Crossing The Border April 1, 2017

April 5, 2017 6:56am CST
I didn't think I would have any problem. But in the back of my brain I was seeing the news where Canadians were not allowed to cross the border. Many had to hand over their cell phones to be checked to see what they were saying about the new president. I was a bit nervous because I think the new president is a flaming narcissist who will be impeached before he can cause World War III. But I am also an American with the status of duel Citizenship. I delivered my art to the store in Niagara On The Lake and headed for the border. I crossed at the Queenston – Lewiston Bridge. Its been a while since I crossed at that bridge over the Niagara River and there were flashing light aimed at me because I was driving 50 MPH and the limit on the bridge was 35 MPH. Oops! I slowed down and got to the American side quickly and the lines of cars waiting to go through the border were 3 or 4 at each lane (about 15 lanes). That's a very short wait. When its my turn I creeped up to the kiosk, the Border Patrol man stepped out of his space and by then had already had my car plates in the computer and he knew my name. I handed my American Passport to a guard younger than my sons. He asked me my citizenship and I said dual, he looked startled – I might have been his first... He asked my reason for entering the the US today and I said gas and groceries. He handed me my passport and said have a nice day. I said Thanks and took off..... It was easy and now I am glad my first cross over since the election of an idiot into the white house is over, I will not be nervous the next time... The photo is the bridge I crossed but it was taken months ago from the Canadian side, looking up.
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39 responses
@dodo19 (47268)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
5 Apr 17
Things are changing and it can be worrisome to cross the Canadian/American border. You never know what may happen. My husband and his best friend are planning to go down to the States this weekend and I am a little worried about how things are going to go. I hope things go well.
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• Canada
5 Apr 17
If he is actively into the trump thing, he shoudl not take his phone with him, If he's not, there will be no problem.
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@dodo19 (47268)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
5 Apr 17
@PainsOnSlate No, he's not into the Trump thing. He hasn't said anything against him. So, that's something in his favour.
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• Canada
5 Apr 17
@dodo19 yes it is in his favour, from what I've read the border guards are looking for those who could be crossing to cause trouble.
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@Fleura (29677)
• United Kingdom
5 Apr 17
When I lived in the US I went to a conference in Toronto. As I arrived on a flight a day early I decided to do a bit of sight-seeing; I rented a car and drove to Niagara falls. But once there, I got confused by the road signs and found myself on the road to the border, which was just one lane wide with concrete barriers on either side, so impossible to stop or turn around, I had to go on. At the border into the US I was pretty much just waved through (this was in 1999 or 2000) so I carried on and decided to have a look at the American side. It didn't take long, so shortly afterwards I headed back into Canada. The border guards there were much more strict. They looked at my British passport, my American visa, then my Canadian-registered car. They asked where I had come from; I said Toronto. They asked where I lived; I said the USA. They asked if I was a resident; I said no I wasn't, so they asked where I was a resident of, and I told them I wasn't officially a resident anywhere, I was categorized as a 'non-resident alien'. They looked at me as if I was a bit batty. I said 'I know, crazy isn't it? I live there, but I'm not classed as a resident, but I don't live anywhere else, so I'm not resident anywhere, but I only just crossed the border an hour ago and I have to return this car I just rented this morning and go to a conference tomorrow!' Maybe they thought I was a harmless British eccentric but they let me in anyway. It does seem odd though that border guards are not familiar with the different classes of citizenship/residency/whatever-you-call-it status that they are likely to encounter.
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@Fleura (29677)
• United Kingdom
5 Apr 17
@PainsOnSlate It's impossible to say isn't it? And the people who are natural citizens of a country are normally the ones who know least about the immigration/border control rules. I certainly don't know whether Britain confers the status of 'non-resident alien' on anyone. As to the falls, you are right, the Canadian side is much nicer, and not just the view of the falls either : )
2 people like this
• Canada
7 Apr 17
@computerguy1980 thanks for the comment but I disagree with you, I think he is an idiot. (my personal opinion)
• Canada
5 Apr 17
Your being a Brit helped you that day, back then Canada was very proud of their Brit connection, They still are but crossing the border can be a problem. The views of the falls are best from the Canadian side, I hope you got to see them from both sides.
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@hereandthere (45645)
• Philippines
5 Apr 17
i have a relative that came home with his family for his parent's anniversary. they were slightly worried about the trip back to the us, but thankfully there were no problems.
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• Canada
12 Apr 17
I'm glad to hear that, I hope it stays that way from now on..
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
5 Apr 17
I have read that the idiot is calling for stricter rules for the European to come to the United States even as tourists. No problem, I stay home.
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@Jotomy (6322)
• India
6 Apr 17
my relatives and my friends are staying there, but don't know the situation whats going on there.
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@Jotomy (6322)
• India
6 Apr 17
@PainsOnSlate most of the Indian afraid. My relatives are having green card and they become citizens but my friends who recently went to US for higher studies are in confusion.
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• Canada
6 Apr 17
@Jotomy It is a bit scary in the US right now. Crazy stuff going on and most of it is so wrong!
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@jaboUK (64355)
• United Kingdom
5 Apr 17
I'm glad that you had no problem, but have any of your friends (that don't have dual nationality) had trouble?
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• Canada
7 Apr 17
It was on the news right after Trumps election that people were not allowed or turned back because of their nationality (Muslim), some not allowed to cross because they were going to walk with the women against Trump, many little things in the local news shows often people are turned away, but no one that I know has had the problem. The schools and athletic organizations, scouts have been stopped by Canada from traveling to the US so the young people will not be discriminated against and embarrassed by being turned back to Canada. Its not a comfortable idea to have Trump doing stupid things to our children.
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@Morleyhunt (21743)
• Canada
12 Apr 17
@PainsOnSlate I crossed the day after the inauguration. It was a quick easy extra qurstions. So many people cause their own problems...answer their questions honestly. If the catch you in a lie....then the fun begins....if they catch you once, you are now on their...examine more closely list.
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@Happy2BeMe (99355)
• Canada
5 Apr 17
It is good that you had no problem crossing the border. You never know each time you go through. It seems to depend on who you get and what kind of mood they are in. I haven't been across since Trump got in but before that there were times when there was no problems and other times where I was pulled over and had the car searched and had to fill in a bunch of paperwork.
7 people like this
• Canada
8 Apr 17
I haven't been pulled over in years but I must have a honest face and I'm older than dirt so that may be the reason.... When I was younger I was asked a lot more questions than I get now...
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@Happy2BeMe (99355)
• Canada
8 Apr 17
@PainsOnSlate yes that seems to be the way. I always get anxious and I guess it shows.
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@marguicha (219883)
• Chile
6 Apr 17
It is such a shame that people have to be afraid or nervous when going for gas. I remember the days of Pinochet in my country
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@marguicha (219883)
• Chile
12 Apr 17
@PainsOnSlate Noone should be nervous, even the first time. Imagine the children that go to school in the Middle East countries!
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• Canada
12 Apr 17
It was so easy to cross, I was just nervous but I won't be in the future..
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@Juliaacv (50051)
• Canada
5 Apr 17
That is a relief that you were successful both ways in crossing. Now hopefully, there will be nothing to fear, hopefully.
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• Canada
9 Apr 17
I realize I didn't need to worry but now that I know its the same for me, I won't be worried again.
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
5 Apr 17
I don't think it's Canada that's the problem. Although there are people that do try to get in illegally from there sometimes, it's not the hot spot (temperature-wise as well). I wonder how it is effecting the buses that come down to go to Holiday Valley to ski. They used to have specials for Canadians coming down in big groups, but that was a long time ago that I was last aware of it. I guess it would be harder to ski in groups. Odd that you should mention the WW3 comment. Most people that I know voted for him because they were worried about Hillary causing it. I guess each group assumes that that is the legitimate threat. But for a man who has businesses that hinge on the international peace of the world, starting a world war would be the last thing that would be helpful for him. So I don't think that will happen.
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
5 Apr 17
@everwonderwhy Thank you. It is good to look at the world with the perspective of logic and not emotion. How would a business man think considering his stance in the world? I'm sure he is just a one term president, so he will certainly need his position in the business world after office too. If he causes something that destroys everything he's worked for, then what was the point of getting elected in the first place?
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• Canada
7 Apr 17
@OneOfMany I skied at Holiday Valley for years when I first moved to Canada. Loved it until I needed knee surgery...Crossing the border back then late at night was always fun, we were always checked, looked in our ski bags to make sure we weren't sneaking stuff across the border... it was just a part of our day, One of our buddies was a Brit and his passport slowed us down many times. The only reason I mentioned WW3 is because this man is a flaming narcissist who has no filters, no real education or smarts and you never know what he will do. As far as being a good business man, his history of law suits makes that not so good either.
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5 Apr 17
Cool and objective comment.
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@bluesa (15022)
• Johannesburg, South Africa
5 Apr 17
@PainsOnSlate , all the uncertainty is scary, good everything went smoothly for you.
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@bluesa (15022)
• Johannesburg, South Africa
8 Apr 17
@PainsOnSlate that's good
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• Canada
7 Apr 17
It hasn't changed for me, That is what my triop across showed me so I will not be worried about crossing again..
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
5 Apr 17
I think it is the uncertainly that makes you nervous. Not knowing what you might or might not have done that you should or should not have. It's good that you have that first crossing safely over.
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• Canada
8 Apr 17
@JudyEv I was nervous a bit not knowing how much it has changed. but there was no change that I experienced so I'm good to go whenever I want to... happily!
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
9 Apr 17
@PainsOnSlate It can be a bit intimidating not knowing what to expect. I'm glad there were no issues.
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@fishtiger58 (29820)
• Momence, Illinois
5 Apr 17
I'm glad you had no problems. I hope all this mess gets straightened out. Canadians should not be hassled about coming to the US.
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• Canada
8 Apr 17
I agree, but we can thank Trump for this happening.
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@fishtiger58 (29820)
• Momence, Illinois
10 Apr 17
@PainsOnSlate Yes indeed we can
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@thelme55 (76645)
• Germany
5 Apr 17
OMG! It just reminded me of the American movie where the West Germans were controlled in the border going to East Germany. Terrifying.
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• Canada
13 Apr 17
That sounds scary. That doesn't happen here.
5 Apr 17
It's good that you were able to cross over. Unless you are an illegal alien with criminal intentions to either Canadian citizens or American citizens. The President of the United States is simply keeping his promise to the American people to protect and secure safety against illegal criminals entering back and forth from and into USA.
4 people like this
• Canada
12 Apr 17
I was worried because of some thing that happened to people trying to get to the states from Quebec.But there is no problem for me. The President is not a favorite from many who didn't vote for him and even more from those who voted for him. It will be interesting to see how much damage he does before being impeached or his stint comes to an end.
@divalounger (5912)
• United States
5 Apr 17
I am glad you had such an easy time--I worry about the same thing for all these kids choirs that are going overseas and coming back--although you would think that no one would detain a child--and I agree that the US in in trouble --hope we all find our way clear soon
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• Canada
7 Apr 17
Me too, its nerve racking to have an idiot as president.
@Butchcass4 (5895)
• United States
5 Apr 17
That must have been stressful for you!
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• Canada
12 Apr 17
It was silly to be nervous but now I know that nothing is much different from before Trump and I hope iot stays that way.
@sol_cee (38219)
• Philippines
6 Apr 17
You had me nervous there.
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• Canada
12 Apr 17
We both didn't need to be nervous - it was easy!
@Kandae11 (54677)
5 Apr 17
These days, you never know what's next.
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• Canada
9 Apr 17
Its pretty scary to just watch the news. @Kandae11
@tom_view (6445)
• Kolkata, India
5 Apr 17
a great experience.
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• Canada
12 Apr 17
it was interesting.
@Shwetasingh (1333)
5 Apr 17
That's good you didnt have trouble.
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• Canada
12 Apr 17
I am grateful it was easy and pleasant, as it should be.
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