The Politicians Really Should

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@Teep11 (7673)
United States
June 12, 2018 11:50pm CST
Yes, yes, yes! Politicians should interact with the community. There should be engaging with citizens how are the citizens going to get to know the politicians? There seems to be some form of disconnection because they're sending out representatives instead of meeting with the "community" and becoming familiar with the public. Perhaps Politicians need some 101. Police Officers patrol the neighborhoods so why aren't Politicians going door to door speaking with the residents? Politicians should "so that" the interactions will increase their votes. Voters want to know whom they're voting for. Indeed!
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10 responses
@thelme55 (76796)
• Germany
13 Jun 18
I agree. I hope they will.
1 person likes this
• Agra, India
13 Jun 18
I really believe that this day will never come
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@AmbiePam (91166)
• United States
13 Jun 18
I think a lot of good things would be done if politicians met with the "common" people. I believe really beneficial things could and would be done if politicians just knew what everyday people want and need.
@Shavkat (138852)
• Philippines
13 Jun 18
I hope the politicians will incorporate transparency, too
@garymarsh6 (23404)
• United Kingdom
13 Jun 18
Our members of parliament hold weekly surgeries when you can go and speak directly with them.
@aureliah (24316)
• Kenya
13 Jun 18
This is how they should learn the problems on the ground but unfortunately they just listen to the community and do nothing
• India
13 Jun 18
If politicians start communicating with citizens, they would probably know the problems better faced by the locatiles. It can obviously be helpful in growth and development of citizens and country. But do you think that day would ever come??
@simplfred (20641)
• Philippines
13 Jun 18
Here in our country as long as politician money goes door to door. Then at most that Politician will be elected. Sad truth.
@Nomda43 (41)
13 Jun 18
I heard many times in your article "should'.And,did they actually obey that word?I don't think so.They should be "honest",but,actually they are not.
• India
13 Jun 18
I agree, politicians should interact and communicate with the citizens to know their problems.