Living in the past

United States
April 11, 2017 2:19pm CST
I have been married for 26 years. recently we moved back to the east coast to help her elderly parents as caretakers to a business.The one thing I noticed about them is they love to live in the past. golden oldies moves, old time music ,etc. I asked them about the most recent movies or music but they don't seem interested. but as soon as the older things come on, there is nothing better. I like my 80s music and movies but I am not gonna not avoid the recent movies and music. The past is ok as long as you are not stuck in the past. Where is marty mcfly when you need him?
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6 responses
• Jamaica
11 Apr 17
I am 25 years old and to be honest I actually hate where the "now" is and where its going. If staying in the past makes them happy and comforts them then I totally respect that. I hate where music is going and how people spend their time selfie taking and just being all about themselves and selfish. Being 25 and thinking this may sound weird but I miss songs in the early 2000 that used to make sense and were very clearly understood and had meaning. they weren't a bag of hashtags and unintelligent statements. Movies oh geez less interesting and very predictable but everyone has their own voice so I respect all.
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• United States
11 Apr 17
yes the 2000 era was great for music and movies. I enjoy some of the music today but a lot of it I can do without
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• Tanzania
11 Apr 17
you have not made a clear and understable presentation.You better get used to recheck and analyse what you wanna mean by then.its a matter of all and about crashing what you have said earlier, thats no good at all.Analyse before speaking to your fellow men
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• United States
11 Apr 17
I was just giving my opinion on what I think.
@jaboUK (64355)
• United Kingdom
11 Apr 17
I've been married twice as long as you, and it's not a question of living in the past - it's a case of differing tastes. It's natural to think the movies and music from when we were young is better.
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• United States
11 Apr 17
Totally understand with you. I just think everything deserves a chance
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@Meramar (2695)
12 Apr 17
When you get a certain age, many persons return mentally to their youth. About the music, personally I also prefer the music of the 80' and 90', but I also listen to modern music. But, if listening to music belonging to a generation when you were young, how would you call to those persons who not only like classic music, but love to listen to Mozart, Beethoven, Bach....from a generation they never belonged to? Listening to music is a case of likes and opinions.
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• United States
12 Apr 17
I like alot of the music of the 80's and 90's to. I also like some of the new music these days.
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@Meramar (2695)
12 Apr 17
@Metsrock69 Every period has got something nice!
12 Apr 17
I have met people like this. They prefer to stay with the 1960's style haircuts and can not move with the times. My friend loved the swinging 1930's. She still looks back and says "what a wonderful error don't you think! Such beautiful costumes!" I just nod and agree.
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• United States
12 Apr 17
That sounds like a good idea. just nod and agree.
12 Apr 17
Anyone else know of any examples?
• Philippines
12 Apr 17
I think you are right. Yeah there are times that I am also thinking that living in the past is better, but I think we should you the things that were happened in the past for us to have a good time today and a better future
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• United States
12 Apr 17
I can understand that. I guess the more comments I get, the more I understand why people do it.
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• Philippines
13 Apr 17
@Metsrock69 : I think the reason why people do it is because there is something or someone in the past that gave them the the greatest impact of their lives that memory molded who they are in this present time. It could be a good or worst memory, for example, When a woman was raped when she is just a child, maybe she will forgive the person who did that to her but she will never 'forget" it.