Just In Time!

United States
January 31, 2018 1:24pm CST
God is so awesome as He does things to help us all the time. Some times we are not even aware of His working in our lives, protecting us, providing for us. If we didn't go to bed hungry last night its because God provided for us. Anyways, I met this woman at my church and she has so many issues going on. One being her electric bill of nearly $190 was due and she did not have the money. She had her heat at 55 degrees, ugh! I had to wear my coat as it was so cold. She also has cancer and a broken shoulder so she's in a sling. Well she and her ex boyfriend just moved into this log cabin 2 months ago and he left her. She has no way of paying bills and is not able to work! She does have some help from other people. Her freezer was full, I felt good about that. She has people from her former church sending her gift cards for food and gas. I prayed with her and believed God would provide some how. Well, I got a call from her today and she said a lady from our church called her and was going to pay the bill, however when the lady called the electric company they told her she has $160.00 credit, so the lady was confused. Well what happened is she had applied for help from an agency and it went through and my friend didn't know it. Just in time! So Cyndy called the electric company asked what was going on and they told her the agency Cyndy had applied to paid her bill and there was also $160 credit. The electric company is a co op and they were going to shut off her electricity. So I'm giving praise to God for helping this friend of mine that is so needy! Please pray for her, her name is Cyndy. She seems to be a bit defensive and easily offended, which is a dangerous place to be. I think being rejected by her boyfriend has not helped the situation but it is hurting her to be defensive and easily offended. Satan loves when we're prideful, defensive and easily offended thats when he really hits hard. It can open us up to physical problems, emotional problems, spiritual problems etc... Have you ever been there? Has God helped you? Picture by Bing.com
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6 responses
@kobesbuddy (78884)
• East Tawas, Michigan
31 Jan 18
Yes he is Jehovah-Jireh our provider in all situations. Yes, I'd love to pray for your friend, Cyndy!:)
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@RasmaSandra (79026)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
31 Jan 18
God helps me through every day that I live. I always rely on my faith. Blessings to you. Glad to hear that woman got help. I will pray for her.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
31 Jan 18
So many times and I have always been grateful that he never let me go nor has he forsaken me.
@DianneN (247186)
• United States
1 Feb 18
I'm so happy that some Good has happened to your friend. Prayers for her. Yes, I give thanks daily.
@just4him (317013)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
1 Feb 18
I'm glad the agency came through when they did. That is definitely a God answered prayer. I'm sorry she's been left in the middle of nowhere by her boyfriend. I'll keep her in prayer.
@Kandae11 (54978)
31 Jan 18
I am so happy that she got help. Prayers go out for her healing.