i hope this is not the first time

August 22, 2019 8:30am CST
there are two eye problems that's common here that i've never experienced and hope i never will: kuliti (sty/stye) and sore eyes (conjunctivitis). per the mayo clinic, a sty is "a red, painful lump near the edge of your eyelid that may look like a boil or a pimple." sore eyes or conjunctivitis is what others call "pink eye", wherein your eyes are red, itchy, gritty, watery and crusts form while you sleep. my left eyelid started to hurt while i was out earlier. i don't remember anything hitting it. now, a few hours later, it still does. i feel it more when i blink. i washed my face already and avoid touching it. maybe applying a hot compress and a touch of EyeMo or Visine before bed would help. have you ever had a sty or pink eyes? how did you treat it?
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20 responses
@florelway (23355)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
22 Aug 19
When I was in college I often had a sty, I treated it with ointment. I also had sore eyes when I was a kid and when I was in my twenties, also treated it with eye ointment.
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• Philippines
22 Aug 19
i don't recall any one of ever having either one. i also don't remember my eyelids ever hurting like this before.
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@florelway (23355)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
22 Aug 19
@hereandthere The sty did not give me any discomfort at all, it's just the aesthetic side plus the fact that I cannot wear eye-make up, but sore eyes do, with all those gummy particles in the morning and the feeling of itchiness and spicy eyes.
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• Philippines
22 Aug 19
@florelway yeah, i remember someone with sore eyes telling me it feels like there's sand in his eyes. my right eyelid is starting to itch, but i'm not touching it.
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• Calgary, Alberta
22 Aug 19
Remember the old superstition that says people who got it are peeping toms?
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• Philippines
22 Aug 19
yeah, guys get automatically teased by that. i really hope it goes away by tomorrow. are you at work now?
• Calgary, Alberta
22 Aug 19
@hereandthere Yup but I am not reading my lines yet.
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• Philippines
22 Aug 19
@CaptAlbertWhisker oh, so you go to the studio every day? you record every day?
@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
22 Aug 19
I had a sty about 10 years ago. I asked my doctor look at it, but he said that it would disappear on its own, and I didn't need treatment. I did disappear on its own, but it took a while. It is possible to use an ointment, but some doctors prefer to avoid treatment unless the problem persists.
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@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
22 Aug 19
@hereandthere Yes, it is important to keep it clean. It hurt a little bit, but not too bad.
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• Philippines
23 Aug 19
@Porcospino my eyelid is thicker when i woke up. i find myself squinting sometimes.
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• Philippines
22 Aug 19
i guess the most you can do is to keep it clean. did it hurt?
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@much2say (57200)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Aug 19
I've never had either. I know a couple people who have visibly had styes, not sure what they did about that (you know, you see it but never point it out). At school here, if a kid gets pink eye, they are asked to stay home for days as it is contagious and not return until there is a doctor's note for clearance. None of us have had it, but we've had to keep an eye on just in cases . . . very red eyes that itch like non-stop crazy, watery, and the eyes are kinda stuck shut when waking up from sleep. Me - I've gotten red eyes and itchiness from sleeping without taking my eye make up off properly. I've also gotten it from wearing old makeup. My eyes tend to be watery anyway . . . so I do have to watch it with make up that flakes too easily that could get into my eyes. For me, I've taken a handful of cool water and just dipped an open eye in it (as if I were swimming underwater) - like an eye wash, I guess. You do have to make sure you don't cross contaminate each eye - treat each eye totally separately. Hope your eye gets better soon. Your eyes are everything - so if it's all not going away soon, better to go see a doctor in the early stages if you can!
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@much2say (57200)
• Los Angeles, California
26 Aug 19
@hereandthere Did you ever find out what exactly that is? I hope whatever it was went away. Eye things are so annoying.
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• Philippines
27 Aug 19
@much2say it's a sty and the doctor prescribed meds to take.
• Philippines
24 Aug 19
yeah, sore eyes (like lice, ick!) tend to be caught from school it doesn't hurt as much, but it has started to itch
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@ilocosboy (45156)
• Philippines
26 Aug 19
Both of them, yea, and it is really embarrassing when people look at you because of the kuliti because they thought you peeped a girl, you know, a belief.
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• Philippines
27 Aug 19
how did you treat it?
@ilocosboy (45156)
• Philippines
29 Aug 19
I didn't because they said there is no treatment, I just let it until it ripen and flattened
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• Philippines
28 Aug 19
i've had both when i was in my teens. i don't recall receiving any treatment. but a scientist friend who's done research on coconut enzymes says taking EVOO a day can help treat sore eyes. about 2 to 3 teaspoons a day.
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• Philippines
28 Aug 19
really? that's good news!
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• Philippines
28 Aug 19
@hereandthere he tried it himself when he had sore eyes. his eyes got healed in less than a week.
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@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
23 Aug 19
Pink eyes, yes when I was a kid because it was highly contagious and I got it from a classmate. I remember my mom bought some eye drops, not eye mo or visine but the one prescribed by a doctor. My son experienced it when he was a kid too and it wasn't an eye drop that his pedia recommends but a sort of an ointment type that is applied into the eyes like eye drops. But the effect was way much faster but it was more expensive.
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• Philippines
23 Aug 19
yes, some here mentioned an ointment
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@epiffanie (11325)
• Australia
14 Sep 19
I experienced both.. I had conjunctivitis when I about 4 years old and I still remember how painful it was.. With the sty, I pull a strand of eyelash where it starts to hurt with a tiny lump... for some reasons, it stops the sty from growing.. it heals in a couple of hours..
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• Philippines
14 Sep 19
i've heard that, too
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@Tampa_girl7 (51422)
• United States
23 Aug 19
Maybe you should go to the doctor.
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• Philippines
23 Aug 19
maybe i will
@brokenbee (11090)
• Philippines
22 Aug 19
When I was small (and Christmas trees were tall? LOL jk), I always had stye... That's why up to this moment I still have a scar in my lower eyelid... We had tried several medicines and ointments but still, it kept on coming back. Then we went to an "albularyo" and he advised us to offer oil and light a candle outside at 6 in the evening, and to plant a bulb of amaryllis (we call it bakong)... I should be the one to plant it and the top of the bulb should be pointing downwards... After that, I didn't have it anymore... I am healed... I don't know if it's just coincidence... But maybe the medicines I had taken before already took effect... And with the sore eyes, I only experienced it once. And it only lasted for a day. Not even sure if it's just irritated but my teacher sent me home because she said I had sore eyes.
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• Philippines
22 Aug 19
i would be frustrated, too, if it kept coming back. i'm glad it finally stopped. is the amaryllis plant still alive? about the sore eyes, i agree, she was probably mistaken, but maybe she was also cautious.
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@JustBhem (70555)
• Davao, Philippines
22 Aug 19
I apply EyeMo right away.
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• Philippines
23 Aug 19
i'll have to buy one now
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@JustBhem (70555)
• Davao, Philippines
23 Aug 19
@hereandthere It is better to put some in your eyes.
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@arunima25 (88969)
• Bangalore, India
22 Aug 19
I have got conjunctivitis twice. Once in my High school and once few years back. And it is terrible!
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• Philippines
22 Aug 19
i'm hoping this is neither conjunctivitis nor stye. how did you treat it?
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@arunima25 (88969)
• Bangalore, India
22 Aug 19
@hereandthere My doctor gave a drop. Actually it goes off in it's own time. Takes 3-5 days. But drop just helps to give a bit of comfort. Also splashing cold water few times helps.
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@profree2019 (1218)
• Barquisimeto, Venezuela
23 Aug 19
Yes, I've had that kind of discomfort several times. I treat it with an antibiotic cream and maintaining a lot of cleanliness of the affected area.
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• Philippines
23 Aug 19
yes, i'm always washing my face and hands and avoid touching it
@Dd120348 (19)
23 Aug 19
I’ve had both. The sty I just used warm compresses every few hours and the pink eye well there is viral and bacterial. The viral has to run its course but the bacterial one they treated with some eye drop medication. The sty was a bit sore but the pink eye was terrible it felt like someone was stabbing my eye ??
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• Philippines
23 Aug 19
although i put warm compress last night, now my eyelid is thicker and still hurts a bit. but yeah, i'd rather have a sty than pink eye.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
31 Aug 19
Because of the hot weather, pink eyes proliferate. I hope it will be fine soon.
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@LadyDuck (472491)
• Switzerland
22 Aug 19
I had a viral conjunctivitis, I had to see my ophthalmologist who prescribed specific medications.
• United States
22 Aug 19
oh dear :( 'tis been many years since anybody'n the family's gotten either one. so's i've hardly a clue. hope ya get 't figured out though. ya might wanna see'n eye doc, to make sure yer not doin' more harm than good.
@JudyEv (346488)
• Rockingham, Australia
23 Aug 19
I do hope you haven't got conjunctivitis. It's quite painful.
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• Philippines
23 Aug 19
it looks like it's going to be a stye, but yeah, better than conjunctivitis!
@Janet357 (75646)
23 Aug 19
yes but i didnt put anything in it. it just disappeared.
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
22 Aug 19
Years ago and I went to the eye doctor.
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• Philippines
23 Aug 19
i'll try asking at the pharmacy first. i'll go to the doctor if it gets worse.
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