Do you talk to yourself aloud?

@athaness (250)
September 9, 2018 12:43am CST
I do! I can't help it. I speak to myself aloud everytime I think of issues and arguments as if I am talking to somebody. My friends and family call me crazy and find my behavior annoying. So they always stop everytime they hear me talk to myself. But I've seen a post saying those who talk to themselves are more intelligent! Well, I do not know if it's scientifically accurate. I want to believe it though.
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18 responses
@vsai2008 (11796)
• India
9 Sep 18
I dont know about being intelligent and all, but i too have a habit of talking aloud to myself when i am tensed.
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@athaness (250)
• Philippines
9 Sep 18
I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one. I talk to myself everytime I am alone.
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@vsai2008 (11796)
• India
9 Sep 18
@athaness it helps us, so nothing wrong in it unless we are in public lol
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
9 Sep 18
@vsai2008 Haha. I still have a hold of myself. But I see people doing that in public. So I remind myself not to.
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@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
9 Sep 18
I don't do that but my mother did. When I pointed it out to her, she said that she had to talk to an intelligent person every now and then. She was not a funny or witty person by nature, but I found this very funny. You can adopt this saying. Maybe it will shut your family members up. :-)
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@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
9 Sep 18
@athaness Drop me a line when you've done it and tell me about the reaction of your relatives. :-)
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
10 Sep 18
@MALUSE I surely will. Thanks for the tip. :D
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
9 Sep 18
I like that! I'll them that. I'm sure it will. :D
@pitstop (13221)
• India
9 Sep 18
Well, I talk to myself in my mind. I don't remember having a loud conversation with myself.
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@athaness (250)
• Philippines
9 Sep 18
My friend also told me that. She said she could not take talking to herself aloud like I do.
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@Shavkat (137842)
• Philippines
9 Sep 18
It is my hobby to talk to myself. I felt like myself is my real best friend.
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@Shavkat (137842)
• Philippines
10 Sep 18
@athaness You definitely said it right.
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
10 Sep 18
Yes. Coz there's no room for miscommunication!
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@rakski (114157)
• Philippines
9 Sep 18
Welcome kabayan! I am guilty of that. But I usually do not do that when there are a lot of people.
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@athaness (250)
• Philippines
9 Sep 18
Thank you! Yes, I do not do that in public, only at home. I'd be too ashamed of myself if I did. Lol
@Icydoll (36717)
• India
9 Sep 18
There is nothing wrong in that ..I also talk to myself sometimes
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@athaness (250)
• Philippines
9 Sep 18
I see. It's normal, right?
@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
10 Sep 18
Sometimes I do but I try to limit it as I do not want to sound like a lunatic.
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
10 Sep 18
I also try to limit the volume. They always laugh at me when they caught me talking to self.
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@May2k8 (18269)
• Indonesia
10 Sep 18
I talk to myself but not aloud, sometimes I can hear someone even though they says nothing.
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• India
9 Sep 18
I generally do it when no one's at home. I speak with myself loudly on the things that I need to do for the day and how am I going to do them.Sometimes I do think its weird but then it comes naturally I guess.
• India
9 Sep 18
@athaness they’re right as talking to oneself when people are around is a sign of aloofness and they want you to be involved with them
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
10 Sep 18
@aadesh_1987 Yes, I remember my mom asking me if she could join the conversation with myself. :D
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@athaness (250)
• Philippines
9 Sep 18
Maybe that's the point of my family. They want me to stop talking to myself when they are there.
@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
10 Sep 18
yes I do that all the time. Sometimes aloud, sometimes softer.
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@LeaPea2417 (37338)
• Toccoa, Georgia
10 Sep 18
Yes, I do that.
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@shubhu3 (36463)
• New Delhi, India
10 Sep 18
I do this too. Like when am tensed or have to take a big decision I have a self talk time and I talk loud during that time.
@shubhu3 (36463)
• New Delhi, India
10 Sep 18
@athaness Yeah true
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
10 Sep 18
Yes, as @MALUSE's mother said, we need an intelligent person to consult with during tough times.
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@Sojourn (13837)
• India
9 Sep 18
My mother does it sometimes...
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• Philippines
9 Sep 18
,,, i always talk to myself.. haha,... especialy if im thinking too hard...
• Philippines
11 Sep 18
@athaness ,,,,yes it really is... its really better to voice out what were thinking....
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@athaness (250)
• Philippines
10 Sep 18
It helps a lot, right? :)
9 Sep 18
I don't aloud. But sometimes I do but only in my. Mind or murmurs.
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
10 Sep 18
It is actually my goal to do that in my mind only. That's good for you :)
@Janet357 (75646)
9 Sep 18
I used to do that but now that i have lil time for such, i dont. I just talk to my pooch.
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
10 Sep 18
I see. I'm not a pet lover so I'd rather talk to myself. :)
• Philippines
9 Sep 18
Hi, welcome to Mylot. Yes, I do that sometimes, when I am alone at home. It helps me to release the pain, anger, and frustration that I have been feeling for the past few months.
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
10 Sep 18
Thank you! I see. I hope you would get through your hardships. Yes, it helps release anger. I always do it when I had had an argument with someone. I utter all my arguments and explanations to myself.
@Acefun (1220)
• Malaysia
22 Dec 18
I will not speak out loudly but instead doing it in my heart. I will plan what to do for certain things that I am not familiar with.