Murder Gene

@suripunj (956)
New Delhi, India
August 27, 2018 1:40pm CST
I am reading book named 'Defending Jacob'.If any one has read this book please don't tell me the end i am still in mid of the book. A 14 year boy is arrested for charge of first degree murder.The prosecution makes the case that boy's grand and great grand father was killer so the propensity to kill has inherent characteristics in boy and that makes him potential suspect of murder. Personally i also believe in this theory ,in other way also.My father was a journalist and advocate so i have natural interest in both.Likewise if you see around, the son of an actor has greater chance to become an actor. The gene plays vital role in ones behavior ,off course there are many other factors also which determine the characteristics of any species but gene is dominant factors among others. But what would be the outcome when father is a killer and mother an astute religious?May be science can predict.Can genes from father and mother neutralize each other or it compound to make quite different characteristics ? I do not know. if you were the jury had you taken murder gene into cognizance while hearing the case?
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4 responses
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
27 Aug 18
Where did you learn that there is such a thing as a murder gene? Growing up in a family of criminals may influence a child enough to take up the same career. If the same child grew up in a completely different family, it may turn out completely different, too. I think your theory is very short-sighted. If it were true, rehabilition would be completely useless.
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@suripunj (956)
• New Delhi, India
27 Aug 18
Yes the child raised in a very civilized family because his father completely broke free from his father and grand father's record of crime.May be he identified the risk so worked hard not let his gene take the control of his life.But gene was there -dormant.Same was not true for his son because he did't know the history so did not make effort to keep it in check and so the gene took over.
@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
27 Aug 18
No, and there are plenty of children of mass murders and serial killers..who are regular people with regular lives. I think perhaps the mass murderer in Vegas inherited his psychopathology from his father, but it isn't always passed along.
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@suripunj (956)
• New Delhi, India
28 Aug 18
Yes. The question is whether we are willing to accept that it does exist.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
27 Aug 18
I am not so sure about this or the science behind it. But it sounds like an interesting book!
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@suripunj (956)
• New Delhi, India
27 Aug 18
Yes this one the book i wish it never end.
@Kandae11 (54677)
27 Aug 18
I certainly would not.
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@suripunj (956)
• New Delhi, India
27 Aug 18
Yes Jury should take account of actual evidence only.
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