Getting on with the neighbours

@sprite1950 (30452)
Corsham, England
April 12, 2018 2:23am CST
I'm lucky in that although I have neighbours both sides of me I get on with them. We don't have a lot do do with each other, maybe pass the time of day occasionally or take parcels in for each other but I don't really see or hear much of them. My sister lives in an upstairs flat and it's a different story for her as she has someone underneath who plays really loud music at all the times of the day and night which disturbs her sleep. She has asked them nicely to turn it down but they pay no attention and just carry on. She doesn't want to involve the police but it might come to that. What are your neighbours like? Do you live close to them or are you some distance away so that you aren't bothered by noise? Image from Pixabay
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20 responses
@LadyDuck (472504)
• Switzerland
12 Apr 18
Where I live is a small area with 10 individual houses. We all have a garden and the houses are not close enough to be annoyed by noises coming from the neighbors. In summer some people have dinner outside, but they all respect the rules, by 10 PM no more noises that can disturb the sleep of the others.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
That sounds ideal. We don't get a lot of trouble here but one night last year a woman got into her boyfriends's car while she was drunk and crashed it into several parked cars in the street, The noise of people screaming was terrible. We also get the odd car alarm going off but most of the time it's quiet.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
@LadyDuck How funny. We don't get many parties round here thankfully. It's in the summer when the windows are open it can be noisier.
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@LadyDuck (472504)
• Switzerland
12 Apr 18
@sprite1950 Last year, while the parents were vacationing, the two teenager sons of one of our neighbor had a noisy party. I have heard my closest neighbor going there and asking them to stop, it was around midnight. They stopped without the need to call the police, he is a policeman.
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@JudyEv (347386)
• Rockingham, Australia
12 Apr 18
We aren't bothered by noise as our neighbours are some 100 metres away. We live on 18 acres and they have about the same. But we're friendly with them.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
Yes when my Australian cousins came to visit they couldn't bear the fact that we were all so close together because they had more space where they lived. I would love that.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
@JudyEv I'm envious as we would pay a lot of money for a house that spacious.
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@JudyEv (347386)
• Rockingham, Australia
12 Apr 18
@sprite1950 From what I've seen, our houses are larger in the main. Rooms are bigger and generally there is a lot more room.
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
12 Apr 18
@sprite1950 When I first moved in here we had one family that is still here but the others have changed. There have been two different familes that lived directly above and they were both nice and then this couple moved it and the thing is you do not ask why they make noise. If you do they get worse and for two years it was a nightmare the ones that lived across moved and others like them moved in. Now, I have a guy above me and he is just as bad as the couple that lived here.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
That's the trouble, when someone moves out you don't know who you will get instead. They can be much worse.
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
12 Apr 18
@sprite1950 So so true.
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@nela13 (58817)
• Portugal
12 Apr 18
I have a house not a flat, so I don't have neighbors very close to me as my house have also a garden and fruit trees around it. The house which is closest to mine is my parents' house and I couldn't have better neighbors
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
How nice. It must be lovely to live so close to your parents,
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
@nela13 Indeed. My daughter lives a 2 hour drive away and if she had children I wouldn't get to see them too often which makes me a bit sad as I wouldn't want them to see me as a stranger.
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@nela13 (58817)
• Portugal
12 Apr 18
@sprite1950 Yes, it is It is great for my kids because they grow up with their grandparents which I think is very important.
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@ivanituut (1934)
12 Apr 18
my neighbors are always fighting like cats and dogs
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
That must be awful, do they keep you awake at night?
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
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@ivanituut (1934)
12 Apr 18
@sprite1950 yes because of them sometimes
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• Nairobi, Kenya
12 Apr 18
Hah..!! My neighbor is the snoopy one for real because they are always on the check out for all that I do... I caught them frisking my garbage trash which you can't really tell what they were looking for there.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
@TheCommentator001 Ooh very odd.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
Why would they go through your trash? That is creepy and a bit disgusting too!
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• Nairobi, Kenya
12 Apr 18
I asked them what's up with that and they told me they were suspecting some kid threw their flip on there... all the children were in school by then... I just could not say nothing else to them...
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@xueyao (164)
• China
12 Apr 18
I have two kids, as you know, they are noisy all days, but my kind neighbours never complain with them,
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
Ah that's good, children should be allowed to play.
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• Peoria, Arizona
12 Apr 18
People on our left, family is nice expect for one who is a total stalker of my mother and he plays loud music a lot and thankfully it has stopped after a while because we were going to report it. People in front of us, hate my mom and I for no reason. I used to be friends with the kids there and after an accident things were just never the same. And my right is my grandma and she is nice haha maybe I have to just say that because she is family. I'm kidding, I'm kidding she is great (most of the time).
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
It can be awkward if you don't get on with the neighbours. Where I lived before I had an argument with some and I hated bumping into them if we were in the garden.
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@josie_ (10032)
• Philippines
12 Apr 18
Our neighbors on both side of our house are senior couple who usually go to bed early. This rules out any noisy all night parties.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
Oh dear yes! Where I lived before the people were young and they would always invite me to their parties and warn me beforehand there would be noise. It wasn't often so I didn't mind.
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@YrNemo (20255)
12 Apr 18
I have heard horror stories about certain neighbors. Let hope that that won't happen to me (knock on wood). The current neighbors are all nice, but if they move away, the next groups might not be so. We live in separate property here, but most often, it is about the fence (the quarrel!).
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
Yes boundaries seem to be a bit of an issue with people. We have a tv programme called Nightmare Neighbours Next Door and some of them end up in court over arguments about boundaries.
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@sw8sincere (5204)
• Philippines
12 Apr 18
I live close to my neighbors and thankfully , they aren't a nuisance to me. =)
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
That's good because it can make life difficult if they are troublesome.
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@augusta123 (6649)
12 Apr 18
we all mind our business but friendly all.the time
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
I think that's the best way to be. I wouldn't want them calling round all the time.
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@Berrygal (5834)
12 Apr 18
I love my neighbors they are great people all the time
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
It's nice to get on with your neighbours
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@morgoodie (2645)
• United States
12 Apr 18
I live in a house so our houses are separated a bit. The neighbors to my left are an older couple who are quiet. No one lives on my right. There used to be some that lived down the street who were always screaming and fighting with someone and it always seemed to be late at night. I am glad they are gone. I don't really know any of the neighbors as they seem to change often since they are rental houses.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
15 Apr 18
@morgoodie Yes poor economy can make life difficult too. It must be frightening living in a violent area but people come and go and hopefully yours will keep improving. Yes I am lucky to have nice neighbours. On one side the guy is quite old although in good health. I hope I get someone nice when he moves.
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@morgoodie (2645)
• United States
13 Apr 18
@sprite1950 There is only one family that is still around that was here when I was growing up. I live in the house I grew up in so I have technically lived here for my whole life. The other person who lived across the street from me and lived there before my parents built the house, she had to go live with her nephew because of dementia. I don't even know if she is still alive. This neighborhood has changed so much and not for the better either.
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@morgoodie (2645)
• United States
14 Apr 18
@sprite1950 For me, it's not just the neighbors that make it bad but the economy. It was very good while I was growing up and then the auto factories closed down and the economy took a dive. Many people lost jobs and others moved to where the jobs were. We were #1 for violent crimes per capita in the US for a few years. It has went down a little but it could still get way better. I'm glad that you got a nice neighbor. It can be stressful when you don't know who's going to move in next to you.
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
12 Apr 18
I am staying with no neighbors with me! My house is surrounded by paddocks in which there are horses and they are my neighbors and I am really happy with them! Thanks @sprite1950!
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
That sounds wonderful. I live in a built up area although there is a field in front of my house so I'm luckier than some.
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
12 Apr 18
@sprite1950 , Yes in that case you are really luckier to have such a big open space to enjoy the nature ! Thanks!
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@xueyao (164)
• China
12 Apr 18
That's really good place to live, it is close the nature.
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@snowy22315 (185905)
• United States
13 Apr 18
My neighbors next door have probably lived here less than a year. They are about 100 yards away, and the other ones are further away than that. The people next door don't make a lot of noise.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
13 Apr 18
That sounds ideal. You are not too close but could ask for help if needed.
@allknowing (141593)
• India
13 Apr 18
I am fine with neighbours except one and that is a long story (lol) We live like the English (lol) minding our own business.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
13 Apr 18
Not everyone minds their own business but where I live it's fairly quiet. I like it that way.
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• Austin, Texas
12 Apr 18
My neighbors are so quiet I only know they're there because cars are parked in spaces, kids walk to the school bus stop, children play outside or go to the pool, and every now and then the adult neighbors wave at me or greet me courteously. Noisy? What's noise? LOL.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
13 Apr 18
I think many people would love to be in your position. Neighbours can ruin your life if they are difficult.
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• Austin, Texas
14 Apr 18
@sprite1950 - I have been blessed. I have had neighbors that I had to “work around” but none that I had to set up a hidden camera. I heard of a case like that. The guy went to the police but the police said he didn't have any proof of his accusations. He put up a hidden camera to catch the neighbor “in the act” of harassing him. It was bad. It was clearly a hate crime. The neighbors didn't like homosexuals and they were giving the guy a hard time. I've never had to take any extreme action like that.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
15 Apr 18
@cmoneyspinner we have a programme here called Nightmare Neighbours next door and some of the things people are capable of is frightening. One even resulted in a stabbing.
@aninditasen (16792)
• Raurkela, India
16 Apr 18
You do have a law in your country for disturbing with noises. If it becomes unbearable she has to take the help of police.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
16 Apr 18
She doesn't really want to at the moment as she would rather sort it out herself but she will if it doesn't stop.
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@aninditasen (16792)
• Raurkela, India
17 Apr 18
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@dya80dya (36937)
12 Apr 18
My neighbours want to know everything I do. And then they will gossip.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
12 Apr 18
Ooh I wouldn't like that.