I've Been Shot Yet Again....

Thumbs up!  The bandage marks the spot where the injection was.  Photo taken by and the property of FourWalls.
@FourWalls (72728)
United States
May 8, 2018 9:42pm CST
...By that dang hypodermic needle. It was time for the annual cortisone shot today. I have mild carpal tunnel in my left (dominant) hand, plus arthritis in the hand. It makes for some unpleasant feeling, especially given that I type a lot (at work and here). Thankfully, a little cortisone goes a long, long way in easing the discomfort. That keeps me out of the operating room, which is great. I've noticed one thing in getting cortisone shots (this is my third in my hand, I think my fifth overall [the other two were in my shoulder]): doctors obviously never studied how to give shots. The most painful injections I've ever had in my life were given by doctors (including last year's cortisone shot in my hand). The funny thing about the worst one -- in my shoulder in the late 80s -- was that my doctor's office was two doors from a funeral home. I let out a yelp of pain so loud the doctor told me to be quiet or the funeral home would be over looking for a body! Thank God for nurses. They do all the work (and the doctors get all the money), and that definitely includes giving injections. So after a couple of days of "weird" feeling in my hand from the shot I'll be good to go, hopefully for another year! Here's a song about needles:
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10 responses
@crossbones27 (50291)
• Mojave, California
9 May 18
Hell you were in military, remember how bad they were. We used to make jokes in Marines. Will I live Doc, sure you tough and will survive combat. No I meant your shot.
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• Mojave, California
9 May 18
@FourWalls Actually, my partner in crime when I was in mail room for a while was called in because he could do it like no other. They were getting complaints of bruising and what not and he just stick it in like nothing. I am like this guy is the dumbest person he hit a parked car, but he was smart in his own way. We just had fun with him and those navy Docs.
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@Starmaiden (9311)
• Canada
9 May 18
Those types of shots sound painful. I am fortunate to not have those problems. Good thing its only once a year.
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@FourWalls (72728)
• United States
9 May 18
Yes indeed. My brother has no cartilage in his knee, so he has to get one every 2-3 months. Ouch.
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@shaggin (74036)
• United States
9 May 18
That’s good you only have to get the cortisone shots once a year and can skip surgery while the shots help. I wondered if it would hurt when I starte reading your post and see it did. I hope you only have nurses give the shot from now on. The doctor I go to has been my doctor since I was a baby (I’m 34) and he never gives shots either it’s always the nurses or nurse practitioner.
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
9 May 18
My arm still hurts from the needle that was stuck in it yesterday. She couldn't fill the fourth vial with blood, and kept wiggling it in my arm.
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@Plethos (13581)
• United States
9 May 18
i have a fear of needles.
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@porwest (98084)
• United States
9 May 18
Never considered doctors may not be as well equipped to stick. Yup. Give me a nurse. Preferably a cute one.
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@JudyEv (349183)
• Rockingham, Australia
9 May 18
Doctors don't have much expertise in giving needles. At least that's been my finding. I hope the injection really improves your wrist. I know you said it does so I'm just hoping you're right.
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@JohnRoberts (109845)
• Los Angeles, California
9 May 18
You didn't think I'd let you get away with that. Listen to a proper needles song:
Linda Ronstadt - Silver Threads and Golden Needles From the album Hand Sown ... Home Grown (1969 version) Don't Cry Now (1974 single release version) Shown o...
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@RubyHawk (99404)
• Atlanta, Georgia
9 May 18
The easiest injection I've had was just the other day and any doctor or nurse could do it. She placed a cold pack on the area just before plunging in the needle and I didn't feel a thing.
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@RubyHawk (99404)
• Atlanta, Georgia
9 May 18
The easiest injection I've had was a few days ago and it's something any nurse or doctor could do. She put a cold pack on the area just before plunging in the needle and I didn't feel a thing
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