Does this make me a bad person?

Calgary, Alberta
February 21, 2018 11:38am CST
I haven't talked to my parents for 6 years because I can't get along with them because they are too conservative. My relationship with them is not really Good, they are perfectionist I can't change for them. I decided to be away from them to give them less stress. I felt like it will make them happier if I am away. I also haven't talked to my siblings neither and I am even closer with my cousins than my actual brothers and sisters.
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21 responses
@hereandthere (45639)
• Philippines
21 Feb 18
but do your parents and siblings know where you are now?
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• Calgary, Alberta
21 Feb 18
I have no idea, Since I am using a different social media account they didnt know that exists. I just dont want to force my self for their approval.
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• Calgary, Alberta
21 Feb 18
@hereandthere Maybe they know, I haven't interacted with them for a long time. I heard they are making lots of money as Uber Operators.
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• Philippines
21 Feb 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker i mean do your parents and siblings know you're now in canada? did your uncle tell them?
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@LadyDuck (472506)
• Switzerland
21 Feb 18
No, this does not make you a bad person. I almost do not speak with my brother, he is not a nice person and I avoid to have contacts with him.
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• Calgary, Alberta
21 Feb 18
I know blood is thicker than water but sometimes blood can be toxic and we dont need toxic people in our lives.
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• Calgary, Alberta
22 Feb 18
@LadyDuck You know what is weird, My parents are so strict to their kids but spoils their grand children too much.
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@LadyDuck (472506)
• Switzerland
22 Feb 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker You are so right, blood can be toxic. We cannot choose our family members, we get what we get. I do not feel obliged to see and talk with those I dislike.
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@vandana7 (101413)
• India
22 Feb 18
Bad person is one who harms others, has shrewd or harmful intentions, hurts others, steals from others. I find none of those in this situation. That said, I have no siblings, and only one parent. I also have other relatives who are extremely toxic as far as I am concerned. Given such a situation, I have little choice but to be nice with my only parent. It is selfish need because I need support. I have plenty of differences with him. But eventually we face the harsh fact.
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• Calgary, Alberta
22 Feb 18
My parents are doing well financially and they are happy spoiling their bratty grand kids so they dont need me.
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
22 Feb 18
Maybe it's high time that you should visit your parents to see how they are doing. They may be old now and have mellowed. AT least, be civil with them.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
23 Feb 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker I understand. When you are permanent there, you can invite them to visit you c/o of you for the travel expenses. I am sure they will be so happy.
• Calgary, Alberta
23 Feb 18
@SIMPLYD Nah I will just let them spoil their grand children, enjoy their uber business and forget I exist. While I do what I want without having Bible verses being spammed on me.
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• Calgary, Alberta
22 Feb 18
I just got here in Canada, I will never leave until I am permanent. My parents are doing well. They are Uber operators and they own Mango plants. They are too busy spoiling their rotten grand children.
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@sjvg1976 (42015)
• Delhi, India
21 Feb 18
It doesn't make you bad. But you at least know if they are missing you or not. Sometimes parents behave as if they don't love their kids but they actually do.
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@sjvg1976 (42015)
• Delhi, India
22 Feb 18
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• Philippines
11 Mar 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker that was cruel if that is even true.
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• Philippines
10 Mar 18
No, they just don't understand you. I thought they gave you a house and lot or something a couple years back? I hope one day you get to talk to them when it's time.
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• Calgary, Alberta
10 Mar 18
I wont leave Canada. Spent all my life savings to be here. Also they are happy with their life. They are Uber operators with 15 drivers. I am sure they are financially fine.
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• Calgary, Alberta
12 Mar 18
@Letranknight2015 I think I can start a fresh start and start my own family once I am stable. Food is very expensive here.
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• Philippines
11 Mar 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker That's why I was surprised when you suddenly went there because I remember you were raising farm/ poultry in some province..I hope you are happy with your life even though you're away from them. Right now it's kinda sad for me in my opinion but then again I'm not in your situation.
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@youless (112839)
• Guangzhou, China
26 Feb 18
Of course it doesn't make you a bad person. Sometimes keeping a certain distance will have a closer and better relationship.
• Calgary, Alberta
12 Mar 18
Yeah they are happier without me, They wont be reminded of their disappointments.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
21 Feb 18
That's very sad!
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
24 Feb 18
Have you talked to them since you wrote this post?
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
12 Mar 18
• Calgary, Alberta
12 Mar 18
@1hopefulman I still havent talked to them. I have no intention to do so
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@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
22 Feb 18
Gosh, alienating one's self from the family is perhaps the weirdest thing any member could do. Why? Perfectionist parents? Why not? At the most, they aim to be perfect. Every one is already imperfect. Good to have perfects for a change. Siblings, with whom you shared the same navel cord, and you cut ties with them? Six hours is long enough for me to miss my children. Six days is torture enough for me not to have a conversation with my sister. Six years? How punishing is that to the folks who reared you! And the siblings who played with you! Come on, have a heart.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
23 Feb 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker What a grievance list! Anyway, such horrible folks you've got. That is very sad. Are your siblings horrible, too?
• Calgary, Alberta
22 Feb 18
My parents did this to me: 1.Verbally abused me all my childhood 2.Beat me with a broomstick if my grades if my grades is not A+ 3. Killed my pets because they are hygiene freaks 4.Told me their life is better if I was not born 5.When I became an honor student, It is nothing for them, they are never proud of me. 6.I am diagnosed with ADHD and aspergers but didnt believe the doctors because they dont believe the concept. 7.Nagging at me became their past time. 8.They are hardcore Christians and I am too liberal to get along with them 9.They are racist, So I will troll them by dating a black or white woman from a very liberal background. It is not like they need my financial help, they are freaking rich.
• Philippines
11 Mar 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker They don't look Christians to me from the way you describe, more like hypocrites hiding under conservative religion.I think money isn't really going to help if they chose to neglect to be ignorant and purposely neglect their children. Not to mention cover it up more by spoiling grand children. Kinda similar to my Grandma lol good thing my mom's different.
@much2say (57291)
• Los Angeles, California
21 Feb 18
Do you feel happier and less stressed now? You're not a bad person - you felt you had to do something in order to get into a better situation - for you. Sometimes, even with family, you do have to remove yourself to keep the peace. My mom did that many years ago with her siblings . . . and even though my dad thought he had the perfect family, he ended up not talking to most of his siblings too.
• Calgary, Alberta
22 Feb 18
I am lonely but at least I am free. Also I wont have to worry about having my pets murdered. Remember my parents hates animals.
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@much2say (57291)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Feb 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker Oh man. Well maybe then it's good that you are physically away from them. But if you are feeling lonely, maybe it'd be good to at least say hi to them - just to let them know where you are and that you're ok?
• Philippines
11 Mar 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker I think lonely is the least of your worries.
@jcvee2009 (151)
• Philippines
22 Feb 18
Can i ask if you have a child already?
• Philippines
22 Feb 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker When you become a parent you will then understand and will realize why they do such things.. Parents just want the best for their children though sometimes they react too much...
• Calgary, Alberta
22 Feb 18
@jcvee2009 Yeah traumatizing me by killing my pets is for my good.
• Calgary, Alberta
22 Feb 18
Nope, If I have a kid I will keep it away from my parents
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@Courage7 (19633)
• United States
21 Feb 18
Sorry to hear this. But if it pleases you to be free of them, then so be it.
• Calgary, Alberta
21 Feb 18
They killed my pets when I was a little kid. They verbally abused me for my ADHD because they dont understand it and I never felt appreciated by them. I dont long for their approval anymore.
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@Courage7 (19633)
• United States
21 Feb 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker Oh yes with people like that around, it is no good. I am glad you are free of are wise. I am also sorry to hear this what they did to you.
• Calgary, Alberta
21 Feb 18
@Courage7 My parents spoiled their grand children , which is weird since they are dictators to their kids.
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@Ishikab (15)
22 Feb 18
This does not really make you a bad person but I feel that end of all, they are your parents, they love you more than anything even if they don't show it to you. They want your best always.
@icon009 (53)
• India
22 Feb 18
Parents sometimes mislead their offsprings. When you are mature, take your own decision and don't let anyone dictate you. Not even your parents! If you find things tough, then talk frankly with them and try to come to an amicable solution. If that doesn't work, then there is no way than to part ways!
• Calgary, Alberta
22 Feb 18
I bet they will still treat me like a kid if I will still live with them. I set them free from their parental duties.
@Tonycn (76)
• Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
22 Feb 18
I had the same problem but after I left them for many years I realized they still loved me and they changed a lot. We meet once a year now. Some time a letter say hi would make things better.
• Calgary, Alberta
12 Mar 18
Only time will tell if I will talk to them again.
@topffer (42155)
• France
21 Feb 18
You are not bad, we are choosing our friends, not our family... I thought you were working with an uncle ? And he did not told to his brother or sister where you are ?
• Calgary, Alberta
22 Feb 18
Maybe he told them but I didnt give a damn about since the bridges are completely burned.
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@Plethos (13581)
• United States
22 Feb 18
it doesnt hurt to just call up and just say hi. thats it, nothing more. just a simple, i just called to say hi and hope all is well with you guys.
• Calgary, Alberta
22 Feb 18
I am considering it but I felt like cutting ties is better because bridges got burned.
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@Icydoll (36716)
• India
21 Feb 18
Sorry to hear this,it's better to be far than being close to such kind of parents.
• Calgary, Alberta
22 Feb 18
I wont say they are bad parents, I just dont get along with them.
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• New Delhi, India
22 Feb 18
You shouldnt have done this. A parent will be more stressed out if his or her kid tries to remain away from him or her. You must try to interact more with them even if they are conservative.
• Calgary, Alberta
22 Feb 18
Seeing me stresses them out, So it is better to be away. Also I am in Canada now which is miles away. The fact they are conservative means I will clash with them.
@levis2020 (171)
• Philippines
21 Feb 18
Though it is not the ideal family relationship that you have right now, but the reality is very far from the ideal. The ideal is having a very supportive and loving parents who love and care for their children. Unfortunately, that is not the case for so many people. It is sad but that is what it is. Though hopefully things may still be patched up between you and your parents and siblings.
• Calgary, Alberta
22 Feb 18
I think it is better for me to stay away from them. They are free from the burden of having an imperfect son.