Two year old daughter, help?
By CDonohue
@CDonohue (379)
United States
November 28, 2006 11:04pm CST
Does anyone have or had the same problem with their two year little girl.
She is always into everything she isn't suppose to get into, she rarely
wants to sit and play unless it's paints or coloring and she stays up half
the night!!! It is now midnight and I am making her an eggo!!!
I just wish she would find a way to burn energy and stop driving mommy nuts.
Her most recent incident involved getting into my make up and painting the wall
with it! Help!
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32 responses
@Signal20 (2281)
• United States
29 Nov 06
I believe that's called the terrible two' I have 3 kids(15, 12, & almost 1) and I know it's easier to sit on the outside and look in and give advice, but why are you making her an eggo now? You're giving in to her(I know sometimes it's just easier)and letting her call the shots-she's in charge not you. That's the first thing you need to change. As far as the other stuff, that's just plain old kids stuff. I remember my oldest was about 3 or 4, I left a box of hair dye on the table. She woke up before me and dyed her and my black labrador's hair, oh yeah, and the couch lol. I have no clue how she knew to mix the right stuff together. But, they do get into stuff, just have to do the best you can to watch them. If she likes painting and coloring, let her do that. Try some play doh or make some clay. Maybe she's just artistic :)
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@Signal20 (2281)
• United States
29 Nov 06
Also, did you discipline her after the make up on the wall incident? I would've made her clean it up(yeah, you still have to as well) but let her see that when she does stuff like that, she's got to clean it up, and don't make it a "fun clean up".
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@CDonohue (379)
• United States
29 Nov 06
Yes we did the discipline thing but she does like to clean. And yes we do the play doh thing too. She loves to draw, write, color, etc. I have a lot of different things but she seems to be easily bored. I know all about the terrible twos, she is my third plus I used to teach two year olds but my older two are boys and they just didn't act like she does. She is very much in charge of myself and my husband but we just can't help but to give into her she is a little rat!!! God help the man who marrys her but she gets what she wants!!!
@shirgie (230)
• United States
3 Dec 06
Yep, been there, done that alright! My nearly 8 yo dd, was in the terrible two's forever. Peanut butter spreads very nicely all over a couch, lol. Eggs are smashing good fun all over the kitchen floor too. The biggest thing she pulled on us took her months and months to accomplish. We had a grandmother clock. It was wooden a foot and a half off the floor then there was a window. I noticed that she seemed fascinated by the clock. I also noticed that we were missing a lot of stuff. Keys, remotes, watches and more. One day when she was by the clock I noticed something showing in the glass area. It was where she was stashing all of our stuff. A foot and a half of our missing stuff. Later we found another stash under her bed. No she didn't turn out to be a thief. She eventually outgrew the terrible two's. It was in time for her to successfully attend kindergarten. She is and still is a bit of a handful but she also is a very interesting kid to watch grow up. Your daughter is driving you nuts now but just wait because it gets a lot better. I do hope your daughter gets a better sleep routine going for your sake though.
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@CDonohue (379)
• United States
3 Dec 06
your comment about the sleep routine leads me to another question by the way great story about your little one hiding stuff!
anyway, she does very well going to bed on the days when she doesn't have a nap, now I do not make her but she will sometimes end up taking a nap and it is on these days that getting her to bed is crazy.
so should I force her not to take a nap when she trys to fall alseep during the day in order to ensure a better night or let her sleep, I mean if she is tired why should I make her stay up?
@mansha (6298)
• India
29 Nov 06
It looks like your daughter rules your house-but you have to put you foot down sometimes.we keep spoiling our kids and then later on complain.try roping her in to a routine and set her free on weekends you also will feel relaxed and less guilty then and early discipline will help your child too.
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@tlex107250 (667)
• United States
29 Nov 06
Thats why its called the terrible 2's. We have 3 daughters, aged from 18 to 10, and we are still going through this. Good luck. Try to set some kind of routine with her, so that she will fit into your routine rather than making you fit into her routine. You could even enroll her into programs at the park district, or the YMCA/YWCA.
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@dashin291 (13)
• Philippines
29 Nov 06
I think its normal for toddlers 2 years and above to explore new things around her. But if the situation gets harder, I think it's time to seek advise from your doctor. There's this disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD is generally not diagnosed in children younger than 5 or 6 because being highly active is well within the range of normal for toddlers and preschoolers. What you want to watch for as your child becomes a preschooler (age 3 or 4) is whether his activity level gets in the way of his interacting and connecting with others, such as engaging in back-and-forth play and taking turns. You also want to make sure his activity level is not affecting his ability to learn: Is he moving so often and quickly that he doesn't have time to take in information or learn to problem-solve? If you're concerned at that time, talk with your child's pediatrician or another trusted child-development professional.
For now, while your son's behavior sounds quite typical, there are things you can do to help him learn to slow down.
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@nobodyspecial (1011)
• United States
29 Nov 06
At two children are all about exploring...they don't really understand why they shouldn't do something, they just want to do what they see others do, of course they also want to add their own twist to it! LOL!
As for her not wanting to sleep, many children go through stages where they will fight sleep. Getting a pattern established should help with this. Set a time to get ready for bed, then only allow relaxing things, such as story time.
You indicate her interests are painting and coloring, so introduce her to new things that include color, blocks and such.
Her interests will change or be added to as she gets older, and by the time she is in her teens you'll find getting her out of bed is more of a problem than getting her to go to bed. LOL!
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@CDonohue (379)
• United States
29 Nov 06
Thanks for the response we do stick to a routine but you know it just doesn't always work. And as far as new interests well lets just say she is well beyond her abilities.
She knows numbers 1-10 included recognizing them, has started with the letters does very well here also and has started learning to write the letters and numbers. Colors and shapes that was so last year! She far exceeds herself!
Before long we will be working on writing her name. I can't keep up with her!
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
3 Dec 06
hahahha ohh yessss!!! i dont have a girl but i sure in heck remeber my little Skylar at age 2 lol..the sleeping of these days when your ready for a bad day lol..make her stay up all morning and afternoon till about 1pm then let her whatever u have to do to keep her awake! LOL.let her sleep an hour..and a half the lingest..then by night she should be read to go to bed by 9 ish.,u might have to go threw it a coupe nights to get her on a good sleep schedule..and he always got into things.thats just a terrible 2 thing..ya only have another year lol..but one big problem i read is that you give in..and let her get away with it cause she s so cute? ohh hun..thats a huge noo noo.i know its gonan kill ya because it killed me but she wil continue to run u over and get worse untill you put your foot down..OR THINGS ARE GONNA GET WAYYY WORSE!! and i know u dont want that! lol..walk away after it breaks your heart ..and remeber its for her own good..anyways as far as the art part of her ithink thats freakin awesome!That shows a great deal of artistic behavior that doesnt often show upo till a another year or so..soo what i woulkd do is that at walmart they have these diff sized things ill get u the name tomorrow,.,that you put on the wall..they even have one wall sized.,.,and she can color with markers..the ersabele markers crayola makes.,.,and color till her heart desires,.,and cleasn it off with a towel my neighbor has this.,.its wonderful..and just keep her in front of that and when she writes ion a wall..just tap her hand noo nooo .,.right here..and shell ge the hang of it..but iu will share soemthing with you..THE MAGIC ERASER ROCKS!!! my sn colored my whole living room with crayons, pens, and markers..permenent markers!! and when i woke up i about cried!!then i saw the commercial tried it and after a couple days of it being on the took it right off noo scrubbing at all!!!its a miracle!!!lol lol..WELL GOOD LUCK!
@CDonohue (379)
• United States
3 Dec 06
yes I agree I love the magic erasers one other thing that is pretty new are the color wonder markers they only work on the color wonder paper which is great but the paper isn't cheap and in one day she went through one of their coloring books.
I know I need to put my foot down more but when I do we get in this battle of who is going to win and she will just scream at me until I just want her to shut up and by the way I did figure out that an hour and a half is still too long of a nap I try for a half hour at most
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
5 Dec 06
hey i almost forgot what i bought was DRY ERASE MARKERS FROM CRAYOLA..they come right off..there awesome!!
@AbrahamWithoutLot1 (14)
• United States
5 Dec 06
Mom, she sounds normal to me. She is in her Terrific two stage. She is exploring like there is no end, and she will test as many boundaries as she can. How else will she determine if they are true boundaries? Does she like it when you read to her? Sometimes even the most active children will mellow out when they are being read to.
@ambkeb (782)
• United States
29 Nov 06
I know how you feel. I have a 2 year old son. Most of the time he is really good, but he has his moments. Aiden is always in bed and asleep by 10. I start making him calm down at about 8, nothing but milk or water, usually he wants water. Then about 830 after our bath we will lay down on the couch and watch a movie. Sometimes he falls asleep, if he doesnt then we go to bed when the movie is over and I will read him one book. And then I leave the room. He usually lays there and goes to sleep. If he had a long nap that day it is a little different. I usually have to sit with him while he talks himself to sleep. LOL....but he almost always asleep by 10.
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@certified_alice (1854)
• Philippines
5 Dec 06
so glad you have this thread of yours, i have a daughter too which is 20 months old and she's like your daughter. she draws on our wallpaper a lot using crayons, she wants to write a lot and her favorite pen would be a marker pen, huh?!if ever you stop her from what she is doing she'll cry and punch you wherever she'll reach a part of your body and that's really bad. i try to discipline her a lot but it seems everyday is getting worse. soryy because i can't give you advice now because i'm experiencing that too but i'm glad you have this thread. thanks a lot
@CDonohue (379)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Have you discovered the magic clean eraser yet? They do great but not on all markers, I did find this out. We have a beautiful picture of a person she drew on the wall that is faded from me scrubbing it but it's still there!!!
My does hite too but usually just her brother she is so little and her brothers are older so she responds by hitting or punching them but she knows better than to hit me...Good Luck to you both!
@ljmc24 (413)
• United States
3 Dec 06
My 2 yo is the same way, she is bored extremely easily. I finally enrolled her into a "preschool". Technically they do hold school in the morning and then have basic daycare in the afternoon. It is very structured and has helped out a lot. I also have to keep her bedtime routine exactly the same, otherwise she will be up till midnight. I also do not give in when she wants up, unless to go to the bathroom. If she wants a drink I bring a cup of water to her let her have a drink and back to bed she must go. My child takes breathing medicine that jacks her up to the sky for about an hour so it usually takes a while to get her calmed down.
I am just hoping she outgrows it. But I would quit giving into her and letting her have what she wants in the middle of the night.
@CDonohue (379)
• United States
3 Dec 06
Perhaps I will look into doing this also, I just feel bad like leaving my kids but then again I am also an over protected, I spent the every morning for the first week of school with my oldest son up until fifth grade and I did the same with my second son when he started this year!
@ljmc24 (413)
• United States
3 Dec 06
It has helped out so much. The one I have her in is a smaller one they only let a few children in per teacher. It is a Christian one also, I am not a big religious person, but I do believe in the morals taught. She gets a really structured environment, they must sit in certain spots, help clean up after themselves and so on. Usually when she gets home she is a lot more cooperative than she is when she spends all day here and gets bored with other things. I think having other children to play with also helps. She has a sister but she is only 4 months old so not much of a playmate.

@bethack52 (407)
• United States
5 Dec 06
Well i know this is hard but persistence is the KEY when trying to get your kids to do something, try to find something else she may like and try to stick to a schedule like everyday at a cretin time have her sit and play a sit down game tell her after this sit down game you can do something she wants to do, after a while she will get in the habit of having some sit down or quit time everyday reward her with a snack or something she like! Hope this helps!
@nandusha (154)
• India
3 Dec 06
i have done this to my mom and i still do it but mom dose not know it but let me tell u some thing it is ok,she love s it dosent she it is same with me,i am a night walker to,but there are days when there is to much work i go to bed on time,and there is no point telling her that what she doing is wrong
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@jim888 (3)
• Philippines
5 Dec 06
My 2 year old drives me nuts too! Just like yours, mine stays up half the night, moves around endlessly and can't even seem to sit still even just for a minute. My wife works the night shift in our small home office and I am left in charge with our little one. During the day, I advice the nanny and my wife as well not to give her too much sweets since this is what keeps her up most of the time. Sugar equals energy. A lollie can give my daughter 2 hours amount of energy boost, a candy bar is like gassing her up full tank, cakes and pastries is like turbo charging her. Try limiting your two year old's sugar intake. It worked for me, I hope it works for you as well. Good luck!
@wahmoftwo (1296)
• United States
3 Dec 06
Sounds like she needs a schedule desperatly. Try to at least have meals and snacks at the same time every day. It is amazing how much this can help although it may be hard to get her adjusted at first. Remeber she is only two and it is normal for her to be a handful. I WOULDN'T be making her an eggo at midnight. She would just have to have a fit.
@CDonohue (379)
• United States
3 Dec 06
that is where I am so confused we have a set schedule with meals and bedtime the only unscheduled time is in between, I stay at home and go to school online so while the boys are at school it is just the two of us and the morning I do my school work and the afternoon is open to whatever. As far as the meals go she will not sit still to eat even at dinner when we are all at the table, I make sure the tv is off and there are no distractions and she is always up and down, I have even gone so far as to keep up from the table and physically put her back in her chair and tell her it is time to eat of course this upsets her and then she still won't eat, I have to encourage her by putting the food on the spoon and getting her to eat like a toddler.
@saphire539 (1639)
• United States
5 Dec 06
Thats called the terrible twos stage all kids go through it.My kids favorite thing to do was to open up all the boxes of food and dump them on the kitchen floor.they outgrow it just keep telling her no and try telling her a story or play some music for her to get her to sleep.
@luvadeal46 (289)
• United States
3 Dec 06
You did not state if she just turned two or if she is almost 3. Between 2-3 a child is exploring many different things. Your child doesn't sound any different than most 2-3 year old children I have seen. I have no response to the sleeping issue as we have just got that under control and my daughter is five...however I will admit... she is spoiled and did run the house at the age of 2-3... come on they are so cute and adorable... it is to hard to make them cry..however when we get to five(or at least in my house) I realized that it was time to let her figure out that she wasn't the boss and that there were guidelines and rules to follow...My daughter was the same way at the age of 2-3...She is now five(in kindergarten) and we had her tested earlier this week and have found that she is capable of doing the end of first grade work...I of course was thrilled...She loved kindergarten when she started but has lately decided that it's boring and I am thinking because she alredy knows it.. Trying to figure out away around she doesn't get bored at school..So just keep up the good works.. it sounds like your daughter is ready to start writing her letters and make words... Chances are She will be reading by the time she is four..
@grammabean (74)
• United States
3 Dec 06
Well, well, here's some advice from a Gramma's perspective:
I lost my parents and two brothers when I was 14. Even at that age, it makes you realize how precious and unpredictable life is.
After I got married, it was five years before I got pregnant. I finally accepted the fact (after many sleepless nights, tears, and jealousy of other mothers!) that I was never going to have children.
And then I got pregnant!
In those first few years -with three young children- putting all of those toys and clothes away, I always came back to the reminders of losing my own parents and not having any babies for five years. It just gives you a different perspective on those "terrible twos" to realize that they really can be "terrific twos."
And . . .
Do you have ANY idea how quickly those years really pass???
Please, mommies, enjoy those wonderful, funny years. And may God bless you all!!
@loopie (123)
• United States
3 Dec 06
My son is 18 months old, and like your daughter he is up late at night wanting to eat, he is into everything all day that he is not supposed to be in, and he knows it too because he will say outloud "no touch no no" and do it anyway. Be glad your daughter got into your makeup and didn't do what my son did last month which was dig into his poop filled diaper and spread it all over the walls, his crib and his face and hair. I had a heck of a time cleaning that mess. What our children are going thru right now is a natural part of their developemental stage. It will pass, Until then just make sure everything you don't want her to get into is securely put away, get latches for your cabinets, and drawers. Avoid long naps during the day. Give her some warm milk in the evenings before bed time, pop in a movie or cd that has soothing music. Make that a part of her bedtime routine. Avoid feeding her solid foods at night time this only promotes her to stay up longer. Avoid juices late at night, either warm milk or water. When you are correctinger her try to avoid using "NO" and replace it with a different word like "Please don't touch" "You know your not supposed to do that" etc. Make sure your heard aswell. Time outs don't usually work this young in their stage but you can try them, atleast if anything she will eventually get the jist of it. Don't smack or hit her, this only makes them defy you more. And also creates a means for them to hit or bite. Go to the store and buy lots of magic erasors they clean up everything on walls and floors. Take her outside as much as possible let her run out her energy, playgrounds parks etc. You need to take an active role in her playtime if your not already doing so, this helps her wanting to do so. I'm not sure what else to say. I have been doing these with my son for awhile now, suggested to me by my pediatrician, and so far most of it is working, my son has a very active day now. This is an example of our day.
Wake up 7:30 ish in the morning
have breakfast
watch noggin together
he takes a morning nap for about an hour which gives me time to do some chores around the house.
wakes has a snack
we go to the playground if its nice out or the junior gym if its not, pack a lunch he eats then plays some more.
Go home takes another 1hr nap.
wakes has a snack
around 5pm is bedtime routine, bath, body massage(relaxes him)
6:30 pm I read to him, give him a cup of warm milk
brush teeth
put him down in his crib
pop in a movie (usually cinderella lots of songs)
and usually before that movie is over he's asleep.
If he's still awake I give him another cup of warm milk.
check his diaper and pop in another movie or put on an enya cd.
If he wakes and wants to stay up late at night I put in that enya cd again and give him a cup of water. That usually takes care of him for the rest of the night.
Hope this helps you some.
@Kscott (634)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I total relate to you....I have 4 kids, 1 boy who was great to raise, then came the girls...they are 9, 3, and 2. Now my 9 year old wasn't too bad at 3 and 2 year old do get into everything, and dont want to sit still's a constant change of environment around here. They most recently got up at 3 in the morning and everyone else was alseep, the monitors were on and I woke up to giggling. I went into the kitchen...and OMG...THERE WAS FLOUR AND QUAKER OATS EVERYWHERE...I MEAN EVERYWHERE... and they looked up and said hi mommy, we were making something to eat....TERRIBLE TWOS, TRYING THREES...and it keeps going. They get into my make up all the time no matter where I hide it, infact, they seem to find everything you dont want them to, but they have little interest in their toys. Lately what has been working for me is to include them in things I they try to rinse the dishes when I'm washing them....when the dryer buzzer goes off their already there taking the stuff out...i give them little tasks at dinner...they love for some reason to sweep the floor....they make a mess with everything, but I just try to distract them with something else quickly before a real mess happens...but overall it has been working...i try after dinner to give them a nice warm bubble bath, let them play in the tub, then it's jammies, and time to settle down...they don't always agree and have kept me up till all hours of the night....they try and want snacks, but against my heart, I have to put my foot down and say no....cause if I give in...then I'm done for.....Mine are the babies of the family and received a lot of attention since there is a gap in my childrens ages, and they seem to always want attention. They drive me nuts alot too.....just keep trying something new each day or every couple of days... and eventually something will work.....sounds like you are working with her well on education her (numbers,colors,alphabet), maybe she needs more of a challenge in learning to keep her busy....teach her something a little harder, that may keep her mind off things...But if it's any consolation.....I feel ya..I know what your going through!!!
@CDonohue (379)
• United States
3 Dec 06
thanks it certainly does sound like you have the same if not worse with two situation and mine also gets into the make up no matter where I hide it.
as for the challenging this brings me to another question for you what kind of toys are you getting them for christmas I can't seem to come up with anything that I think she will actually play with, other than the moon sand kit, she loves sand we built her a sand box outside but of course she can't play with it in the winter and yes she also likes to help around the house