What if money didn't exist?

April 28, 2017 4:39pm CST
What if money didn't exist? What if fame and fan aren't the part of dictionary? Will you still be doing the same thing for the paper notes and the silver coins. Will you still be following the same mundane schedule for all day, all long? Or you will be more likely to chase your dream, live your passion, enjoying your life without tension and worries. Obviously you'll probably be doing the later part. Then why not do it now. Let's swim in the pond of dreams, let's make our life a new chapter each day, let's explore ourselves, make ourselves happy and gay. Let the spark of enthusiasm and excitement follow our body. It's time to do something for "OURSELF" Forgetting about society and the social world, living our life to the fullest. Time to take YOU ON LIVE ONCE proverb seriously! Because Yes, YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE Let's just Reach deep into heart and do what we love doing. Let's just go with the flow, be selfish and live for ourselves once.
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2 responses
@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
29 Apr 17
If money doesn't exist, we can have to trade again.
@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
29 Apr 17
29 Apr 17
Yes the only option left
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
28 Apr 17
Like the other myLotter said, we would be bartering or using some sort of exchange. The problem with a money-less society is that everyone would have to know how to do everything in order to live without spending any money. And even then, where would you get seeds to grow the crops you need for food, cotton for clothing and art canvase, flowers to dye your paints, etc.? I used to long for a world with no money, too, but it just would not work. Not with human nature the way it is. It would definitely work if we could rid the human soul of Greed, which is the cause of all humanity's misery. But until then, you have to have some form of exchange.
28 Apr 17
oh!Then the no money term totally goes obscure. But I still wish money not to exist just imagine the meaningless society, no one would be showing off of their post and the others won't be running to get something they don't want just to be the part of race, everyone will be doing whatever makes them happy. there will be no jobs which are less or more But at the end, all this goes meaningless. We live in such a complicated world
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
28 Apr 17
@toosexyformyshoes Yes, it would be so nice if no one was greedy and wanted to be better than everyone else. The younger generation can help reach that goal by embracing the spiritual rather than the materialistic and raising their children to be the same. We can only hope!