For those of you that have a pet please tell us about your pet

@Hannihar (130222)
March 26, 2019 4:31am CST
I will start. I had a dog and a cat and they both passed away, After my first cat died I still felt I had more live inside of me and so took the new cat in. The cat was abandoned twice. This family found her when she was left to die at 2 days old. They helped her get back to health and then she said she was allergic but I know there was more. She would not give me information. I had to learn on my own. It was very hard for us for a long time and then we eased into living together. She bites and grabs but she does not always do it now. She can be very sweet and she is a good listener and she can be good or can be bad. On the whole she is home and not going anywhere else and I have to get that through to her. So tell me about your pets if you want to. Thanks. Here is a picture of her.
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17 responses
@arunima25 (87128)
• Bangalore, India
26 Mar 19
I grew up in a family which always had dogs as pet. After my marriage, I had a dog for long 17 years before he passed away. After that I never had one. There is one German Shepherd in my mom's house and we are found of her. We visit her for few days in a year. Now she is 4 years old.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
26 Mar 19
@arunima25 That is a long time you had your dog. I bet the German Shepherd at your Mom's probably appreciates your visits.
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@arunima25 (87128)
• Bangalore, India
26 Mar 19
@Hannihar She looks forward to it especially for my younger one. The day we leave she gets upset. Looking at our packed suitcases, she starts barking and protesting. We actually have to trick her and leave. We have no heart to disappoint her. She acknowledges us in the video calls that I make to my mom.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
27 Mar 19
@arunima25 I remember when I was married and my ex's children came and we went on vacation here I had to take my dog to a place and she was always happy when I would come and get her but the last time they told me I do not have to do it and they will pick her up. She came in the house with them and she was angry at me. i believe she loved for me to pick her up.
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@DianneN (247186)
• United States
27 Mar 19
Sophie is gorgeous!!!!! You know all about Doodles!
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@DianneN (247186)
• United States
31 Mar 19
@Hannihar I think I have a good handle on Sophie, but am curious about her weight.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
28 Mar 19
@DianneN Dianne, thank you so much. Yes I do know about Doodles. Is there anything about Sophie you would like to know?
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
1 Apr 19
@DianneN I asked the vet and she said she can be like that but not heavier. She does not get enough exercise is why she gains weight . I don't think I feed her a lot but maybe sometimes I do.
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@anil02 (24688)
• India
26 Mar 19
I have not any pet and not like to have pets. I believe in freedom of animals.
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@anil02 (24688)
• India
27 Mar 19
@Hannihar welcome
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
26 Mar 19
@anil02 ok and thanks for sharing that.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
26 Mar 19
I'm a dog person. I've had several dogs, though I don't have one now. My first was Sheba. She was a handful, but the sweetest dog. We had only one cat I wasn't allergic too. His name was Aslan. Every morning, Sheba would give Aslan a good morning kiss. Rascal came along years later. He was a border collie and the best companion and earned his name. He was abandoned. My son found him and asked me for a towel. The moment I saw him, it was love at first sight. I picked him up and took him into the bathtub and washed all the mud off him. It was raining that day. He had abandonment issues to work through. It was a very sad day when I had to put him down 14 years later. Pip was my last dog. She was a member of the family. First owned by my older son, given to my daughter, and then came to me because Pip was an aggressive dog. Not aggressive in a harmful way, but aggressive for attention and love. My daughter had another dog and Pips nature was more than she could handle. I got Pip one month before I lost Rascal. I'm glad I had her to help me over that loss. I needed to put Pip down six years after I got her, she was 11 at that time because she had aggressive cancer. I never cried harder for any animal, not even Rascal, than I did when I had to put Pip down. They all had their personalities. Sheba was a dog that when she saw a door open she was gone for three hours. Rascal was a gentleman walker. He never left the yard if you were out there with him, but if you forgot to bring him in with you, he would just take a walk around the neighborhood. I looked for him on more than one occasion and even bailed him out of the Humane Society a couple of times. Pip never left the yard. I never had to chase her down. She was the sweetest dog I owned. Sheba was a lab, Rascal was a border collie, and Pip was a lab/pit. I don't have pictures of Sheba, but I do of Rascal and Pip. This one is of Pip. I'll put one of Rascal in a comment. This was taken of her the day before I put her down.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
30 Mar 19
@Hannihar You do what you can. It's easy to see you love her. Thank you. He was a wonderful dog.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
28 Mar 19
@Hannihar Your pets sound wonderful. Here's a picture of Rascal. I don't know how old he was there, but still playful.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
29 Mar 19
@just4him Thank you Valerie. They were great and loved them so much. I am happy to have Sophie but she is young and I am old and I want to make money for us so I feel bad when she wants attention and I am not nice to her. Rascal is very cool looking.
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@nela13 (56678)
• Portugal
27 Mar 19
I used to feed a wild cat that looked exactly like yours but she passed last year. I also lost my 13 years old dog last year, it was hard and now I don't have a pet.
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@TheHorse (214031)
• Walnut Creek, California
29 Mar 19
Will you have another? I'm on the fence.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
29 Mar 19
@nela13 It is hard to lose our furry ones. So the cat looked like mine. That is interesting. Sophie is a home cat.
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@nela13 (56678)
• Portugal
29 Mar 19
@TheHorse I may adopt you
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@jiwonnie (443)
• Philippines
26 Mar 19
We have two dogs. They fight all the time but at the same time they are like best friends.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
26 Mar 19
@jiwonnie That makes sense. Human siblings fight and some of them are best friends too.
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@May2k8 (18258)
• Indonesia
30 Mar 19
I have two cats and all are female, but the one likes to play in the trash.
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@May2k8 (18258)
• Indonesia
31 Mar 19
@Hannihar they would play Outside, they are both can outdoor and indoor.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
31 Mar 19
@May2k8 Do they like to play in the trash outside or inside and are they outdoor cats or both outdoor and indoor?
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
31 Mar 19
@May2k8 Thanks for clarifying that.
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@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
26 Mar 19
We have 2 dogs and a cat. Bella and Riley while Batman is our cat. Despite living together they don't clash at all.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
26 Mar 19
@ardoy0731 Do they like each other or stay out of the way of each other|?
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@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
26 Mar 19
@Hannihar they like each other. Our cat hang around the house while the dogs are in. Their is no chasing at all.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
26 Mar 19
@ardoy0731 Do your dogs chase after cats outside even though they have a cat at home? My dog had a cat at home when I had those two but she still wanted to chase cats outside. When I took her or actually she took me for walks I told her she does not have to chase cats outside because she has a cat at home.
• Philippines
28 Mar 19
I have four dogs, three of them i got last year. Just today I took two to bath and remove their fleas. Tomorrow i would be doing the same on the other two.
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@TheHorse (214031)
• Walnut Creek, California
29 Mar 19
Glad they won't be itchy dogs!
@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
29 Mar 19
@Letranknight2015 Good idea. How often do you have to give them a bath to get rid of their fleas?
@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
28 Mar 19
Your cat is very beautiful I love cats the best. I now have two kittens Blackie and Buttercup. They are brothers and on April 15th they will be one years old. I am on my tablet right now so I can not put a picture up of them.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
29 Mar 19
@jstory07 Thank you about the complement about Sophie. Whenever you can I would love to see a picture of them. Sophie will be 5 in August. Enjoy them.
@norcal (4889)
• Franklinton, North Carolina
27 Mar 19
She's pretty. I currently have two cats, Darrel and Darrel, and two dogs, Chopper who is half pug and half Dachshung, and Bear who is a Rottweiler. I also take care of my mom who has two dogs, Gypsy and Chulita. Chulita is Gypsy's daughter, and they are some mixture of small dogs that seems to include Chihuahua.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
27 Mar 19
@norcal You have a nice family there.
@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
27 Mar 19
Cute cat, Im happy she found you, you are so patient with her biting and I'm happy she doesn't always do it now. So, mine - now my mom's - is called Kiki. When I moved - I sent my cat to live with my parents until I could secure the proper papers for having an animal in the apartment. And, well they became the best of friends. She is a calico and very funny and smart. She loves hugs, but on her terms.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
29 Mar 19
@FayeHazel The thing is Faye that Sophie should get more attention but I also need to make some money for us and I really do not know how to explain to her so I am not always nice. I am also not feeling good right now so I have less patience when I am not feeling good.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
28 Mar 19
@FayeHazel Thanks Faye and I think she is cute too. I am not always patient. My cat loves to be petted on her terms also but lets me when I come in the door pet her on her nose. She also at times lets me give her kisses but to take care of her that is very hard.
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
28 Mar 19
@Hannihar Sometimes things need to happen on a certain time frame with pets, can't always be patient
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• Belews Creek, North Carolina
26 Mar 19
We have a spoiled dog and 4 cats (one if whom is a not-entirely-domesticated stray who adopted us and lives under our porch).
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
26 Mar 19
@SophiaMorros The cat right now feels safer sleeping under the porch but I am sure will want to sleep inside eventually.
@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
26 Mar 19
@SophiaMorros I understand now. Sophie is also the name of my cat. When she came to live with me the lady that I got her from her sons named her watermelon and I thought it was such a strange name and not her at all. I changed her name to Sophie. I have a hard time naming my pets but she looked like a Sophie to me.
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• Belews Creek, North Carolina
26 Mar 19
@Hannihar he's not allowed inside. He and our other male cat get into territory marking wars.
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@LowRiderX (22903)
• Serbia
10 Jun 19
I currently do not have a pet, the last I had a cat very similar to this on the photo (black and white) I had and dog too, aquarium fish, a duck, a rabbit...
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
10 Jun 19
@LowRiderX I hope one day you will and can have one.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
10 Jun 19
@LowRiderX So your cat looked like my Sophie? Do you want a pet now or not?
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@LowRiderX (22903)
• Serbia
10 Jun 19
@Hannihar YesNo, I can not have a pet right now
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@shaggin (71909)
• United States
27 Mar 19
I have had many animals but I will just tell you about the ones I have right now. I have a female dog who is about a year and a half. Her mom was part Chihuahua, Jack Russell terrier and Pekingese. They didn't know what the father was. She is a very nervous dog and doesn't like people that she doesn't know or animals that she doesn't know but it better with animals then people. I have a Blue fronted Amazon parrot that is about 7 years old. He/she wants a mate and we do not have enough time for give her to make her happy so when it warms up enough I am going to look to re-home her. We are her third owners.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
29 Mar 19
@shaggin Thank you for sharing that with me. She has a combination in her.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
26 Mar 19
We had so many pets in our home (goats, cows, cat, dog etc) when I was a student. All of us were busy on taking care of them after school. Once we grown up then got busy with our own life, then long time, there was no pet at native home and recently they got a puppy. After leaving my home, I never kept any pet due to lack of space.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
26 Mar 19
@Sreekala I understand.
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@Sheali (7461)
• India
26 Mar 19
I take care of 5 stray pets.. I have mentioned about two of them in more detail in some of my discussions along with their pics.. Jakie and Blakie.. Jakie is the oldest one, Blakie is very innocent and quiet.. Blakie has a brother and there is a small pup.. Jakie has a good companion, Julie..
Here you'll find discussions related to the term 'jakie' as tagged by myLot users.
@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
26 Mar 19
@Sheali Thank you for sharing that. My cat eyes food whenever I have it too. I think that is an animal thing.
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@Sheali (7461)
• India
26 Mar 19
@Sheali (7461)
• India
26 Mar 19
Here you'll find discussions related to the term 'blakie' as tagged by myLot users.
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