Re-occurring dreams

By Faye
@FayeHazel (40243)
United States
January 30, 2018 12:04pm CST
Did you or do you currently have re-occurring dreams? I used to have the "flying" dream over and over again and also the "naked" dream. Flying is pretty self explanatory --- I would soar over a variety of real and imaginary landscapes. Naked was funny. I would dream I was nude in public and that no-one cared. Everyone was really nice to me and thwarted my attempts to get dressed. Within the dream this looked like: People: "Faye, join us for this meal out" Me: "I would love to but I'm naked.... I should get some clothes on first" People: "Oh nevermind that you are great let's go right now" lol My cousin used to have the teeth falling out dream How about you? There are books out that say your mind is trying to tell you something based on what you dream.
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15 responses
@JudyEv (347848)
• Rockingham, Australia
31 Jan 18
I used to dream I was driving a car and it was going backwards and I couldn't stop it. My interpretation was that I only had it when I felt I wasn't in control of my life.
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@JudyEv (347848)
• Rockingham, Australia
1 Feb 18
@FayeHazel Mostly now I have really nice dreams and I try to stay asleep to prolong them.
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
2 Feb 18
@JudyEv I'm happy most of yours are nice. For some reason while back I dreamt of Michael Bolton .... we were on a date.... and then my upstairs neighbor made noise and work me up. Ugh! I tried getting back to sleep so I could dream that again :-)
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
31 Jan 18
Your interpretation sounds right? Maybe something about not reaching a goal, too? Maybe not. Scary dream!
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@Kandae11 (55921)
30 Jan 18
I have recurring dreams about forgetting my bag with valuables somewhere ....
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
31 Jan 18
That sounds unpleasant!
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@jstory07 (142306)
• Roseburg, Oregon
31 Jan 18
I always dream of playing with wild animals and bringing the babies home with me and my husband tells me to take them back to the wild. What a strange dream.
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
31 Jan 18
That is funny! But you sound like a very nurturing person
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
30 Jan 18
Yes, I have recurring dreams. They're never nice dreams.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
31 Jan 18
@Daelii No. I know some are obvious, but the ones that are horrible, I just figure I know where they're coming from and I rebuke him for sending me such dreams.
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@Daelii (5619)
• United States
31 Jan 18
I'm sorry! Have you ever looked up dream meanings?
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
31 Jan 18
Oh I'm sorry to hear that. :/ I think you are right to rebuke them. I will pray.
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@dgobucks226 (36225)
31 Jan 18
I have in the past, but not recently. So, I guess my subconscious mind has resolved that situation. Nice song pick!
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
31 Jan 18
Thanks! Song fit well. That's interesting. I wonder if we stop dreaming a certain thing, when we've worked through it
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
2 Feb 18
@dgobucks226 Thank goodness. I never had a school dream, people kept saying I would as I got close to graduation. lol. What was your major?
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@dgobucks226 (36225)
1 Feb 18
@FayeHazel That is my theory. I remembering on time I kept dreaming about needing a course in college to graduate. Strangest dream? Not sure if it was career choice related or not but maybe, Anyway, don't have that one any more.
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@Daelii (5619)
• United States
31 Jan 18
Often I find myself unable to speak in the dream. Like I have something stuck in my mouth and I need to get it out to talk. :(
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
31 Jan 18
That sounds frustrating.
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
2 Feb 18
@Daelii Ha, oh dear.... how irritating
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@Daelii (5619)
• United States
31 Jan 18
@FayeHazel it is in the dream!
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@sjvg1976 (42078)
• Delhi, India
31 Jan 18
I don't get dreams I don't know why... May be I don't get proper sleep.
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
31 Jan 18
Hm, maybe don't remember them? I think that what usually happens to me
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• Philippines
30 Jan 18
I used to dream of flying and being chased when I was younger but I seldom dream in my sleep nowadays.
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
31 Jan 18
I don't remember what I dream, often, too :-)
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• Philippines
31 Jan 18
You're lucky that you can fly in your dreams, I wish I had a dream like that.
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
31 Jan 18
Thanks - those dreams are really cool.
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• United States
31 Jan 18
I used to have one as a kid, then I had it about 20 years later, it was an odd dream of being chased by Dobermen, and me trying to out run them and jump a fence
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
2 Feb 18
Oh wow. A big scary dog, and to have it 20 years later too
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@RasmaSandra (82997)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
30 Jan 18
I have had recurring dreams but not lately. I have also dreamt about something then got up to go to the bathroom and come back and continued to dream the same dream.
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
31 Jan 18
Oh wow, that is interesting that your dream continued on. I hope it was pleasent
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@RasmaSandra (82997)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
31 Jan 18
@FayeHazel yes, that one time it was. I am lucky that way if I do have bad dreams I stay awake awhile and they don't recur.
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
2 Feb 18
@RasmaSandra I'm happy that the bad dreams don't continue on
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• United States
1 Feb 18
I have a recurring dream about moving into a house that has secret rooms
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
2 Feb 18
That sounds fun! I would love to explore those rooms
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@moffittjc (122978)
• Gainesville, Florida
31 Jan 18
My one recurring dream I've had over the years has been about education. I would keep having a dream where I was notified that I had to go back to high school or college because I forgot to take one class, and therefore my degree wasn't valid until I went back and completed the class. They aren't bad dreams, but the struggle in those dreams is me trying to figure out how I'm going to go back to school, still maintain my job, and take care of my family.
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
31 Jan 18
@Marty1 Oh wow! That's expensive!
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
31 Jan 18
I don't think I ever had a school dream... that one sounds hectic. For awhile I went to a night school. I was older ... like most of the students there, but unlike them - a lot of them had spouses and children and more rigid work schedules. I wondered how they could do it all
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@moffittjc (122978)
• Gainesville, Florida
3 Feb 18
@FayeHazel I admire single parents who are working one or more jobs, raising kids, and going back to get their education. I don't know how they do it!
• Lusaka, Zambia
31 Jan 18
My Dream Isn't always the same but happens in the same imaginary location so often such that i can remember it vividly even how the environment smells like.
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
2 Feb 18
Wow! I wonder if that place really exists somewhere
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@innertalks (22405)
• Australia
2 Feb 18
I often dream of my grandmothers house
I have many recurring dreams, but some are more recurring theme dreams. The location is the same, but the dream different. For example, I often dream that I am back in my grandmother's old house but now it has been restructured into a hostel, or large community centre, with lots of people there, doing courses, or staying overnight, or something. The theme is the same, but the details can vary. Sometimes, my grandmother is there in one of the rooms. Sometimes, I go outside and walk around the shops there, other times the shops are now included inside the actual house. Image Credit: This image was taken from the free media site: I often dream of my grandmothers house.
@innertalks (22405)
• Australia
4 Feb 18
@FayeHazel Thanks, Faye. I am glad you enjoyed reading it.
@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
2 Feb 18
That's interesting. Was your Grandmother's home some place you spent a lot of time at or special to you? Once I dreamt of my grandpa's house that he had when I was small. I can scarcely remember it today... but it made it's way into my dream once
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
4 Feb 18
@innertalks Wow - that dream has so much detail in it. Amazing. At once a week even. It was enjoyable reading it - you have a great way with words, I could almost picture your dream
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