It's going to be 106 F here today! What's a person to do?

@TheHorse (217194)
Walnut Creek, California
July 8, 2017 11:33am CST
It was supposed to cool down this weekend. It looks like that's not going to happen. I just saw that it's going to reach 106 F here today (about 41 C, if my math brain is working right). So much for hiking or long cycling trips. Here's my plan: Do two progress notes on my computer before it gets unbearably hot indoors (I don't like to waste money on AC if I can avoid it). Cycle over to my young friend's and my bike path "garden" and put some water on our corn and green beans. And then, as it gets really hot, take Angela's Ashes, my current read, to the pool. I may go see a friend play music tonight (no gigs for me), but if it's still near 100 F at 6 PM, I may just melt and stay home. How's the weather where you are? Is it affecting your decisions about what to do today?
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40 responses
@MALUSE (69373)
• Germany
8 Jul 17
I didn't finish Angela's Ashes. It was the craze some years ago. But all this Irish misery really got on my nerves.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
I like the fact that the early part is written from a child's perspective. I'm only about 60 pages in. They've already lost three babies.
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@MALUSE (69373)
• Germany
8 Jul 17
@Marty1 It's about growing up dirt poor in an Irish family in Ireland and the USA.
Buy Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt (ISBN: 9780007205233) from Amazon's Book Store. Free UK delivery on eligible orders.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
@Marty1 @Maluse summarized it pretty well.
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@RasmaSandra (79026)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
8 Jul 17
Stay cool and don't overdo. I would love to take at least half your heat our temps are only at 64 F and not getting very much higher all next week plus more rain.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
9 Jul 17
@blitzfrick Uh huh. The baby sh*t brown state doesn't sound quite as romantic.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
Can you send some of yer rain our way? Everything (in the hills) is already yellow-brown here.
4 people like this
• United States
9 Jul 17
@TheHorse The golden state.
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@rebelann (112705)
• El Paso, Texas
8 Jul 17
Uh oh, looks like our triple digits moved west, we're finally gonna be in the high 90s for a few days. I don't have functioning A/C so when it gets hot I nap.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
It's funny to think of 90s as a "cooling trend," but that's what I was hoping for this weekend.
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@rebelann (112705)
• El Paso, Texas
8 Jul 17
Yeah, it is to me too but I like the upper 90s @TheHorse it's not too hot to want to play watersports .... when it's 103 or higher I lose my energy and just wanna nap.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
@rebelann Is the heat pretty dry in El Paso? When it gets past 90, I start to wilt.
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• United States
8 Jul 17
The summer months always affects my plans. I don't make any and just stay in. I only go out very early in the morning Hope you have a nice day even tho its boiling.
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• United States
8 Jul 17
@TheHorse Welcome ..there is a pool here in the complex but tons of kids there no room lol
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
9 Jul 17
@TiarasOceanView I wish we had more people at our pool. It's kind of eerie that hardly anybody uses it.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
Thanks! I think the pool will be my salvation.
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@xFiacre (12903)
• Ireland
8 Jul 17
@thehorse It hit 70 Fahrenheit (about 21 centigrade @maluse) here today and I'm wiped out. I want to go to the beach and wear nothing but cold water.
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@MALUSE (69373)
• Germany
8 Jul 17
Who or what hinders you?
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@xFiacre (12903)
• Ireland
8 Jul 17
@MALUSE Crowds of families.
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@MALUSE (69373)
• Germany
8 Jul 17
Thank you for Celsius.
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• United States
8 Jul 17
It certainly isn't as hot here as it is there. I'd die if I didn't have a/c especially with temperatures that hot. I read Angela's Ashes and it was a great book. Hope you can find a way to keep cool
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
9 Jul 17
The pool did the job.
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@Tina30219 (81723)
• Onaway, Michigan
8 Jul 17
I say find some water and go swiming and stay cool. The weather is in the 70's here right now. The last 3 days we was in the water because it was nice we went to our spot and played frisbee in the water and tossed the football around had fun.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
I'm gonna head not now, while it's still in the 90s, and get some extra hydration.
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@sishy7 (27167)
• Australia
8 Jul 17
Come down here and enjoy a cool 40-ish Fahrenheit instead...
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@sishy7 (27167)
• Australia
9 Jul 17
@TheHorse yeah, I've adapted to walking on earth up side down...
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
That's what you get for living on the wrong side of the planet! You should be thankful you don't fall of the earth or at least have to walk on your heads!
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
9 Jul 17
@sishy7 Just don't jump too high.
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@Hate2Iron (15727)
• Canada
8 Jul 17
It's big time hot here late morning when I went out to water the flowers. I'm done and I'm staying inside for the rest of the day! I hope that you do too! Who wants to melt lol!
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
My wonderful wickedness! My only "task" away from the house is to water the bike path garden.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
8 Jul 17
We're having decent weather in the UK today. More like mid 70s though so warm enough to be out and cool enough to do stuff. Been on a couple of long walks with the dog, stopping off for a crafty pint during the second one. The pub is up on a hill and gives views right over the whole Manchester area. In answer to the question you pose in your title I would say at those temperatures, nothing!!
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
8 Jul 17
@TheHorse Would be nice gave access to a pool like that. Although over here we'd probably get to make use of it about twice a year! Hope you get a good price for the console.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
9 Jul 17
@WorDazza It was the perfect price. He would've been willing to go a bit higher. I would have been willing to go a bit lower (just to be rid of the thing). So we both got a "good deal."
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
I live in an apartment complex, but it has a nice pool. I will be there later today. I just got a call--someone (sounds like a nice fella) wants to buy that KLH console that I've had near my front door for months. My young friend and I worked on the wood, and he (the potential buyer) knows how to work on the innards, so it's a good match.
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• Bournemouth, England
8 Jul 17
Is this what is meant by a 'Hot Discussion?'
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
Well, at this point I'd call it a very warm discussion. I think it's up to 94 out now. By the time it's a "Hot Discussion," I'll be in the pool.
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@Courtlynn (67090)
• United States
8 Jul 17
Just under 80 here and feels good. Hope it cools there soon.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
It looks like Tuesday and Wednesday may be in the 80s.
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@Courtlynn (67090)
• United States
8 Jul 17
@TheHorse that'll be goid, you just have to not melt so you can get to those days lol
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@andriaperry (116936)
• Anniston, Alabama
8 Jul 17
I was going to say swimming is what I would do in 106 degree weather, Its only going to be around 95 here so I will work in the yard, mow grass if possible, and work with the plants in the veggie garden.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
Sounds great! I should take a picture of my balcony veggies. The corn is nice and high-- maybe 4.5 feet.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
9 Jul 17
@andriaperry y balcony corn is mostly to remind me of Iowa. Decorative corn. What a concept. But we do get a few ears at the preschool.
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@andriaperry (116936)
• Anniston, Alabama
8 Jul 17
@TheHorse Yeah do it. Mother nature is messing with mine so much I may not have many veggies this year, no corn but I have seed! I wonder, with all the rain of I can get a couple ears before November?
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@teamfreak16 (43418)
• Denver, Colorado
8 Jul 17
It's hot here, but nothing like that. My girlfriend loves Angela's Ashes. I didn't care much for it, but I did like the movie. Weird, huh?
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
9 Jul 17
I'm about 110 pages in now. Still enjoying it, but it's getting redundant. Need something new to happen.
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@GardenGerty (160339)
• United States
8 Jul 17
It is not nearly so hot here, but like you I silike spending for air conditioning. We run a small one in our bedroom. If I am at home I might take a nap in the hottest part of the day. I love the fact that we have enough greenery that by evening there are cool spots all around our property. Otherwise, I would say to go spend lots of time at the pool.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
I may resort to AC later in the afternoon. I can only spend so long at the pool!
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@much2say (55186)
• Los Angeles, California
8 Jul 17
At almost 1pm here (south of you), we are at 103. I think we're supposed to cool down (only by a few degrees) after today, but you know how that goes . . . the forecasts keep changing. We actually had no definite plans for today, but we're going to head down to the beach. Not to actually be on the beach right now, but to go get some chowder, walk around somewhere in the hills, and possibly get on the beach by evening. It'll be a play by ear kinda day .
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@much2say (55186)
• Los Angeles, California
8 Jul 17
@TheHorse Definitely New England style . . . I can't get myself to eat the tomato kind. A couple days ago we were at a friend's house near Santa Monica . . . not on the beach, but 10 minutes from it. Even that was a huge temp difference from here in the frying Valley.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
Chowder sounds good. New England-style, right? Here, it can be in the 60s at the beach when it's 100 inland.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
@much2say Yep. Same in Santa Barbara. Santa Ynez Valley: 97 and sunny. Santa Barbara beach: 71, with fog burning off.
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@NJChicaa (119214)
• United States
8 Jul 17
I'd stay inside if I were you!
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
@NJChicaa Woo hoo! It just hit 100 here! 85 sounds nice. But 100 makes the pool a no-brainer. Hey, I even sold a stereo console this morning that I restored over the past few months!
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
It's only 93 F right now, so I'm getting some stuff done. Just went and bought some Gatorade for later pool action. I have someone coming over to pick up a stereo console I refinished (I think he offered me $80). Then I'll water the bike path garden (already watered my balcony garden). THEN I'll get into pool mode.
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@NJChicaa (119214)
• United States
8 Jul 17
@TheHorse it is about 85 here today. Very nice.
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• United States
8 Jul 17
currently it's 79 degrees here at 1:00 and I plan to enjoy it. Love the photo! the way, I loved Angela's Ashes. It's one of the few books I listened to, I prefer to read them, but it was charming to hear it in the authors voice, accent and inflections.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
Ah, I've never listened to an entire book. I have to get the CD player in my truck fixed first!
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@RubyHawk (99405)
• Atlanta, Georgia
9 Jul 17
It was above 90 and I thought that was hot. I'd melt at 106. We went out awhile and I was wet with sweat.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
11 Jul 17
@RubyHawk That's what I did! I'm trying to get my girlish figure back.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
9 Jul 17
I took a nice swim and was really comfortable. It only got up to 100 F today.
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@RubyHawk (99405)
• Atlanta, Georgia
10 Jul 17
@TheHorse I should have gone swimming. That would have felt much better than sweating
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• Defuniak Springs, Florida
8 Jul 17
Its currently 89 outside here, 102 with the heat index. It has already cooled off a ltitle bit here because it was 91 a ltitle bit ago. Maybe that means the storm is actually going to hit us today. Which would be nice.
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@TheHorse (217194)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Jul 17
Do afternoon showers hit much of Florida in the Summer time? I remember them rolling in when I'd visit my friend's family place in Ft. Myers Beach.
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