Does A Singer/Actor's Political Opinion change you're opinion of them as an entertainer?

Banks, Oregon
May 17, 2017 2:24am CST
Recently i have seen where many people are blaming the cancellation of Tim Allen's show Last Man Standing to because of his Political opinion. To me this is just ludicrous and has gotten way out of hand, to me i do not care who a singer or actor is voting for, i do not care there political opinion, this is not going to change the fact whether they are a talented actor or great musician. It just bugs the crap out of me how people turn on Entertainers just because of something political, i mean i can fully understand someone not liking Bill Cosby because he is a convicted rapist, or not liking O.J. Simpson because he murdered his wife. But not liking someone based on how they vote i just do not understand, if i judged every single entertainer as harshly as some judged them because of there political opinion, i guess i wouldn't be listening or watching a whole heck of alot. Don't believe me here is just a few famous actors and musicians whom have commited or been accused of commiting horrible crimes. Mark Wahlberg - Mark Wahlberg was charged with attempted murder when he was 16 years old. Snoop Dogg - Snoop Dogg was charged with murder for the shooting death of Phillip Woldemariam, a rival gang member, in 1993. Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols - Sid Vicious was arrested and charged with murder in the stabbing death of his girlfriend, Nancy Spungen, in 1979 Don King - Don King was found guilty of second-degree murder in 1966 for beating former employee, Sam Garrett, to death TIM ALLEN - 1978 trafficking arrest at Battlecreek International Airport, when the actor was caught with over a pound of cocaine. Hugh Grant - Soliciting Prostitutes Mickey Rourke - a former boxer, was arrested in 1994 for abuse against ex-wife Carree Otis. The list goes on and on!!! who knows maybe i will start a series with a list of entertainers whom have commited horrible crimes or been accused of doing so. Tim Allen is an amazing actor, and is hilarious, i have loved every movie and tv show i have seen him on, it's a shame his show was cancelled, i don't agree with his politics but that does not change my opinion of him as an entertainer.
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14 responses
@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
17 May 17
If I refused to watch all actors or not listen all musicians whom I disagree with over something, I would have little to watch or listen to!
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• Banks, Oregon
17 May 17
Thanks John, and this is exactly my point unfortunatley many of my more small minded friends on facebook do not understand this point i am trying to make, i mean seriously majority of actors and musicians have done something pretty horrible why do people judge a political opinion over something else even worse? why judge any of this based on there entertainment value.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
17 May 17
It depends. it doesn't change my opinion of them as an actor (doing their job) but if I really liked them and they said something that I really was flabbergasted by in their beliefs. It might effect how I thought about them in the future. Yes we all have our own opinions. but sometimes I just dont know. With that being said I don't vote. I try to stay out of politics. But I see some of those politicians as being inherently evil and if someone defended them or didn't open their eyes up to the truth. I might start thinking twice about why I liked them.
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• Banks, Oregon
17 May 17
Yes and i understand that, but to me i may not like someone's political opinion, or i might even think they are a bad person, but i still might think they are a great actor and love there movies.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
17 May 17
@chrissbergstrom I have a problem watching the movies of those people I don't like.
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• Banks, Oregon
17 May 17
@minx267 Ok but lets say it is you're all time favorite movie and you have loved in for years then you hear that actor say something you don't like so is that now not you're favorite movie? is that one actors opinion going to change you're opinion of a great movie?
@Srbageldog (7716)
• United States
17 May 17
For me personally it depends how vocal they are about their political opinion...there are some celebrities I adore but have grown annoyed with from following them on social media because all they post about is politics. But that doesn't mean I don't still love their work. Heck I really don't care about politics one way or the other, I mean there are things that are important of course but I grow tired of hearing about it. Bette Midler and Harvey Fierstein(sp?) both come to mind about outspoken celebrities...and I don't even necessarily disagree with their political opinions, I just get tired of hearing about it. Same with Tim Allen. But, they have the right to express their opinions, and I'm not going to stop being a fan because of it. But then there are people like Ted Nugent who I have never liked, and his outspoken political opinions just make me hate him more.
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• United States
18 May 17
@chrissbergstrom Agreed. I'm not going to suddenly hate my favorite actor or singer because I don't agree with everything they say, or because I get tired of hearing their political rants. I might not like them the same way on a personal level but I'll still enjoy their work. It's the same with people ending friendships over different views, I think. I'm not going to suddenly stop being friends with someone because they voted one way or the other, or because they think differently than me. If everyone thought the same the world would be boring.
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• Banks, Oregon
18 May 17
@Srbageldog totally agree glad someone sees my meaning, I get into so many arguments with people on Facebook over this....
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• Banks, Oregon
17 May 17
Yes and that is fine to change you're opinion of them on a personal level if you had looked at them as maybe a role model, but to change your opinion on whether they are a talented actor or singer whom still entertains you that is different.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
17 May 17
Politics is one thing, these entertainers committed crimes that should have them in prison for life not entertaining us on TV or in the movies or as musicians. You proved to me that the system is biased and if you have a big name, you don't get the same treatment as those who don't. I don't know any of those mentioned except Tim Allen. I'm not a fan as I really don't like today's comedy and what passes as comedy in today's society.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
17 May 17
@chrissbergstrom That's sad.
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• Banks, Oregon
17 May 17
The point i am trying to make is many have made horrible mistakes in there life, Mark Wahlberg was accused of murder, but he was 16, and he was never proven to be guilty, it seems to have been forgotten about now. Someones entertainment stars are judged more on political opinions then on there criminal past.... i mean Rosie O'Donnell and Whoopi Goldberg are hated for there Liberal outspoken opinions, but neither have done anything so horrible as murder or anything like that yet they have been villified by republicans whom will boycott anything they ever do.
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@NJChicaa (121849)
• United States
17 May 17
Bill Cosby isn't a convicted rapist. His trial hasn't even started yet.
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• Banks, Oregon
17 May 17
He is a purported rapist oj was not convicted either but safe to say both are guilty
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• Banks, Oregon
18 May 17
@RubyHawk yes it is so sad but he even admitted in testimony to some of what he did
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@RubyHawk (99404)
• Atlanta, Georgia
18 May 17
@chrissbergstrom Cosby has paid millions to his accusers anditgoes backa long way. I hated to know he did all that. His was one of my favorite shows.
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@shebish (775)
• Egypt
17 May 17
No an actor or singers political views would not make any difference to whether or not I found them entertaining, we are all entitled to our own opinions and if that was the only reason Tim Allen`s show was cancelled that seems ridiculous to me
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• Banks, Oregon
17 May 17
Yes it is unfortunate
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• Banks, Oregon
17 May 17
@shebish Very true, and what i get so irritated by is that both parites the right and left, republican and democrat, liberal and conservative so many of them get mad if a celebrity says something disparaging about there party, so then they will say well i no longer will watch there show or listen to there music.... to me that is ridiculous, are they also cutting out there family and friends for difference in opinion to?
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@shebish (775)
• Egypt
17 May 17
@chrissbergstrom Not a good example of how to be tolerant to others.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
17 May 17
Someone posted that the reason for the cancellation of LMS was monetary, not political. I can believe that. I usually don't care what a performer thinks about politics, society, or anything else. One that I absolutely can't separate from his behavior, though, is Alec Baldwin who called his little daughter an ungrateful pig. I can't describe how much I loathe him for that and apparently he wasn't a very good father. I know he's a big leftist and that's fine, it's his right, but treating a child that way is so repulsive that I won't even watch the commercials he makes. Everyone has a right to believe what they want, thank God. I don't boycott a performer because of their political views. If they are a horrible person like Baldwin I might.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
18 May 17
@chrissbergstrom Yes, he says he regrets it but his daughter and ex also say that was not unusual behavior for him. Anyone who talks like that to a child is lower than a snake's belly, in my opinion.
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• Banks, Oregon
18 May 17
I do remember hearing about that comment by Alec but can not remember the context maybe he regrest saying it now
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• Banks, Oregon
18 May 17
@dragon54u Unfortunatley i have seen many people say horrible things and eventually learn from them, not everyone is perfect. That was a horrible thing for him to say.
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
17 May 17
Arts and talents should always be separated from one's voting preference otherwise we have no right to call our system a democracy, that's my opinion.
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• Banks, Oregon
17 May 17
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@Shavkat (140362)
• Philippines
17 May 17
I think actors or actresses should never be a politician. It is not their line of expertise. I am just saying.
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@Shavkat (140362)
• Philippines
19 May 17
@chrissbergstrom I think in your country it is possible, my friend. Some of these personalities in my country are not qualified to be politicians.
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• Banks, Oregon
17 May 17
Well you can't really say that because look at Ronald Reagan he was an actor first, there are many great politicians whom were once entertainers.
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• United States
17 May 17
It is the way now in this present climate Chris. Politics is everything unfortunately. It shouldn't affect anyones carreer though.
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• Banks, Oregon
17 May 17
It is unfortunate
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• United States
31 May 17
I tend not to judge people including celebrities by their politics unless they get in my face (e.g. Meryl Streep) preaching to the audience.
@teamfreak16 (43418)
• Denver, Colorado
17 May 17
On the other hand, I can no longer stomach Ted Nugent.
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• Banks, Oregon
18 May 17
Yeah i can understand that i mean i never much cared for him to begin with lol
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@RubyHawk (99404)
• Atlanta, Georgia
18 May 17
I don't know that I have any favorite entertainers and I don't know about their political inclinations. It wouldn't matter if I did. All my family have different political ideas and we all get along.
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• Banks, Oregon
18 May 17
Yes we all must get along and not be so judgemental
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@RubyHawk (99404)
• Atlanta, Georgia
18 May 17
@chrissbergstrom l am judgemental of our politicians but not of people who are for or against them. We all have a right to our opinions.
@dramagirl26 (3259)
• Ringgold, Virginia
17 May 17
It doesn't bother me. I don't care who they vote for, the only thing that matters is their talent.
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• Banks, Oregon
17 May 17
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