~Confusing Times~

Valdosta, Georgia
August 5, 2017 8:54am CST
Good morning everyone. I hope you slept well and your having a good morning so far. =) So, I know things have been confusing with our life so I thought I would clarify what's happening at the moment. We are in an apartment-which is temporary. We are saving and hoping to get into a home within a month. My husband is working on the apartments. We were going to rent the house after it was fixed up, however my husband has to get done with these apartments first. Depending on how long these take...we might just find a different house-if we find something before he can get to that house. The house itself would take about a month before we could move into it-which would mean 2 months here minimum which is NOT what we want... So, for now we are looking at houses we hear about and saving our money for whichever route God wants to take us. My husband should be done with one apartment by Monday so we will be saving what he makes. He has a lot more apartments to work on after that one is finished. Right now our life is a wait and see kind of thing... I am working on my patience. =)
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35 responses
• United States
5 Aug 17
If you do decide or are led to take another house, will the guy who your husband is working for let him continue to work on the apartments though, just curious?
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• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Aug 17
@TiarasOceanView You know, I don't think we have come to that question yet. The guy does have other houses though so maybe we can find a different one through him.
3 people like this
• United States
5 Aug 17
@LovingMyBabies Yes I would just be concerned that if he felt he was not ´getting his moneys worth´ out of your husband (sort of indentured to this guy for work) that he would turn the tables on you guys and cut the work off if you decided to rent somewhere else other than his properties. Not trying to be negative, I am just always analytical.
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@Courtlynn (67090)
• United States
5 Aug 17
I was thinking the same.. but i sure hope not.
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@Courtlynn (67090)
• United States
5 Aug 17
I'm just happy you guys arent on the street and theres an address to send stuff to you.
4 people like this
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Aug 17
@Courtlynn Me too! Thank you. =)
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@Courtlynn (67090)
• United States
5 Aug 17
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@Juliaacv (52323)
• Canada
5 Aug 17
And you are doing an excellent job on your patience. I cannot imagine that this is an easy route, but like you mentioned, you are taking it as a family with God, and that cannot be all bad. I was always taught that home is where the heart is........ so, if you love your family, which I know that you do....... and you love your husband, which I know that you do...... then you ARE home, temporarily in an apartment or forever in a home. Don't wish your life away, I know that you are doing your best to enjoy each and every minute of your life, and you should be!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Aug 17
@Juliaacv Thank you! I have had my bad days but I am working on trusting God and staying on track from now on. =) Yes, we are going to make the best of it while we are at this temporary place. Thank you for being a true friend!
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@Juliaacv (52323)
• Canada
5 Aug 17
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@LadyDuck (472504)
• Switzerland
5 Aug 17
I understand that you would not like to stay there two months, but two summer months pass quickly.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Aug 17
@LadyDuck Yeah, I will be content with whatever happens. I would love to be in a home before then though.
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@NJChicaa (121668)
• United States
5 Aug 17
well at least you guys are out of the motel.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Aug 17
@NJChicaa Yes I am very grateful for that. =)
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@angelmels (541)
• Australia
5 Aug 17
Be strong and keep the faith that everything will turn out okay.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Aug 17
@angelmels Yes, I know this is temporary and things will improve. =)
• Australia
5 Aug 17
@LovingMyBabies think positive :)
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@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
6 Aug 17
At least you have a place to stay. It's better than being on the streets or in a motel. Hopefully, you can find something that suits you guys better soon.
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@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
6 Aug 17
@LovingMyBabies It's always good to get an update. Hopefully you are able to find something soon.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Aug 17
@dodo19 I'm very grateful we're not on the street. I was just updating as some people weren't sure what was happening.
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@jstory07 (142120)
• Roseburg, Oregon
5 Aug 17
I hope you are not crowed.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Aug 17
@jstory07 It's very small here-good thing we are a close family with lot's of love!
@Butchcass4 (5895)
• United States
5 Aug 17
Sounds like God is testing your patience and it sounds like you are doing quite well! Hang in there young lady you will all be settled where ever God has for you soon and this will all be behind you. Still my heart goes out to you as I know what its like to move a lot. My ex husband and I were together 11 and a half years and moved 17 times and that is no exaggeration I sat down and figured it out. Guess who did the packing and unpacking and took care of three little ones in the mean time, you got it, me! Wow am I glad those days are over for me. I am with a man now we've been together 23 years and lived in one home for 13 years and in our present home for nearly 9 years. My life changed drastically since I met my current husband. He treats me wonderfully and I praise God for him.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Aug 17
@Butchcass4 Yeah, my husband and I with children have moved 40 times in 13 years. And yes I have done most of the work and lost the most through it. But my husband and I love each other and will get through as we have done before. I'm glad your settled now and I pray we will be too soon. I'm tired of moving, we all are.
@DianneN (247183)
• United States
5 Aug 17
Thanks for the update. At least you are out of the motel and together as a family. I just know that things will work out for the best for you.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Aug 17
@DianneN Thank you. Yes things will work out for us in time. =)
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• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Aug 17
@DianneN They are handling it well like most kids. They have much more faith than adults do.
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@DianneN (247183)
• United States
5 Aug 17
@LovingMyBabies Just be strong and patient. I know it's tough right now. You will look back on it someday. I hope the kids are dealing with this well enough.
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@ilocosboy (45156)
• Philippines
6 Aug 17
I know you can make it, by next month everything will be alright and in order, you can find your perfect home.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Aug 17
@ilocosboy Thanks I hope your right. =)
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@thelme55 (77378)
• Germany
6 Aug 17
I hope you will have a home soon for you and your family. 2 months will be fast if you are busy. I wish you good luck.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Aug 17
@thelme55 Thank you =)
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@Kandae11 (55921)
5 Aug 17
Stay strong and hang in there.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Aug 17
@Kandae11 Thank you. I am working on that. =)
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@dollaboy (6048)
5 Aug 17
I hope you somehow sorted out the things and get a nice house soon
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• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Aug 17
@dollaboy It will happen with time, I just have to be grateful for what we do have and patient.
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@dollaboy (6048)
6 Aug 17
@LovingMyBabies that's nice. Stay blessed
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@Tina30219 (82589)
• Onaway, Michigan
5 Aug 17
It will all get better soon. I know god has the right place coming soon for you.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Aug 17
@Tina30219 Thank you =) I hope we find it soon.
@LeaPea2417 (37565)
• Toccoa, Georgia
5 Aug 17
There is that old saying "good things come to those who wait". You have heard that saying haven't you?
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• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Aug 17
@Leapea2417 Yes I have heard it. =)
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• United States
5 Aug 17
I'm happy to hear that you are out of the motel and have a roof over your head. I'm continuing praying that it all works out for you and your family and that you can have the patience for everything to work out
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• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Aug 17
@Marilynda1225 Thank you. And thank you so much for the prayers. I am working on being grateful for what we do have and being patient for things to come. =)
@Dena91 (16847)
• United States
5 Aug 17
Praying the you find the home you are suppose to be in. I know it has to be tough moving around with your family. I know God has something just right for you and your family. Have a blessed day
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• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Aug 17
@Dena91 Thank you! I know we will find it when God wants us to. I have to have patience until then and faith. =)
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@dgobucks226 (36178)
5 Aug 17
Good luck with your house hunting
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• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Aug 17
@dgobucks226 Thank you very much. =)
@Paocz28 (313)
6 Aug 17
I'm positive that all struggles will result to a good news in god's time. Stay strong Jennifer.
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