@yellowrose125tx (9)
United States
57 responses
@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
19 Sep 06
Spanking is unnesscary. If you want to spank that is your desicion and I would not judge you. However as a daycare provider I have to deal with all kinds of differnt problems and spanking is never an option. I notice children who are spanked are the hardest for me to handle because they do not have the skills to reason. They also are the first to hit another child. If you want you children to be able to work out their problems as children and adults with our violence you must teach them with time outs and conversations spanking only confuses them and makes them think that hitting is the answer.
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@filoh_mumsie (18)
• Australia
9 Sep 06
I don't believe in spanking as a form of discipline. Children nowadays are intelligent enough that you could talk to them and explain the things that they have done wrong.
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@restlessguy (812)
• India
18 Sep 06
It depends on age.If the kid is under ten years old then you might give him a spank.Bcoz he is afraid of spanks he wont do it again.However once he is old enough to understanf the problems that can be caused by his action his parents should ensure that he is made aware of that act.So after some age no spankings.That is my opinion.
@mcc371 (918)
• United States
9 Sep 06
I do believe in discipline. Achild needed to be told and corrected to behave. If not, and I have told them twice third time they got spanked. It is not child abuse. If you don't take control of it when they are little, when they are grown you can go visit them in jail, for disrupting the public.
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@busymommy (260)
• United States
4 Oct 06
There are other ways to control their behavior then spanking! Try a time- out or a naughty chair, or standing in the corner, or going to their room, or taking away priviledges. Just a few!
@bhbirdie6 (1765)
• United States
17 Oct 06
I think spankings are a bad idea. I was spanked as a child I cannot for the life of me remember why I was spanked, all I remember was this deep resentment and hostility and anger towards the person who was hitting me and causing me pain. Psychology has actually proven that spanking teaches children that it is ok to hit and that causing someone pain is a good reinforcer.
@busymommy (260)
• United States
4 Oct 06
Why should you have the right to beat you kids? They didnt ask to be here and you made them and brought them into the world to be raised. Is there something spanking can accomplish that a simple time-out or a talk or some time in their rooms to themselves can't accomplish?
@astrotink (169)
10 Sep 06
the best discipline I found was getting my son to watch the news for half hour and then telling me what had happened as proof he listened!! this is boring to a child yet a subtle way of teaching them about the world!!
only in very extreme circumstances have I ever smacked my children and that is across the legs not at all hard but because it is so rare for them to get a smack they know they have been really bad and its the shock of it that hits them harder than the smack itself. I could count on one hand how many times both them got smacked and they are both over 10 years old now.
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@michael666 (613)
• China
9 Sep 06
The odd pat on the bum when they're little can be a good way to bring them back to earth but there's no need when they get older and this should never be a regular form of punishment otherwise it loses all effectivness.
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@shaggydog (647)
• Canada
9 Sep 06
a little spanking never hurt anyone as long as u don't go overboard,I find that the kids of today need dicipline the government today is making it very hard for good parents to bring up there children, there are alot of young people out there just doing what they please there are especially alot of teen pregnancies alot gang activities and i strongly believe if the parents were to spank there child they shouldn't have to worry about being charged for child abuse, i know there is alot of child abuse out there and my heart aches for those poor unfortunate children but we should still be able to spank our children when they need it
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@sanell (2112)
• United States
9 Sep 06
Personally I do not think it is bad to give a spanking as long as it is on the bottom only. Sometimes a slap on the back side of the hand is okay to, just personally I do not think using a belt, or even a spoon is appropriate. And you must be careful with your force. however I think that spanking should be a last resort. I much prefer the time out and if the time out really is not working then I think a spanking is what you need to do, as the child gets older, a spanking is not really that big of a deal, especially when they hit an age of like 6...I think that taking away a favorite toy or game or something when they do something they know they should not have done or whatever is a good punishment, even if it is for a measly 2 days, I think it speaks volumes to that child....
@atulleo25 (484)
• India
18 Sep 06
It is not recommended to be done on children as it leaves life long marks on their souls not on bodies. You are making them more rigid and rude by doing such acts.
As if they are going to repeat the same mistake again and again, then you will be forced to think of some other measure to control their mischief.
Try to control your anger and act patiently. Discuss your point of view with the kids and let them know what is not right. If they repeat it then stop talking to them they will feel sorry for their beahviour and will never ever repeat such annoying acts which bother you or their teachers.
children are very sensitive, they can stand the stick but can not stand the silence. Try it, you will agree to me then.
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@sugga05 (22)
• United States
13 Sep 06
Hell yes, spank the kids!!!!!!!!! i am sorry i have a 6 year old and when she truly crosses the line, i cross her behind. she does not get spanked for everything. The biggest problem i have is when other ppl (sum times ppl that dont even have kids) try to tel me how to raise my kid. if you dont have kids, you have no business passing out parenting advice!!!!!!! I talk to my daughter about her behavior when she does something wrong, but certain things, like lying, warrant a spanking on the first offense. Kids have the upper hand nowadays. threatening to call the police on you and the parents get scarred. Bump that!!!!!! if you dial 911, then tell 'em u need and ambulance too, cuz ima spank u till they get here!
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@Sheila_Abram (1908)
• United States
5 Oct 06
I am not sure spanking could show the child that if you hit someone you can get them to do what you want. On the other hand for some children that is the only way you can get them to respond in a correct manner.
@JulietsMom777 (1182)
• United States
5 Oct 06
This is true, once my daughter is older and I do have to discipline her I will put her in time out.Your right some children do have to be spanked in order for them to straighten up.
@kids2ph (213)
• Philippines
1 Nov 06
I think it is not right. On my part. i did spank my children afterwhich realizing my failure to discipline them the way i should that forced me to spank them to build fear in me. Honestly it makes me feel i'm not good when i have to do it. Hopefully, i wont do it again. it just closes their minds and do not listen because the pain they felt when spanked is greater than the issue to be resolved.
@bilalalikhan1 (270)
• India
12 Dec 06
I think spanking should be a part of discipline but there is a thin line between spanking and beating so u have to ask ur self what is going to far and can u control ur anger to know when its to much or to far