Gambling In Germany's Oldest And Most Beautiful Casino

Casino Baden-Baden, Germany
@MALUSE (69378)
November 18, 2017 12:02pm CST
Casino fans have more than 50 casinos to choose from in Germany. One shouldn’t visit Baden-Baden, a spa town of ~50.000 inhabitants and home to many millionaires in the south of Germany near the Black Forest, and not go to the Casino there. It’s a must-see. The Casino in Baden-Baden is the largest and oldest and most magnificent one in the country. An official document states that games of chance were already played there in 1748. In the current casino, ‘the ball has rolled’ since 1824. Gambling sessions start at 2 pm. The entrance fee is 5 Euro ($5.90). Visitors are asked to enter properly dressed, men should wear a tie. Jeans are not allowed. If the weather is very hot in the summer months - from June to September - men without ties are also permitted. The interior is all marble, gold and purple silk, with enormous glass chandeliers. It looks like the living quarters of a French royal palace accentuated by oil paintings of noble people looking from the walls. To imagine what they’ve already seen! What joy, what despair! European nobility placing their serfs as bets, the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky losing all his and his wife’s money (in his novel The Gambler he drew on his experience in Baden-Baden). When I visited in February and came in at 3 pm, only two roulette tables were open (one can play French and American roulette, baccarat, black jack, poker, punto banco and Klondyke, slot machines are in the vaulted cellars, using them costs 1 Euro). I changed 10 Euro into chips, placed myself beside a female croupier and told her that I knew nothing about roulette but intended to put my chips on the table. As I was afraid I might not notice if I had won or lost I asked her to watch out for me. She laughed and promised to do so but didn’t have to concentrate on me for long. My gambling career was over in ten minutes. At least I wouldn’t need the address on the leaflet lying beside the cashier’s desk offering help for gambling addicts.
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21 responses
@marlina (154131)
• Canada
18 Nov 17
The visit alone for enjoying the "castle" was worth the price.
4 people like this
@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
18 Nov 17
Looks like a wonderful environment in which to lose one's shirt!! You're wise to stick to a (small) limit when it comes to gambling. I enjoy a flutter myself but limit my losses to a very small percentage of my monthly salary.
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@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
19 Nov 17
Given the chance, I'd visit this casino and play here. So much history and culture in this place as what you wrote.
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@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
18 Nov 17
Not a game with much of a chance for success.
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@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
19 Nov 17
@MALUSE ......But the percent seems less on that particular game.
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
18 Nov 17
Well, some people do win . . .
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@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
20 Nov 17
@celticeagle I don't know if this is right or wrong. I doubt that the casino people would give you an honest answer.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
18 Nov 17
It is a place that I would like to visit for its historical side. Quite all French writers of the 19th C went there. I had never had the curiosity to look at modern photos, it seems that it has not changed a lot. It is impressive, maybe I would also spend 10 Euros if I was visiting it
3 people like this
@Madshadi (8840)
• Brussels, Belgium
18 Nov 17
I would surely love to take a tour as it looks really nice. But I don’t like gambling so I would do nothing more than watching around. Not sure if that’s allowed.
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@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
18 Nov 17
Of course, it is allowed. This casino is certainly a sight worth seeing.
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
18 Nov 17
This is a Beautiful casino. It would be worth just seeing for the beauty.
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@marlina (154131)
• Canada
18 Nov 17
The only times I went to a casino were about 4. The first time was fun and the others went downhill after that. Lost interest.
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@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
18 Nov 17
Sounds like a really beautiful place. Really something I would like to see. I don't think I would try but if I got curious then perhaps some blackjack.
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@Fleura (29677)
• United Kingdom
19 Nov 17
Certainly a beautiful building but where do you think the money came from for all the expensive décor? I'm not a gambler, it seems more on the seedy side to me.
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
19 Nov 17
@Fleura No, that's not what I mean. Expensive buildings can only be built when the money is already there. The nobility all over the world exploited the simple people and had them build monuments, castles, etc. You can begin with the pyramids. This is an interesting topic. Cn you/should you enjoy a visit of, say, the castle of Versailles in France knowing how many people 'paid' for it with their work? Gamblers are not 'exploited' in this way. It's their decision to enter a casino. Nobody is forced to go there. A serf in the Middle Ages had no choice. Everybody knows that in the end, the casino wins.
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@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
19 Nov 17
The money came from the exploited people as was the case with all beautiful architecture and artefacts throughout history.
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@Fleura (29677)
• United Kingdom
19 Nov 17
@MALUSE True, I suppose if those people went in there to be exploited willingly that's the best way!
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Nov 17
It's a shame when the money you've allotted to gambling doesn't last any time. I think that is what starts the addiction for some. They just think 'I'll have another few dollars' and so it goes on.
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@NJChicaa (118479)
• United States
18 Nov 17
That sounds like a beautiful place. I'm not much of a gambler. When we visit Atlantic City I put $20 in the slot machines and I'm usually bored well before I've spent all of the money.
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@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
18 Nov 17
That casino is too upscale for me! An entry fee? Crazy.
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@Kandae11 (54677)
18 Nov 17
Awesome! That looks nothing like the casinos I have seen in pictures - look at those chandeliers.
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@rebelann (112254)
• El Paso, Texas
18 Nov 17
WOW, that's one very regal casino .... I'm surprised Vegas doesn't offer such a fine establishment.
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
20 Nov 17
Well, this is the real thing. If a casino with such an interior existed in Vegas, it would be fake.
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@rebelann (112254)
• El Paso, Texas
20 Nov 17
Why would it be fake @MALUSE ?
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
20 Nov 17
@rebelann If you build something today in the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance or Baroque or any other style of bygone days, it's not genuine because these styles belong to a certain epoch. The buildings and the art would be copies or fake.
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• Eugene, Oregon
19 Nov 17
Sounds very interesting, bu that stuffy tie rule might keep me from stopping by. I have not been to a casino in several years now, but enjoy them. Roulette and slots are some of the worst games for gamblers. That is an impressive room.
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
19 Nov 17
This is only one of several similar rooms in the casino.
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• Canada
22 Nov 17
I have never seen a casino like that, it is very beautiful and looks like a cathedral...except it is actually nicer then the cathedrals that I have been to.
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
22 Nov 17
The photo shows only one room, yet all rooms look like this.
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@shivamani10 (11036)
• Hyderabad, India
19 Nov 17
I think this is the color combination along with the use of Gold and silk that is responsible for the exquisite look of the Casino. It is really looking grand. Moreover, the Chandeliers are adding more beauty to the Color combination.
@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
19 Nov 17
Oh wow. That is lovely. I wonder if one can simply dress according to the code and go in - not gamble. It's a far cry from our casinos here. Though at the ones we have here there are usually several posters on the wall with a phone number to an addiction hotline - for "when it becomes more than just a game".
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
19 Nov 17
As I've mentioned, there is an entrance fee. I think if it didn't exist, too many people would just walk in and disturb the atmosphere. Once you're in, you can just walk around. There are more beautiful rooms like the one in the photo. It's not obligatory to gamble.
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
19 Nov 17
@MALUSE I would love to do that - as I don't gamble much. I can understand the entry fee.
@LowRiderX (22903)
• Serbia
15 Jan 21
@MALUSE Wow, how does it look ... 'expensive'I'll try it once, I'll try my luckthe most important thing is to know when to stop
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
15 Jan 21
Exactly! You should put a certain sum aside for gambling. If you win, fine. If you lose it, stop.
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@LowRiderX (22903)
• Serbia
15 Jan 21
@MALUSE So that's what I thought, just to try ..