a cliché

May 14, 2018 1:17am CST
This time last week my tummy was gushingly ridding itself of evil parasites by any means possible, all involving lots of yucky fluid type substances. Towards the back end of the week {pun so very obviously intended} and beyond, my tummy was insisting that it keep everything I ate safely tucked up inside. I need this! it whined and gurgled. This morning, at twenty past six, the time I have to leave the house to walk to Bus Stop so that I can catch Bus, my tummy happily declared, I want a poo! Really Tummy? You choose this moment to wave goodbye to Connie St Pation? Well, I want, doesn't get. So you can grumble and moan and strop like a toddler, but you'll still have to wait. Nope, no buts. She seems to have settled now. She's sitting with a scowl on her face on the kerb, drawing menacing pictures on the pavement with chalk. I want to tell her that if the wind changes her face will stay that way, but now I'm safely ensconced on Bus it's probably best to not rock the boat. And in other news? We failed miserably at Eurovision despite having {what I thought was} a strong, point-worthy song. What. A. Surprise. Honestly, I don't know why we bother anymore. We're the kid that nobody likes, the one who always gets picked last, just because the other kids need somebody to hate. Still, at least we didn't get boo'd like Russia. Swings and roundabouts, eh.
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6 responses
@xFiacre (13245)
• Ireland
14 May 18
@poppylicious Bowls do tend to pick the most inappropriate times for activity. I refuse to listen to mine on airplanes.
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14 May 18
I have to try very hard to ignore mine when in public. It can't be good.
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15 May 18
@xFiacre This often happens to me in quiet classrooms after a hearty lunch!
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@xFiacre (13245)
• Ireland
15 May 18
@Poppylicious I asked one of my sons when he was about 7 if anything good happened in school and he said no. Then his eyes lit up and he said with great glee “MissThompson broke wind and me and Johnny Simpson heard it!!!”
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@mlgen1037 (29886)
• Manila, Philippines
14 May 18
Did your stomach participate until you went off the bus, Elizabeth?
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14 May 18
My tummy has been surprisingly well behaved all day. It deserves a treat for being so good. :)
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15 May 18
@mlgen1037 I'm thinking that I might allow it an ice-lolly when I get home from work tonight. It's going to be a nice hot day. :)
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@mlgen1037 (29886)
• Manila, Philippines
14 May 18
@Poppylicious That's great! And where did you treat your tummy?
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@popciclecold (39860)
• United States
14 May 18
I hope this soon passes away.
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15 May 18
It has passed. :)
• Preston, England
14 May 18
hope you are healthy again soon - never watched Eurovision this year
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• Preston, England
14 May 18
@Poppylicious Guessed as much from various online reviews lol
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14 May 18
You missed nothing. :)
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
16 May 18
Rather TMI in the first part of your post, but I liked the pun. I'm not interested in Eurovision, have never watched it.
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17 May 18
It happens to us all ... !! I could have given more detail; this was quite tame in comparison to what actually went on!
@YrNemo (20255)
16 May 18
hmm, think of this, if England won, then Eurovision 2019 would have to be in England, London I guess. THAT meaned lots of money involved to just get there and stay there (by other competitors) while the competition went on. Guess they would choose a place where things are not too expensive? (some years, there were cries of bias, corruption, of politics involvement, how do you think?)