Dealing with difficult people..

August 29, 2018 10:31pm CST
Hi MyLot. Sometimes in life, we encounter this particular kind of person. Someone who seems to dislike you no matter what you do. For this person, your mere existence is a nuisance. This type of person really gets in your nerve sometimes even if you opted to just ignore him or her. I am a patient person. I truly am. I can tolerate most things that people get irritated of. But I do admit that sometimes, when dealing with this kind of people, I easily get pissed off. I always try my best to just ignore them, but its quite difficult especially if you encounter them on a daily basis (at work for example). It tends to add burden to us for no particular reason. How do you cope up with this type of person?
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9 responses
@ZedSmart (19751)
• Philippines
30 Aug 18
I will try to ignore them most of the time especially if we are dealing them in our day-to-day work. But if it's affecting me that much, I'll give them also the dose they deserve. I do not intend to be mean to them but they should also learn to keep off the limits. If they have problem with me, they can ask or ignore me as well as long as it's not affecting our work and we are all fine. Let's treat the same way fairly and squarely. I have this colleague before with attitudes that are difficult to figure. She appeared kind to you if you can use or benefit from you but give you cold shoulder for some reason that you don't know. I tried to adjust on her behavior as much as the others did. She's the kind of person that wants to get the attention first. She's even good at manipulating people especially the superiors. Even grab credit if the credit was really due for others.
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• Philippines
31 Aug 18
I really hate people like that. I have had a boss before where she wants to get all the credit for herself even she didn't have any contribution to what was accomplished!
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@ZedSmart (19751)
• Philippines
31 Aug 18
@blindedfox Ha ha. Very common scenario. Ours was just acting like a boss.
@tammys85 (29998)
• Baltimore, Maryland
30 Aug 18
If someone doesn't like me, I just don't bother with them as much as possible (if it's in the workplace, I'd only work with them when I have to). I put my energy towards people who do like me. Hang in there.
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• Philippines
30 Aug 18
They are mostly found in the workplace most of the time. Thanks for the advice! :)
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@tammys85 (29998)
• Baltimore, Maryland
31 Aug 18
@blindedfox You're welcome. I hope you don't have to deal with it often.
@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
30 Aug 18
As much as possible, I ignore them or stay sway from them.
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• Philippines
30 Aug 18
Yeah I agree. I think that's the best way to deal with them. It is just quite difficult to deal with if its someone in your workplace!
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@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
30 Aug 18
@blindedfox As long as they don't interfere my work, then it is fine.
@vsai2008 (11796)
• India
30 Aug 18
If we really have to deal with them without any choice then i think patience is the key, and to hear with one ear and letting to go with the other.
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• Philippines
31 Aug 18
I agree. Although sometimes, it kind of sticks to you and it ticks you off. Thanks for sharing!
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@vsai2008 (11796)
• India
31 Aug 18
@blindedfox i think over a period of time that too will go away, just being calm and composed might help
@deba12 (2951)
• India
30 Aug 18
One of my boss is just like that. I left that job but afterwards he contacted me and requested me to join there again. But I refused his offer.
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• Philippines
30 Aug 18
I had one like that too. Really sucks the energy out of you especially when that person is a superior!
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@simplfred (20641)
• Philippines
30 Aug 18
I can relate with your example, I've been to that kind of situation and it is really hard. I've quitted my job then because of the unhappy environment.
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• Philippines
30 Aug 18
Yeah. Unfortunately, it usually results to either one of you quitting. Issues like this are rampant on the workplace I tell you!
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@toniganzon (72277)
• Philippines
30 Aug 18
I don't have to deal with someone who dislike me at work. And I'm sorry you are going through that. I guess if you want to stay in that job, there's really nothing you can do but adjust and adapt to the people around you.
• Philippines
31 Aug 18
I am actually on my way out. I decided to just start up my own business instead of dealing with them on a daily basis!
@Janet357 (75646)
30 Aug 18
i ignore them.
30 Aug 18
Before I give you virus who is this person referred to as a family member or friend or a colleague or peers
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