Cat Lovers?
By thedragon
@thedragon (115)
South Africa
53 responses
@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
22 Oct 06
I adore cats, at the time being I have 5 kitties. Three of them are males, and two of them are females. They are really very cute, cuddly creatures. I do see why people dislike the fact of 'brought home thropies' such as half-eaten mice, etc. Luckily none of my cats ever did so, which is why I can't give my opinion on it (even though I think it must gross you out). I've added a pic of one of my kitties! :)
@thedragon (115)
• South Africa
22 Oct 06
He/She's gorgeous! Looks a bit like our Tigger, only Tigger's more grey and less black. You wait and see: They'll bring their trophies, usually at night, and leave it in the passage for you to step on in the dark! Our Roachie's latest party trick is to bring SNAKES into the house!
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@thedragon (115)
• South Africa
23 Oct 06
Roachie is half Domestic / half African Wild Cat. That's what they eat in the wild, snakes. But he spends more time rooting in the fridge than hunting his own grub. Must admit, he hasn't brought in anything he can't handle. A few Heralds (non-poisonous) and a few Nightadders (poisonous, but sluggish, nonagressive and never grows bigger than +-40cm) We live on a farm, and are used to all sorts of creepy crawlies. If we get to them in time, we can usually save the snake, otherwise The Roach will play it to pieces and then discards it. He's almost 2 now and still acts like a baby.
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@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
23 Oct 06
I see, living on a farm sounds great. We haven't got (many) snakes in Holland, so I'm not used to that at all. The African wild part explains a lot :)
I loved reading this story and it made it a lot more clear, I'm going to give you a + on this one ;)
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@PiNkKiSsEs023 (594)
• United States
22 Oct 06
i love cats got two minnie and mickey. one is a turkish van :)
@thedragon (115)
• South Africa
23 Oct 06
Hi Minnie & Mickey, & Hi Baby in the pic! Love those too!
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@thedragon (115)
• South Africa
26 Oct 06
Catwoman, for those names to have any meaning to you, you have to be round about my age!
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@catwoman1459 (2971)
• United States
26 Oct 06
Love the names, my son has two named Smokey and the Bandit!
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@catwoman1459 (2971)
• United States
26 Oct 06
One of mine hates fish too, I love the fish plate, very funny for a cat that hates fish!
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@thedragon (115)
• South Africa
26 Oct 06
We try not to feed our lot anything with fish in it, coz it makes their breath smell bad. The Roach has this bad habit of waking us up with a wet nose in the ear, and sometimes his timing sucks! It would be worse if he had fish-breath!
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@thedragon (115)
• South Africa
23 Oct 06
Yeah! You gotta love that. And that they don't give a fig whether you do or not.
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@thedragon (115)
• South Africa
23 Oct 06
They're gorgeous - and fat! Is Chime a lavender or a strawberry?
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@dna_xtreme (147)
• India
11 Sep 06
all i can say is "cats rule"...long live d feline beings...
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@Juli_angel (1063)
• Israel
23 Oct 06
i addore cats!
if i would be to chouse, i think that i'm a cat person
more then a dog.
@HallE2386 (341)
• United States
23 Oct 06
i love cats!! i had a cat for 13 years and a few years ago he was very sick and ran away and never came back. it was very hard on me and my family we were very attached to him. he was an indoor cat that got let outside on accident. I want another cat so that looked just like my other... but i have to wait to get out of my apartment and into a house. so hopefully within a year!!=)
@thedragon (115)
• South Africa
24 Oct 06
Aaaahh, too bad about your cat. It happened to me once that a sick cat went to a private place to die, they do that sometimes. Living on a farm, our pets sometimes get attacked by wild animals, and the cats always try to hide to lick their wounds. If we're short on a headcount in the evening, I don't rest until I found the missing one!
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@thedragon (115)
• South Africa
29 Oct 06
I agree with you. But we have THE ROACH. He owns us and will do all sorts of goofy things to get attention. The worst is to bite our toes if they stick out of the blankets when we're in bed. Imagine being woken up in the middle of the night with a cat attached to your big toe!
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@thedragon (115)
• South Africa
20 Oct 06
Hate? Naaahhh..... that's too strong a word.
Rather say: They make me feel uncomfortable, coz they seem to look right through me.
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@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
18 Oct 06
I'm very much a cat lover, probably to the point where people think I'm a nutcase. When my cats (Brock and Brody) had to recieve surgery and stay over night at the vets, I sat in the recovery room with them as they woke up from their sleep and stayed and talked with them until the clinic closed and I was basically forced to leave. Cats are innocent, cuddley, independent and so cute. I love them!!
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@thedragon (115)
• South Africa
20 Oct 06
Don't know so much about the INNOCENT bit, but all the rest: YEAH!
@thedragon (115)
• South Africa
22 Oct 06
We once had a siamese who would switch on the CD-player, then come find someone to change the music if he doesn't like what's on!
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@sauvik1988 (6)
• India
23 Oct 06
i love animal.but cat is so buityful and so quite so i love the cal.
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@thedragon (115)
• South Africa
23 Oct 06
What is your home-language? Some of you guys sound like you're talking in CODE! But I APPLAUD you for writing in a language not your own! Keep going!
I love all cat-lovers.
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@thedragon (115)
• South Africa
23 Oct 06
You MUST be Insecure. heh..heh..just kidding!
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