mirth amongst misery

January 30, 2020 1:03am CST
So, I read the funniest thing EVER yesterday. Well, maybe not EVER, but it was a very funny thing, which allowed laughter to blossom from my belly. Of course, when I say funniest I do actually mean most ridiculous. There's a chap in Australia who is of the belief that he's the son of Charlie and Cammie, that most chav-like of couples who got together as teenagers and had a baby. Surely you remember the headlines? Charles has sprog! screeched The Mail Online. She who can never be queen gives birth to Charles' heir muttered The Guardian. Elizabeth and Phil introduce the new foal in their stable, smiled Hello Magazine. Okay, well stranger things have happened. It is a plausible tale. However, the ridiculous comes from the fact that he claims Camilla brought him up till he was eighteen months old and then he was adopted by a couple who had ties to people who worked at Buckingham Palace. It is indeed truth that his grandparents worked at the palace. Early in the article he claimed that Prince Phillip was always telling him that he was Charles and Camilla's son. It would appear that the grandchildren of staff are allowed to wander aimlessly through the palace when the royal family are at home? Later this changed to his grandmother always telling him. Well, I think we can see from whom he got the deluded genes. His case is continually being thrown out of the High Court and he says this is proof; no DNA testing allowed and so it MUST be TRUE. Because it would definitely be easy to hide the truth, yes? Unmarried teenager who's been romantically linked to a young Charles, heir to the throne, not only gives birth to a baby but also brings him up for eighteen months. Journalists were rubbish at their jobs in the swinging sixties, obviously. It's the biggest conspiracy since Phillip ordered the murder of Lady Di, I kid you not! Honestly, what rocks do these people crawl from? But, thanks for the laughter, Mr Deluded!
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4 responses
@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
30 Jan 20
Ridiculous! The son of the nanny who Lord Lucan murdered (allegedly) will be claiming Lucan is still alive next!! Oh !!!!
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
30 Jan 20
@Poppylicious I'd love it if he was still alive and had spent his entire life right under everyone's noses. Not that I'm condoning someone getting away with murder but you'd have to have a sneaking admiration in that case.
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30 Jan 20
I saw the headline for that, but I haven't read the story. I'd actually like that one to be true!
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
30 Jan 20
This is ridiculous! I have read this story yesterday and I think that all he wants is a bit of fame and may be some money. I hope he will get nothing at all.
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30 Jan 20
Didn't he also say something along the lines of the emergency summit between the senior royals concerning Meghan and Harry was also about him?! Such a funny man!
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
30 Jan 20
@Poppylicious Yes, he pretends that during the summit he was part of the discussion. I think he has a mental problem.
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3 Feb 20
@LadyDuck Most definitely. Which makes me feel a little bit sorry for him.
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• Preston, England
4 Feb 20
There are some barmpots around for sure
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@xFiacre (13312)
• Ireland
30 Jan 20
@poppylicious Well it’s obviously nonsense - Charles only ever had eyes (and other bits) for Diana. Anyway, Royals never play away at home, especially with young girls. Whatever next?
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