Make America Great Again

August 7, 2017 7:42pm CST
Abraham Lincoln was great, not because he once lived in a cabin, but because he got out of it. I think America has come to a point where, in the eyes of unity and freedom-- they see their history of great men and women as their models of purposeful and determined ambition to make America come to greatness and prosperity back into their lives. I think, I understand. At least, I try to logically see. I know where the newly elected non-political-non-establishment President and the tens of millions who put him in that position of tremendous accountabity-- I understand where they are coming from. As an outsider, and a supporter of that universal principle of "making our lives great and hopeful again" -- I also want to live by them and act on them. It is a good thing. Abraham Lincoln and his American friends did. And this is what President Donald Trump is acting on and doing right now.
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7 responses
@NJChicaa (122054)
• United States
8 Aug 17
Clearly you haven't seen the latest popularity ratings for Dear old Cheeto. 37% I think it was though I feel like I might have seen something saying 35%. He is the most incompetent and corrupt President this country has EVER seen. I really don't understand why you are so interested in Cheeto von Tweeto being that you are from Australia. You post about him often. Why?
4 people like this
8 Aug 17
@NJChicaa Thanks for those numbers and rants. The actual, real people disagree, though. Your rebuttal about whether USA President is a cheetos, incompetent or whatever-smear-name-calling-swearing I refuse to repeat, is astounding. I don't think tens of millions do want you speaking for them. They can read, observe and investigate for themselves. Also, about your question on Australia crazy interest on President Donald Trump: Because we can. Simple.
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@TheHorse (224852)
• Walnut Creek, California
2 Dec 17
The weird thing is that approximately 80% of those who voted for Trump say they would do so again. Of course, that wouldn't win him an election, but it does show that many Trump devotees are still devoted.
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3 Dec 17
@TheHorse Congratulations to those 80%, and rising. I guess they don't mind being called 'Deplorable devotees' as well. Such as is life.
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@RubyHawk (99404)
• Atlanta, Georgia
10 Aug 17
I couldn't disagree with you more. Trump is an embarrassment to our country and a ignorant man. If he isn't impeached we are in for more trouble than you could ever imagine. He doesn't believe in climate change and is encouraging pollution. He believes in health care only for the rich. He's a despicable man.
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@RubyHawk (99404)
• Atlanta, Georgia
11 Aug 17
@everwonderwhy I didn't vote for him and I thought he would be a terrible president but he's evev worse than I believed.
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14 Aug 17
@RubyHawk Put a cherry on top and things won't look as bad as you made yourself to believe. Have a good day, anyhow.
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10 Aug 17
And those whom he puts to embarrassment can't get over it. Every one of them had predicted he wouldn't win. He refuses to be made to believe that radical islamic terrorism, ISIS, is a peaceful group. He's despicable to every one that likens ISIS to the 'JV team'.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
8 Aug 17
I agree. Trump is doing some awesome things. He is not perfect and the opposition jumps on every flaw they can find (while ignoring their own), but he is doing some things that will make American great again, given half a chance. The polls are rigged. There are other polls that have his approval rating at 52%. The one the media gives air to is the one they want to believe.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
8 Aug 17
@everwonderwhy You know, the polls also said that Clinton would win the election by a landslide. Good reason to not believe everything you hear (or read).
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8 Aug 17
@peavey Yup. And those election results-- the votes speak for themselves. She lost and she's not the President. :-)
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8 Aug 17
Thanks. I'd like to see those, as well. But the rallies he holds and speaks at are very telling.
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@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
1 Nov 17
You've nailed it right here & nobody else gets it. Trump & Lincoln have a total paradigm alignment. Trump is making America Great again & is draining the swamp he promised, but it takes a lot of work, time & friends. No President in living memory has had this much hatred directed against him by The Establishment(s), who own the mass-media. The Money Power is absolutely on its knees now & when the tide turns, the people will break it, in more ways than one. Even Trumps supporters hate how he stacked his positions with some of his worst enemies, but they fail to see that this is Precisely what Abe Lincoln did! And it ultimately worked very well. One thing he is doing that no other has done before him is running his re-election campaign from Day One as President. This is very confusing for Americans who can see him give a speech as President in one location, making announcements that are part of the office, over which he has negotiated with The Powers That Be, which he doesn't personally agree with... and then, hours later in another part of the USA, he will host a rally & lay down all his key policy points. One thing to remember... Trump's policies are Not confined to party politics & many Democrats want to work with him in areas within their portfolios or areas of specialization. Nor are these policies confined to the USA, even though they are openly aping The American System, which Americans have rarely seen (major exceptions in recent times are Lincoln, FDR, JFK). Americans have lived most of their history ... and they'd be shocked to learn this... under what's known as imperialism or The British System. The two are in direct contrast on every which front. The very same core policies align closely with Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party in Great Britain (and yes, he will make Britain Great Again!).
2 people like this
• Adelaide, Australia
4 Nov 17
@everwonderwhy Well read! The enormous number of ghastly, false commentary on MyLot regarding the POTUS, using all sorts of ridiculous 'facts' & 'sources' & 'numbers' & 'people', etc will only result in a huge period of personal & collective shame when such commenters will be proven to have been on the wrong side of history when what really happened will be brought to light in better days ahead. Mainstream media owned by & a mouthpiece for the world's richest 0.5% has a lot to answer for... & will be made to answer for.
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1 Nov 17
I think I understand what you're intelligently saying. You've summed up Gingriche's book of the US President, 'Knowing Trump' authentic character in the third paragraph. Only the understanding with seeing eye can fully comprehend this unique President as was honest Abe.
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11 Nov 17
@veganbliss They lost. And their candidate is not the president of USA. It's a year past now since Nov 8 and they still haven't moved forward and are more and more becoming part of the big problem within the DNC sparaling down. The more Hillary, DNC, leftists, liberal progressives and mainstream media behave the way they do-- they keep losing.
@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
4 Nov 17
I have faith in God who can heal but apprehension for the egotistical. If one person or many peoples can do something that is good then that is a fine thing. I would only applaud and appreciate. By all means do so. Abe did something he believed him. His father was a man to be honoured also for his words. But really what is wrong with living in a cabin?
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@TheHorse (224852)
• Walnut Creek, California
2 Dec 17
Heh. I like my cabin!
@Shavkat (140367)
• Philippines
8 Aug 17
I read about him and he did great during his time.
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@Shavkat (140367)
• Philippines
9 Aug 17
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9 Aug 17
Who? Abraham Lincoln?
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@jstory07 (142710)
• Roseburg, Oregon
15 Aug 17
Trump wants to make America great again so give him the chance to do that.
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15 Aug 17