@just4him (318846)
Green Bay, Wisconsin
March 25, 2019 9:46am CST
I don't want your condescension. I don't want to be looked at as a member of the older generation and tolerated for my outmoded ideas and ideals. I don't want 'pat on the back' comments disguised as compliments.
Why do you look at me and think I need to be tolerated for who I am? Why does a peek at my life give you a holier than thou attitude toward me? Have I ever given you those kinds of comments? If I have, I'm truly sorry. There are times when I don't know how to respond to your situation, and can only wish you the best, and hope you come through it to the other side in better shape than you began. I know it doesn't always happen. In those times I cry with you and hope for things to right themselves.
Yet, here I am, a member of the older generation, a person pitied by younger people who have already cast me aside as unfruitful without a purpose because I don't work.
I work. I might not draw a weekly paycheck, or spend hours a week commuting to a job, but I work, and I work hard. My life isn't the greatest. I live off the government because I'm too old to make a meaningful contribution to the work world. So, they think. They, being the ones who threw me under the bus at the age of 59. It wasn't a good job and I wonder if it was a meaningful job. However, it was a job.
I spent the better part of my life working in various jobs, making a living. That's what they called it. Yet, it wasn't living. It was surviving. I didn't earn enough to put anything away for retirement. I lived hand to mouth. My paychecks barely met in the middle. My cupboards were often bare long before payday. There wasn't enough pay for the month.
What did all my working gain me? Nothing. When all was said and done, I found myself, not as a meaningful member of society with enough to live on in my retirement years, but living on the government, surviving still, this time with Social Security, a check I earned because I worked the majority of my life.
A note to the younger generation - you are not paying my Social Security. I earned the check I receive every month through wages taken out for that purpose while I worked. You're not paying my Medicare. That too is paid through wages earned.
However, I am forced to live off the government, something I told myself I would never do again. I was on it once before and got off when I found a job good enough to get off it and hoped to stay off it for the rest of my life.
It hurts me that I'm in the golden years of my life and don't have anything to show for it. I can't leave a legacy to my children, something I really wish I could do, and still hope I can one day, but not as long as I live as an outcast of society.
I told you I work and work hard. I do. I'm an author. I haven't made it yet as an author. I sell a book now and then and get a royalty check on occasion. I'm getting one this month. Someone bought a book, and I'm grateful. My royalty checks aren't a lot, certainly not in the double digits yet, but it's a beginning for all the hard work I put out every day.
I might not be doing manual labor, but I'm working with my hands - typing, and my brain - coming up with stories I hope people will enjoy. I spend hours on each book in research, revision, and editing. Making each the best I can. I pour my life into each book and hope for the best. I don't get a paycheck at the end of the week for the amount of time I put into my work, but one day my hard work will pay off and I will no longer be looked at as a meaningless member of society.
I don't want your pity. I don't want condescending comments disguised as compliments. I want to be treated the way you want to be treated - with respect. After all, I am still a hardworking member of society.
Thanks for reading.
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18 responses

@DianneN (247183)
• United States
25 Mar 19
@JohnRoberts Exactly! It seems so many of the youth of today think they know it all. We know they don't!
3 people like this
@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Mar 19
And the young can learn from the old. We can open their eyes to an old movie or book or experiences or mistakes to be avoided. Your friend Israel Horovitz can teach a thing or two about writing.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
25 Mar 19
Ouch this post has made me very cross. You are not unappreciated at all.
Firstly you are a human being who has feelings. You do not have to justify your being to anyone. Further more you are a mother and you are a useful member of your community and I know you are not a scrounger.
If someone has been nasty to you I am sorry for that but then ignorance is best ignored. Blimey if you think people believe you to be old fashioned they must think of me as rock of ages! Being older we are a fountain of knowledge we have skills and experience you can and do share and teach each and everyone of us. We all have a part to play in this life and many can learn from you. I am not being condescending or patronising but I have always worked with people who are elderly and have learned so much from them. They have more life in them than many younger people and tell me things that absolutely amaze me and have me in stitches!
You carry on being you. It is who you are. You live with a good heart. Keep your chin up!
6 people like this

@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
26 Mar 19
@garymarsh6 Thank you so much. I totally agree that we are a fountain of knowledge and I also believe I have a lot to learn yet. I will carry on being me. After all, I can't be anyone else. 

@wolfgirl569 (112748)
• Marion, Ohio
25 Mar 19
You earned what you are getting and dont let anyone ever make you feel bad about that. Sadly even our government is pushing the belief now that it is a gift they are giving to retirees who paid in all of their lives.
These young people will have to face reality someday.
3 people like this
@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
25 Mar 19
Valerie, very well put. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us. You work very hard. You are a writer and writing books is not easy. Not everyone can do it. You are very talented. Don't feel bad. You are not alone in as far as retiring. I probably will have to work the rest of my life too and probably never ever retire. Yes, you worked for your Social Security and Medicare.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
28 Mar 19
I hope nobody has hurt your feelings here or anywhere else. I have nothing but respect for you and your life, just being an online friend. I respect everyone and try to always be positive and uplift others. You have worked for what you get and it should be nobody's business. Keep you head held high, and keep posting, and I will keep commenting.
Have a wonderful day my friend!
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@LovingMyBabies (85297)
• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Mar 19
I'm so sorry for whatever or whoever sparked this discussion. That's awful. =(
We are all important and amazing in our Father's eyes and that's what truly matters!
If Jesus wasn't liked and respected, in His perfection-we won't be treated amazing either.
I have been attacked here for many reasons, but the biggest being my faith-which is okay with me. We all have things people will look down upon but we are all equal in His eyes.
There are many here who know you have worked hard and still do. Being an author is no easy task!

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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
26 Mar 19
It was the backhanded compliment, the condescension that sparked this. You wouldn't know it if you read the comment. It's not blatant, but veiled.
@RasmaSandra (82997)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
26 Mar 19
I am wondering often who cares if I am here or not. I hope to make some difference with my writing and even the poems I share. I struggle to make a passive income and have no idea when and if I will get my SS because before I left this country I worked for 8 years in NYC and now they tell me it has to be 10 years to get SS. Due to my anxiety problems and nerves and being an introvert I love being online but not offline. I work hard every day and I know I have a lot of friends all over the net some I have known for even over 10 years but never seen. Now I am wondering if any of these friends and how many of them have purchased my latest book of poems. I have yet to see any royalties come in and that system I am not sure about either. All I can do is plow along, attempt to enjoy life, find things that might bring me happiness and peace and just keep on living. What I can wish for you is to become a well-known author and know that people appreciate what you write and enjoy reading your books. You are a beautiful person and like me should ask yourself the question - Who's old? If I had a reason for real joy I would crank up the music and dance down the street not worrying about who was looking as long as they would not come put me away. With all the problems and all the hardship, I still say life is to be enjoyed and treasured.
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@RasmaSandra (82997)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
27 Mar 19
@just4him Would love to be your dancing partner to show the world we know how to live. Yes, Createspace which is now all part of Kindle. I am waiting for the next charts to show up which will probably be in April. For me, the all-time high is when people say they love my poetry and I get more followers for my pages and if they purchase my books well that puts me over the top. If the royalties start trickling in then I am ready for a third book perhaps toward the end of the year. I wish you the best of luck to become a well-known author and then I could say I knew her when.

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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
28 Mar 19
@RasmaSandra If you post your poems on FB why would anyone want to buy your book, they've got them for free? Just an observation.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
26 Mar 19
I knew there was a time frame for earning Social Security, but I forgot what it was. The same is true for Medicare.
Did you publish with CreateSpace? If you did, if anyone purchased a book, you would get a check, no matter how small. My smallest royalty check was .07. I'm glad to say, this month's check is bigger than that.
How about we dance down the street together to that music only we can hear?
Thank you. It's my goal to be a well-known author.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
26 Mar 19
I'm sorry you are in a worse situation. Having the King of Kings as your security is the best security you can have. None better.
@Courtlynn (67090)
• United States
28 Mar 19
I'm so sorry you had to write a post like this.
You're a very hard worker, whos so smart and kind.
People (of all ages) need to just stop
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@Courtlynn (67090)
• United States
3 Apr 19
@just4him totally agree.
very welcome!
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@Shiva49 (26969)
• Singapore
26 Mar 19
It was the norm in Asia that a majority of women did not work outside their homes but they raised not only their children but also grandchildren. They did not even have a bank account in their name but their contribution to society was priceless. One was assured the best food at home due to their untiring efforts 24/7.
My wife did not look for employment but did much charity work and still does. I am now retired and have saved just enough to get by.
I think we all work and contribute to society and that is what matters in the end. Yes, I have met a few who equate everything to money and that shows their lack of compassion. Thanks for highlighting this aspect of society that is prevalent everywhere - siva
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
26 Mar 19
That was also the norm here in my mother's and grandparents time. My mother didn't start working until we were all out of the house. By then it was a two person income home - both parents needed to work. I'm glad it's still that way in Asia where the woman can stay home and take care of the children and grandchildren.
You're welcome.
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
25 Mar 19
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. It is a great shame when people look down on other's for whatever reason without knowing the full story.
It's getting better - but - my mom didn't work a 9-5 job -ever since she married my dad. She works a 24/7 job since she married my dad - as a home maker. Just because it isn't the traditional - go to the office , punch in, etc.... type job - doesn't mean it isn't work. Agree totally
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
28 Mar 19
@FayeHazel So true. Mom is the most important person in a child's life, husband's too for that matter.
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
26 Mar 19
@just4him Oh so true. It's all stuff that is unglamorous - and (seemingly) no - one big thing, but rather thousands of little things that go un-noticed when life is going well, but everyone freaks out if you don't do just right....
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@andriaperry (118440)
• Anniston, Alabama
25 Mar 19
There seems to be someone here putting down older people. What this person does not understand is that we are all young inside, the mind still sharp but the old took over the outside, the body. When this person has to step up and ask for help, they will eat all their words.
See.... whether you know it or not, you just shared valuable information with that person, well everyone.
I love your books! I have bought a couple myself.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
26 Mar 19
I'm glad it was valuable information and I hope the person or other young people realize we are the same as they are, just a little older and a little wiser.
Thank you. I'm glad you like them.
@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Mar 19
Amen! Even though you were forced to retire at 59, you put in your time and earned what you receive. You don't live on the government but getting back what you put in. Having a job doesn't necessarily mean a person is contributing to society. Writing a book that entertains and inspires is more meaningful than delivering pizza. I understand your feelings.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
26 Mar 19
Thank you for understanding. I am living off the government because I'm also on Housing and Medicaid which picks up what Medicare doesn't. If I weren't on Housing, I would be homeless.
Yes, writing is more inspiring than delivering pizza unless I write a story about a pizza delivery person.
Have a great inspiring day. 

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@tprashant (98)
• India
26 Mar 19
Having said about the hard work you have put on with all your heart. Surely Lord is going to reward you on that. It will be in his great time. And it's inspiring for a youngster like me to put more hard work in whatever work I do.
I wanted to be a writer. I couldn't be .Though I work as a software engineer today I still crave for writing. But seeing your hard work and sincerety towards your work it inspires me. God bless you abundantly in your work.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
26 Mar 19
Thank you. If you want to be a writer, the best thing to do is write. I started writing when I was 8. I started down the road to publication when I was in my 20s. Nothing stopped me from writing and learning everything I could about writing.
There is nothing stopping you from your dream except you. Just don't give up your day job until you have your first best seller.
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