For women only : Mood swings
@euniceeleanor (5966)
73 responses
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
28 Nov 06
I do not get mood swings, but I heard you can take herbs to control your mood.
5HTP, St John's wart, Calms, Chamomile tea....
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@sunsham68 (1376)
• India
4 Dec 06
I wanted to say Chamomile really works, girls! Do try it - its easy to make and it has more effects than soothing - it also eases painful periods and cures fibroids..
My sister was awfully cranky and moody when we met on my last vacation and I quietly brewed her a couple of cups- the change was visible, I tell you. Everyone was when she feels a fit coming on she "makes the storm in a teacup"
She bought 3 bottles of the herb to take back. It should be way more well known for its wonderful effect!
@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
5 Dec 06
that's great! im going to search for chamomile tea now...thanks so much!
@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
28 Nov 06
Oh! Thanks so much for the advice...i will definitely try it out..chamomile tea for a start... thanks so much!
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@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
28 Nov 06
LOL i dont have all that..but i have a bf, insurance, car loans and credit card grouchy again :0) Thanks for sharing!
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@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
28 Nov 06
First of all I'd say talk to your doctor and make sure there isn't any physical or emotional cause for your mood swings. Personally you can work at controlling your grouchiness so that even though you're feeling it, you don't let it show. You are young! As we get older most of us realize that it isn't fair or very mature to take our emotions out on other people. Part of the maturing process is learning to control our own behavior. For instance, there are days I would go to school feeling awful, but I never allowed it to show or took it out on my students.
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@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
28 Nov 06
Oh! Thanks for your advise...i do hope i could control..but it seems that when i'm grouchy, i tend to be very snappy as well. But you have my respect that you can control it so well. Thanks again for your response!
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@mansha (6298)
• India
28 Nov 06
Yes I have them too.I have heard you can take medicines to control that but have never tried them.Infact I tell everyone at home How I am feeling and they should better stay away from my line of fire and they all cooperate with me to handle them It often happens just before my periods come.
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@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
28 Nov 06
i thought it's PMS too...but it got real bad that i have that too after the period...sigh...if you know what type of medicine to try out for this, pls advise. Thanks, my friend!
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@lucalucky (1839)
• Italy
28 Nov 06
For women only!!!!!
I AM A MAN and I don't understand why I cannot post about this. A man can know a lot of things about mood swings in females. Do not forget that men usually lives with women! :-)
@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
28 Nov 06
LOL i'm sorry, my friend! i'm just scared that men will respond with complaints about their partner with mood swings...cos i really wanna find out what's the cause!! or maybe you can share with us how to deal with mood swings? :0)
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@chiquitita (1226)
• Indonesia
28 Nov 06
YES! Definitely! Especially during PMS. I'm easily angry, sad. I usually take time for my self during PMS to watch comedies. It's helpful.
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@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
28 Nov 06
Whew! you dont know how relief i am to know that most women have that! Thanks for your response!
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@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
29 Nov 06
Yeah...I get mood swings too. Of course the men complain...but then they don't help either. I know I get mad because of certain things he does or doesn't do...etc. Just try and take a deep breath and try not to stress out. If it is bad, talk to you doctor. Maybe they can suggest something...
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@toonatoons (3737)
• Philippines
3 Dec 06
i was born under the sign of Taurus, and we are known to be very moody. but it does kind of worsen days before my period. i know it's a hormonal thing, yet i couldn't stop feeling guilty for being a grouch.
@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
4 Dec 06
yeah, me too! sad sad life, isnt it? Thanks for your sharing!
@annieroos (1845)
• United States
30 Nov 06
Yes i know what you mean, I get like that most of time. Very Moody.. I to don't know why this happends My hubby always blames it on the time of the month.. But it happends other times of the month also.. so i don't thing its not that.. Hope thing works out for you..
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@baronarthur (4187)
• Indonesia
29 Nov 06
This is a good discussion for men too.
At least we could read it and learn about women's mood swings.. I really enjoy reading the discussions..
I've seen it many times from my girl friends...
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@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
29 Nov 06
LOL Glad that this could help you! Thanks for your response!
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@kokopelli (4842)
• United States
2 Dec 06
i'm pretty stable, but dependent on my vitamin-H (Hugs).
even thru the PMS periods, that vit settles me :)
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@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
4 Dec 06
hehe..vitamin H, that's a good one! but i'm feeling much better now that my bf is back here with me...more stable now...Thanks for your sharing!
@Aeval39 (773)
• United States
30 Nov 06
I'm a very moody person by nature, and horomones don't help at all. I've been with my bf for 3 years and he knows now that if I come to him feeling almost depressed and asking him if I'm a good person, then it's probably almost that time of month. Now that I know that every time I get so moody for no reason at all, I just need to watch myself and make sure I don't get upset over nothing because it'll pass in about a week.
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@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
30 Nov 06
Thanks for your response. it's just that recently the mood swings has gotten really bad that i'm scared of myself too! :0)
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@wmg2006 (5381)
• United States
30 Nov 06
Yes I had them before I had a hysterectomy and now take hormones. I think it is just a growing part of a female physique, but it could also be something medical. Depending on your age and monthly cycle regularity you may want to see a DR. Sometimes life, weather, circumstances just causes us to have some good high days and some very low days. I use to be very emotional one minute and very hateful the next, was way too young for menopause but it was female related and if I remember correctly I had to come off caffeine and change a few things in my diet and start taking vitamins. So see your Gynecologist and let them decide if anything medical is going on, if not it could just be life or your diet. I am sure it is a very simple reason and can be fixed in no time!
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@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
30 Nov 06
Oh! I've been aDdicted to caffeine a lot recently, wonder will that be the cause or not...Thanks so much for your explaination!
@sunflowergirl (3064)
• United Arab Emirates
2 Dec 06
yape i have this problem as well! being a canerain which is the most MOODY star in the zodic world! :) but to make it worse My PMS pre.mess.stress!i fight for no reason!well i heard 1 should drink fresh jucies and stuff during mood depends r so Not incontrol of my self!ur so rite even i can b happy i moment and any Simple thought or talk can make me sad/angey! sick of it myself!!:S
@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
4 Dec 06
Thanks for your sharing! :D im feeling much better now that my bf is here with me :D
@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
29 Nov 06
im only 29...i have to wait until menopause? long way to go.. Thanks for your response!
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@jmp824 (741)
• Philippines
29 Nov 06
Yes i have it too. Its very obvious weeks before my period. And especially im taking birth control pills, so every now and then, i have this unpredictable sway of moods.
But as time goes by, i was able to control it or even prevent it from coming..hehehe..
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@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
29 Nov 06
Oh! that's good..weeks before period? i think that's it then! Thanks for your response!
@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
29 Nov 06
Thanks for your response, friend! :0)
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@caraj444 (1075)
• Canada
29 Nov 06
women do tend to have more mood swing than men because our hormones fluctuate more often than theirs do. and when your partner doesnt understand your mood swings it can make you even more frustrated. also being under a lot of stress can do this as well, one minute you feel like youve got everything under control and then the next the stress just overwhelms you and you get frustrated and upset. if its severe though talking to a doctor may help and they could do some tests to see what it could be, people with blood sugar problems or thyroid problems can also experience a lot of mood swings so any change that comes on its usually a good idea to mention to your doctor. of course mayby your just having severe PMS:)
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@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
29 Nov 06
wow! Thanks for the explaination...hope my blood sugar problem n thyroid is ok though. Thanks for your response!
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@caraj444 (1075)
• Canada
29 Nov 06
women do tend to have more mood swing than men because our hormones fluctuate more often than theirs do. and when your partner doesnt understand your mood swings it can make you even more frustrated. also being under a lot of stress can do this as well, one minute you feel like youve got everything under control and then the next the stress just overwhelms you and you get frustrated and upset. if its severe though talking to a doctor may help and they could do some tests to see what it could be, people with blood sugar problems or thyroid problems can also experience a lot of mood swings so any change that comes on its usually a good idea to mention to your doctor. of course mayby your just having severe PMS:)
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