Lower crime rate here in the Philippines because of War on Drugs

Davao, Philippines
April 7, 2017 5:52am CST
Hi, MyLot people, This is what's happening in my country: See the graph that came from the PNP themselves (not according to a biased blog called Rappler) and judge for yourselves. Reference: https://youtu.be/DgpAOY_H_38 At least, the way it looks to me is that the innocents and law abiding citizens are safer now compared to the previous administration. And I like it! Hopefully, the situation won't change back where the innocents are being abused and killed on the streets and crimes happen in front of police stations due to our government officials' incompetence. Please don't be fooled by people who tell you that Philippines is facing another Martial Law. No, Philippines is healing and we're getting better. There's just this cancer that's fighting the change that's happening within our society. Please do your research carefully and deeply. Philippines is doing better now than it ever did in the course of our history.
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4 responses
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
7 Apr 17
If there is one thing this administration did right is to lower crime rate, I had observed that even in our place. Well as for other things, we leave it for Filipinos to decide
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
7 Apr 17
@dhoyalahoy so what exactly is your point that you want to bring up?
• Philippines
7 Apr 17
@louievill I just answer your last part. Let the people decide (cast opinion)
• Philippines
7 Apr 17
Let's be fair in seeing the situation. Yes you are right. We can't deny that there are decisions that make us puzzle. like the islands territory, tho it's hard to war against China still what we can do is to protest. No one can fight for us. US? Are they willing to die for us? No nations are willing to die for us. Laws for people have been passed and we enjoy the benefits. About the EJK, the abusive policemen are the responsible for that.
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• Philippines
8 Apr 17
Of course, the media will never report it anything that make a good positive impact on the country. I've known the media to be bias since 2010 election. Unfortunately, I had to vote for the yellow candidates because of my mom, but I knew first hand Duterte was going to win. Im happy we have internet and social media now, unfortunately not every one uses internet to get other sources of news.
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• Davao, Philippines
21 Oct 17
Too true. I too am glad that we're working with computers and the web now. We can only get proper news from limited sources. Even though verifying them takes a bit of time, I'd rather have this than stay in the dark and be used in someone's political agenda because of my ignorance. I've also noticed that the mainstream media usually ask stupid questions. That's why I stopped even watching them unless I really have to view them just for the sake of verifying stuff.
@Shavkat (140362)
• Philippines
7 Apr 17
I am not going to say things about it.
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• Davao, Philippines
15 Oct 17
Good for you. Sometimes it's wiser to keep one's silence than speaking about something one has no full-hand knowledge about, because most of the time small to little information is misinformation. And misinformation is more often than not dangerous in times like these.
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@Shavkat (140362)
• Philippines
16 Oct 17
@SinfulRose I agree. I am not into politics in the first place. As much as possible, I will not involve into something.
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@Shavkat (140362)
• Philippines
21 Oct 17
@SinfulRose Thank you for understanding. I am just going to be watchful and hope for the best in our country. One thing for sure, I don't like our president.
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@dhoyalahoy (1414)
• Philippines
7 Apr 17
It's hard to conquer a nation. If we're going to read history; No Kingdom took another kingdom without spilling of blood. This is what's happening. Where people are looking for a change but doesn't want to see a blood. It's a cruel way to win a nation. Plus factor, the corrupt officials who are looking for ways and chances to bring down the ruler of the nation. It's hard to conclude yet. But it's better compare to previous administration.
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• Davao, Philippines
7 Apr 17
I don't see anything that says "conquering a nation" here. But let's go with that thought. The President is quite popular among his constituents because of his ability to take responsibility and take seriously his position in government--even when he was still a mayor. That means, he's a man of his word--unlike the common politicians Philippines unfortunately had in the past. He doesn't think lightly of the oath he had taken when he took his government position. And he had a very good track record. And that's why the people themselves came down to Davao City, in the heart of Mindanao--a place of constant wars and conflicts, and asked this guy to run for President for years. And when I say the people, I mean also the OFWs. They woed this guy and kept at it even when they a lot of "no" from him. There's just this small group of people (who have money and other types of monetary resources) who wants to keep themselves safe from the law and escape the fate of taking responsibility for their incompetence. Because this guy, the once mayor--now president--was a lawyer and prosecutor and he's hellbent at upholding the law. That means going after those people who made Philippines experience those horrors in the past, where the innocents and law abiding citizens are placed in danger because criminals are hovering the streets even in broad daylight--upholding same laws in the present and the future. And thus, this small group of people wants this guy out of the picture because they know they did something they shouldn't. And what they're doing now is destroying his image in the local and international communities, not to mention killing their people below and saying it's all EJK--thus also hoping to destroy the good things that this guy had done so far... And they want people to love them again? Am I getting it right? :)
• Philippines
7 Apr 17
@SinfulRose Absolutely right. No changes if corrupt people say no. They will fight till they get back the power.
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