Emotional Outbursts

Mojave, California
April 29, 2018 1:45pm CST
I have been known to make a few emotional outbursts in my day. Just none of them were recorded on camera. Thank the universe for that. Some people think being recorded makes people behave better. May be some truth, but overall we are still just people and going to behave like people These are some epic emotional outbursts or meltdown on stage by rock bands. In some sick and twisted way. I found these very enjoyable to watch. Some are funny some are sad. Some might have a point, like Black Flag, that guy was asking for a beat down. Courtney Love may have over reacted, but all the person had to do was take down the sign. Think she may have had a point. My favorite was Billie Joe Armstrong from Greenday though ranting about how they left him with one minute to do one song. That was hilarious. Moral of the story, emotional outbursts can be justified, funny, reasonable, but most likely going to embarrass yourself at the end of the day. Has this happened to anyone, pretty sure we all had these moments Do not feel bad our President has these moments at least once a day in front of the whole world. Oh and one more thing. Poor Nickleback. Warning disclaimer lots of cussing and some violence.
These are the most Insane Meltdowns/Freak Out onstage. I think Billy Joe Armstrong has the best reason for freaking out. "I'm not fucking Justin Bieber you m...
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6 responses
@spiderdust (14740)
• San Jose, California
29 Apr 18
He used up the rest of that minute ranting too!
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• Mojave, California
29 Apr 18
I know, people are like what did he get accomplished? Well, he sure made me laugh. I have not ever heard any other band complain about 1 minute since then. Of course, that was the first time I heard anyone complain about having only one minute. Pretty sure most just go over to finish their set, but maybe the promoters of concert were on them to not go over.
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@spiderdust (14740)
• San Jose, California
29 Apr 18
@crossbones27 And really, if they went over that minute with their song, what's going to happen? Are they really going to turn off the mikes for Green Day?
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• Mojave, California
29 Apr 18
@spiderdust I know, that is what we call fake drama in the biz, but they said he was drunk and why he had the outburst. Now he went to rehab and will not see any more one minute rants from Billie Joe. No more laughs in that regard.
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@amadeo (111938)
• United States
29 Apr 18
Oh my.I better not look at it.What would my priest say.The video is weird the guy who is hitting not sure if he is.Sorry this is not my thing. I am a good Catholic boy
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• Mojave, California
29 Apr 18
Keep telling yourself that. I am sure God will let you in heaven now.
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@amadeo (111938)
• United States
29 Apr 18
@crossbones27 I am going to heaven.Have a class to teach there.
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• Mojave, California
29 Apr 18
@amadeo Oh, I like that one, even going to work for your spot. I hate all those lazy welfare angels that just take up all the good clouds and get drunk off Gods intoxicating spiritual waves while the rest of the angels have to work and earn their spot.
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@jstory07 (138998)
• Roseburg, Oregon
30 Apr 18
We all have bad moments but I would not want someone recording me.
@hostessman (11871)
• Tucson, Arizona
29 Apr 18
i can't believe you would get emotional in any way about anything------------------------------lol
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• Mojave, California
29 Apr 18
Me never, I am the calmest person you will ever meet, said no one ever.
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@jstory07 (138998)
• Roseburg, Oregon
30 Apr 18
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@akalinus (42897)
• United States
29 Apr 18
I have seen recordings of people on the Dr. Phil show. They knew the cameras were in their house but they fought, screamed, slapped each other around and behaved terribly. I feel fortunate that I grew up before there was internet or social media.
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• Mojave, California
29 Apr 18
Indeed, another reason I think music has turned for the worse is because people are starting to act like robots or trying to anyway. I like my musicians the way they are.
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@Starmaiden (9311)
• Canada
29 Apr 18
Chad Kroeger is an @$$hole! Looks good on him.
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• Mojave, California
29 Apr 18
Haha, I maybe liked a song or two, but think this band is the rare case where their songs were played so much that it drove people to hate them. That and so many bands talked smacked about them. I will have to take your word if he is an ahole and that never helps people causes. I never understand why people do not just turn the tables and laugh at themselves when stuff like that happens to them. They could probably save their music careers if they did it right. Instead they become bitter and people hate them more, but I guess easier said than done.
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• Mojave, California
29 Apr 18
@Starmaiden I see, I guess I never paid enough attention to care about why they were hated. Just knew they were. My two big bands I hate is Limp Biscuit and Lincoln Park. Limp Biscuit always sounds like they were trying to hard to be cool and relevant while Lincoln Park seemed to try to cater to mainstream fans to much watering down their music and saying things that other bands have been saying forever but never got the commercial success they deserved, but since they watered it down, everyone loved them.
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• Canada
29 Apr 18
@crossbones27 Even those of their home town of Langley, British Columbia and the greater Vancouver area hate them. Chad Kroeger is the reason the band has a bad rep.
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