. It would be very scary if someone was.
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@LadyDuck (467585)
• Switzerland
5 Apr 17
It happened a couple of times when I lived in Monte-Carlo, surely drunk people who spent the night in the Casino.
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• United States
5 Apr 17
No casino nearby but I'm shocked. My entire life never had we experience this. I'm not sure how the driver hit the parked car. The street is quite wide. The driver hit the car and dragged the car about two homes worth further.
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• United States
5 Apr 17
@LadyDuck wow! Yeah could be. It's impossible I overheard someone saying it was cloudy. There's no fog at the moment.....
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@tzwrites (4835)
• Romania
5 Apr 17
That must've been scary to hear in the middle of the night. Lucky that nobody was injured.
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• United States
6 Apr 17
It was! I am glad no one was hurt as well.
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@tzwrites (4835)
• Romania
6 Apr 17
@infatuatedbby The driver probably lost control of the car
@ShifaLk (17817)
• India
6 Apr 17
O my goodness! thanks GOD all is safe n well
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• United States
7 Apr 17
Yes I agree =) I am glad everyone is safe.
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