Why is religion on everyone's mind so much?

@OneOfMany (12150)
United States
March 15, 2018 5:15pm CST
Don't you ever get tired of it and simply want to live your life free of the burden of religion? I never understood why people immerse themselves entirely into their religions that they occupy so much of their minds and the way they think. We all have a way to live and guidelines for that life, but isn't there times to have faith and other times to be faithless? I feel that if a constant reminder is needed for your allegiance to the cause, it isn't worth the while. Perhaps that's because I already know where I'm going when I die, which is why I'm trying to make it a better place for when I return to it. I guess I'm trying to understand why it is necessary to refer to it constantly...
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14 responses
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
16 Mar 18
We each talk about the things we like and religious matters are an interest that some of us have and it is no burden at all. I know people that are always talking about sports and watch sports and read about sports and play sports. Why? They enjoy it and it gives them pleasure. Not everyone feels the same about any subject or to the same degree. We are what we are!
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
16 Mar 18
@OneOfMany Friendly competition? Are you kidding?
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
16 Mar 18
Yes, but most sports fans aren't trying to recruit you to their side. There's always that level of friendly competition among rival sports groups, but if you rub a fan the wrong way, it won't leave as much of a lasting impression if you rub religions against one another. I have never been blocked over sports, but I have about religion.
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
16 Mar 18
@1hopefulman Lol. Yeah. I know all about rival teams fighting it out. My friends in Serbia would routinely tell me about their bloody brawls with opposing fans before football games. However, fights and such aside, I don't remember any wars being fought over sports in history. Do you?
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
15 Mar 18
we do because we feel the need for strength in this day and time. things are getting worse every where. people are not being kind enough to each other and that is why we are all here. the world is a scary place today and some crazy people try and lay it off on religion. when good faith is about loving and caring for your fellow human. not worrying about what religion, if any they are.
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
16 Mar 18
I feel that times of more religion in the world leads to higher levels of crazy though. Looking back on history, the reminder of different ages is there in the history books. I feel this is often forgotten (though I'm not sure why), but the period of time when Christianity was in control of Europe has been commonly referred to as 'The Dark Ages'. Faith is fine if you practice and it makes you happy to have it, but the more that is placed on the table, the more dangerous the world becomes. It never flows in the reverse. Even the founding fathers of this country regarded religion as a difficult existence, which is why they ultimately made certain that people were free to practice whatever they chose, though most of them did not practice at all. True strength comes from inside. If you feel your faith makes you stronger, then it needs to reside inside you to work.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
16 Mar 18
@OneOfMany thats true about a lot of religious fanatics but some of us believe Jesus teachings the way they were meant. he taught love and peace. have you heard of Edgar Casey ? things he taught i believe in also. but i have never believed in insisting others think as i do. that is where a lot of religious people go wrong
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
16 Mar 18
@peavey (16936)
• United States
16 Mar 18
I have been referring to it often lately because it's on my mind and part of my life. Not "religion" as such, but my personal relationship with Christ. I wish that everyone could know Him. I guess that's why I like to talk about Him.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
16 Mar 18
@OneOfMany The middle east has its share of terrorists but they are not all, by any means. (This is what happens when we lump people into categories) Jesus was far more than a "scrubby looking middle eastern man," but if you won't see past that, there's not much more to say.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Mar 18
@peavey AMEN!! That is why I talk about my relationship with Jesus as well. I want everyone to have the peace, hope, love and joy that loving God has given me!
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
16 Mar 18
I understand. Though I'm a little prejudice, I imagine. I can't accept a scrubby looking middle eastern man into my heart, after all the terrorist stuff that's happened over the years. Although I guess he can take on whatever imagine people want him to take.
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@marguicha (225681)
• Chile
15 Mar 18
I donĀ“t have religion as the center of my life. I am an agnostic. But I can understand that many people are helped by religion the same way that I feel comfortable taking my meds every day.
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
15 Mar 18
Yes, but do you talk about those meds every time you think about how they help you? I eat a bunch of healthy foods and take supplements. I have never had the desire to get out a post to talk about them!
@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
16 Mar 18
Religion has its place for many people. I don't mind the odd discussion on religion as I believe that many of the world's religions can teach us a thing or two about how we should live our lives. Although even then it is basically just common decency with no religious faith required. The only times I get really annoyed with religious posts are: 1. When someone tries to twist and mangle scientific fact to fit their religious agenda. 2. When someone gives God all of the credit for the good stuff but completely absolves him of all the crap!! 3. When someone uses scientists quotes out of context to imply that noted scientists back up their religious beliefs.
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@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
16 Mar 18
I've always enjoyed our discussions WorDazza even when we have disagreed on topics, Morgan not so much. I find his writing on this post offensive for the following reason. The title could well be true in many cases but I'll point out the fact that everyone means everyone even someone that refers to themselves as atheist or agnostic. The first line in the post however indicates that religion is a burden. That in my mind is much like preaching atheism's idea that religion must be avoided at all cost because it is something bad. It isn't. Of course, as you wrote once WorDazza much depends on how we think of or define religion. I consider a religious belief a personal thing and exists with everyone even athiest's. Do not our beliefs make us who we are and therefore worth considering even if we have various interests; they are still important to us. Everyone puts faith in something even if it doesn't come under the heading of religion. We still hold on to a belief for the common good. I do understand the annoyances and do not like it either when science and religious topics are put into the same lab beaker. I agree with you on some things but not when our "religion" (not referring to organzations here) or God is put in a bad light because we have a need to put blame on something.
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
16 Mar 18
I was seeing a lot of #2 in the posts yesterday, which was part of what triggered this post. I tend to ignore the bible study posts and casual topics discussing the religion itself, but when it's brought into daily life as the reason why everything is so great, and that other people need to feel it too, I get annoyed. After all, the 'other people' part of it is what drags me into the equation. And it's not where I want to be. #1 and #3 I have also seen here from time to time, but they weren't the catalyst yesterday. Thanks for your view on this.
@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
16 Mar 18
@Bluedoll Being annoyed leads to being offensive. Sure I could have lengthened the title to leave out people who weren't involved, but then, at the time I wrote this, I was addressing the people that had annoyed me in the first place, and they have since responded to this topic. Thus, it got the intended audience after all. I apologize that it offended you, but it was meant to open the door for discussion on something that was bothering me.
@Starmaiden (9311)
• Canada
16 Mar 18
Religion is doing what it was designed to do...instill fear. I pay no mind to it.
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
16 Mar 18
You remind me of the time I referred to the Bible as the "Book of Fear". "God loves you, but he'll send you to hell for all time if you don't serve him!" Sounds pretty oppressive to me!
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
16 Mar 18
@Starmaiden "History is written by the victor." Religion has certainly had more than a few cliff notes added in over time. All you have to do is convince a few generations that something is real, and you have it. They did that with the creation of hell in the middle ages, and the rapture less than two hundred years ago. Who knows what will be added next that will be determined as 'god's will'? They certainly have done their job well. It would be funnier if the first people to change something did it as a joke, and it stuck!
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• Canada
16 Mar 18
@OneOfMany I believe the people written about in religion are real and their stories and message genuine, but through mistranslation and misinterpretation they were intentionally manipulated by the evil few who wish to control the masses. They've done a phenomenal job, don't you think? :-)
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• Calgary, Alberta
16 Mar 18
There is a recent finding that being religious is genetic. There is a gene that makes people religious.
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• Calgary, Alberta
16 Mar 18
@OneOfMany This is what I am talking about, it was a research from 2005
Genes play a key role in long-term religious behaviour, a new twins study suggests, and the effects of a religious upbringing may fade with time
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
16 Mar 18
Really? I always attributed religion as a necessity to those who are 'new souls'. Those lost in the human world and looking for guidance. The older the soul, the less the need. :P
@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
16 Mar 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker Interesting. Though I would need to see more studies done to see more of a connection. One study I want done is the power of a name on life direction and choices. I think if one is given a religious name, they might be more prone to having religion in their lives. I was given a name where there is no reference to religion, so I have no ties to it myself. I can create religions, but I have no faith in them.
@FourWalls (72730)
• United States
16 Mar 18
My personal opinion is that religion isn't the problem (given that it's a set of beliefs and thereby an inanimate object). The problem is the human ego superimposing itself onto the beliefs. Consider the question, "What if you're wrong?" regarding beliefs. Inevitably someone (usually in the more fundamentalist belief systems) will say, "But I'm not." I see that translated as, "I have the right religion and everyone else is wrong!!" I have a set of beliefs, but browbeating someone with them isn't going to make anyone believe. In fact, it may have just the opposite effect.
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
16 Mar 18
It was much like me trying to argue reason into my one friend in high school. I would ask her about someone else's beliefs, and she would reply: "It's good that they choose to belief, but their belief is wrong. There is only one path and they are not following it." So basically an, "I'm right, they're wrong." approach to everything. I certainly can't agree with that, especially when so much of holy books contradict themselves. Look at the bible for instance, and you won't find hell, the rapture, or the trinity within the original texts. They were all added later as doctrines and not supported by the book themselves. Still, people that believe in them will fight you over the fact that because they have always been in what they've been taught, they are obviously real. Things like that get to me.
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@jstory07 (142709)
• Roseburg, Oregon
16 Mar 18
People want to share the joy of knowing GOD. I stay away from religion in my discussions but I like to read others about religion.
@Poppylicious (11133)
16 Mar 18
I'm not interested in the type of posts which simply profess adoration for an ungood god and attempt to indoctrinate me. However, I do enjoy posts which raise religious or cultural issues and intelligently discuss them. If we gather all the religions, from the forgotten and the lost, to the fairly new, there are a lot of overlapping stories which adds an element of some sort of truth that our distant ancestors - from all corners of the world - couldn't explain, or could, but not in a way we understand fully. I'm still going with aliens. We're just their experiment.
@JESSY3236 (20328)
• United States
16 Mar 18
I think it's because people want to feel like they belong somewhere. I'm a Christian. Right now I'm doing some personal research about Scientology.
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
16 Mar 18
It is difficult being lonely. I don't belong anywhere, but that's the energy I need to bring change forward, so I'm using it. I have tried dating someone who had no religion, but they were too angry and controlling, and I have recently been dating someone who found their religion again, but that's looking to go no where. So all I have left are my initial plans.
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• United States
25 Mar 18
As conditions worsen in the world more and more people will question and look to religion for answers as to why so much suffering is going on. Many will recognize a spiritual need in themselves, thus religion, God, and the Bible will be on their mind and heart.
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
25 Mar 18
This is a well-reasoned perspective. It begs the question that will people feel the need for less religion if things are more peaceful, or will they continue to draw upon it regardless of that?
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• United States
25 Mar 18
@OneOfMany Thank you. Religion if it brings satisfaction, comfort, and answers to it's members questions, it stands to reason that it's members would want to keep a good thing going because their spiritual needs are being meant. Yes religion, the right religion that God approves of will always be around.
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@augusta123 (6649)
16 Mar 18
I think it because the religious leaders forces religion down our throat and keep reminding us
@NoorNoor (2131)
• India
16 Mar 18
Because it's a way of life.I want to live freely with my beliefs and everyone want to live whatever they believe in.For ex:If anyone ban my hijab(Bcoz of their own wish) then I have problems!! If you are not believe in God,you will think religion is burden.I believe in God so religion is not a burden to me.Can you understand here the problem starts!! we have so many people on Earth.If everyone want to live by their own wish.Then,then the problems will be double.Atleast Somehow religion unites people. And If there is No God,we will not talk about this.There is something!! That's why you can't leave the topic.It came to you.This is my opinion.
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
16 Mar 18
There is an overwhelming supernatural presence in the world. There's no denying that. Whether it is a god or something else, that remains the topic of discussion. However, sharing your religion or beliefs is different from preaching them or imposing them on others. It would be like me coming on an always talking about the supernatural here, or telling people about the variety of demons that surround them every day, but they are just not able to see them and able to live happily for it. That stuff is creepy, and though there are plenty of things like that out there, there's no reason to draw people's attention to them.
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
16 Mar 18
@NoorNoor Generally, when religions are left on the table, it only leads to bad endings. History is the clear example of this time and again, yet no one seems to learn from this. I'm a balance, so I understand about the need for positive and negative to exist together. Thanks, and take care.
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@NoorNoor (2131)
• India
16 Mar 18
@OneOfMany okay.Religious people think that they want to spread the truth,the love and the peace.I hope They have no intention to hurt people.But the problems happen with intention or without intention. Anyhow all is good.because of the positive and negative world is running.I'm a muslim following prophet muhammad PBUH.I'm happy.peace be with you.Thanks.
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