I cannot understand many people

March 19, 2020 4:13pm CST
There are many recommendation that governments make in order to fight the coronavirus. One of them is to stay home, if you don't have to go to work or have vital things to do, like buying food or medicine. However, in Romania, many people seem to be idiots. A lot of them came home from Italy and Spain(many of them thieves, burglars and beggars), but they don't go to quarantine. A Romanian citizen was tested positive in Spain, but he still got to the plane and now, 60 other people are likely to be infected because of him. And I see many videos on Facebook that people don't stay at home, parks, streets are filled with people, people shake hands and don't stay 1,5 meters from each other when in line in stores. We have seen what happened in Italy, where people acted the same at the beginning. I suppose it will be worse in Romania, with so many careless people. And our infrastructure is way worse than it is in Spain or Italy. How can people be so ignorant? How do people react in your region?
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31 responses
• Sonora, California
19 Mar 20
It happens in the U,S as well!
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@vandana7 (100053)
• India
20 Mar 20
Our folks take it for granted that only the poor will get it, not the rich. The way press and politicians jostle, I am waiting for a bunch of them testing positive...then the reality will sink in.
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• Romania
20 Mar 20
@vandana7 No matter what people believe, the first is to protect yourself. I also believe many things about this, but I obey to the authorities.
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• Romania
19 Mar 20
Did somebody who was tested positive get on a plane or in a crowded place? Do quarantined people roam on streets? And I am sure that your infrastructure is way better than here.
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• United States
19 Mar 20
Because people have not been having to deal with anything like it, they think they can't catch it.
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• United States
20 Mar 20
@rappeter13 Unfortunately people will still travel or go out with this .
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• Romania
20 Mar 20
@CookieMonster46 That is why there should be force used by the authorities. World has become too soft, there are too many rights and no responsibility.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
19 Mar 20
Here many people accept the restrictions and stay at home, but some people don't care. Only small groups are allowed (less than 10 people) but some young people still meet in large groups. If the police sees them they have to pay a fine. They have to pay about $200 per person if they are caught, but there are still people who do it.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
19 Mar 20
@rappeter13 Here the group fines are new (introduced a few days ago) but even before this happened it was possible to fine people who ignored their quarantine. They might also receive a short prison sentence. Some people don't care, and they are putting others at risk.
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• Romania
19 Mar 20
@Porcospino That is why they should feel it on their own skin. If they lack empathy, they should be taught a lesson.
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• Romania
19 Mar 20
There should be bigger punishments. Here, there are not yet, only for people who elope quarantine and get caught.
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@Aquitaine24 (11813)
• San Jose, California
20 Mar 20
It is very easy to stay 6 feet aw ay In Bang!edesh,though it is a problem because it is so densely populated.
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• Romania
20 Mar 20
Here, it is not such a great density. But people shouldn't be allowed to get out of their houses, if they are not in need.
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@Aquitaine24 (11813)
• San Jose, California
20 Mar 20
@rappeter13 people do need to e,Dr ise, but it certainly easy to do it with caution.
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@Aquitaine24 (11813)
• San Jose, California
5 Apr 20
@rappeter13 I think some exercise outside is good if you're cautious a d cover your face when needed because stimulation metabolism helps your immune system.
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@Alexandoy (65308)
• Cainta, Philippines
19 Mar 20
The foreign travel is the main reason why we have the contamination. If our government had immediately imposed a travel ban from China then we might be free of the virus.
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• Romania
19 Mar 20
There is a sort of a travel ban in Romania, but they let Romanian citizens in. The problem is that they get in the country and then they do whatever they like. They are recommended to get in quarantine, but they don't obey.
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• Romania
19 Mar 20
@Alexandoy 400 people can easily infect thousands of people. And then, those people infect others and the situation will get out hand.
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@Alexandoy (65308)
• Cainta, Philippines
19 Mar 20
@rappeter13 if you remember the cruise ship that had many cases of the corona virus, there were 400 Filipinos that came home from that ship this week. If they are not quarantined then that can add to the problem.
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@Moon24 (22396)
• Serbia
19 Mar 20
Old people here go out but they should stay at home.
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• Romania
19 Mar 20
They are the most exposed and a lot of them are out here, too.
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• Romania
20 Mar 20
@Moon24 It makes me mad when I see that they are not listening. I wonder why are they acting so stupid.
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@Moon24 (22396)
• Serbia
20 Mar 20
@rappeter13 Our government want to protect their lifes with new decisions but they don't follow rules.
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@pumpkinjam (8709)
• United Kingdom
20 Mar 20
In the words of K (Men in Black), "a person is smart. People are dumb." People need to spend time outdoors, and I can understand those who might be lonely (or getting stressed being cooped up with people if they share a home) but it is s bit silly to be ignoring the advice when there is no reason to ignore it. I'm still waiting to be told I can work from home but, apparently, my work doesn't care if we die or pass on nasty things!
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• United Kingdom
20 Mar 20
@rappeter13 today, my employer has decided that we are key workers because we're part of social care. There is no reason we can't work from home but the few of us who aren't classed as vulnerable have been told to carry on as normal. We do have a policy about isolation so I possibly could isolate but only for a limited time.
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• Romania
20 Mar 20
@pumpkinjam I really don't know what to say, anymore. I haven't experienced anything similar in my life.
• Romania
20 Mar 20
Our grandparents were told to go to war. Now they only ask us to stay home. And we still cannot do it. I am sorry your employer is like that! Can't you choose to be isolated?
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@vandana7 (100053)
• India
20 Mar 20
We have plenty of those in India. Yesterday our Prime Minister spoke at length. He had a golden opportunity to say, look, if you go out and infect a 1000, and quite a few of them happen to be weaker than you, they gonna take up all good hospital beds, and you would have no place to go if you are infected, so get your act right, treat it as good luck if you have the infection upfront, as you still have access to medical facilities. Later on hospital staff would be exhausted, and chances of getting better will drop.
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@vandana7 (100053)
• India
21 Mar 20
@rappeter13 Absolutely.
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• Romania
20 Mar 20
It is hard to reach out to stupid and arrogant people. Because the main problem is that they are arrogant, too. They act like they are gods.
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@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
20 Mar 20
You will find idiots everywhere! However, keeping a suitable distant apart is not always easy. In our village we have a Co-op food store that tries to pack in as much shelf space as possible. That means that shoppers and staff have no choice but to squeeze past each almost face to face. In normal times this is encouragingly friendly, but these days it could be decidedly risky.
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• Romania
20 Mar 20
They should let in people from 20 minutes to 20 minutes, and only a smaller number. Crisis times require crisis solutions.
@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
19 Mar 20
Interesting. People are doing "the right thing" here in the San Francisco Bay Area.
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• Romania
19 Mar 20
They stay at home?
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• Romania
19 Mar 20
@TheHorse It is great that people there have understood that it is the best to obey the measures the authorities give.
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@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
19 Mar 20
@rappeter13 Yep. Except for things like the grocery store and the doctor. And some outdoor activities like hiking and cycling. But outdoor activities are way down as well. I'm watching the bike path as I type. Nobody there.
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@thelme55 (76750)
• Germany
20 Mar 20
It is also happening here. Really idiotic.
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• Romania
20 Mar 20
Stupidity is universal, it seems.
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@Janet357 (75646)
20 Mar 20
they really dont care about the welfare of their fellows.
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• Romania
20 Mar 20
They should be punished severely, to feel it how it is when the other doesn't care, neither.
• Philippines
20 Mar 20
Some people really are ignorant. Here, people who are over 60 years old and with life-threatening diseases like diabetes and hypertension should stay at home. But there really are some people who don't know how to follow orders
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• Romania
20 Mar 20
Elderly people went crazy here, too. I cannot understand what is going on in their minds.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
19 Mar 20
People have now shown great irresponsibility and selfishness.
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• Romania
19 Mar 20
That is true! Harsh punishments should be imposed.
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• Romania
19 Mar 20
@Nevena83 or forced work, too. To built highways, for example.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
19 Mar 20
@rappeter13 Yes, fines and prison sentences.
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@Aquitaine24 (11813)
• San Jose, California
30 Mar 20
There are beggars in the USA too.
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• Romania
5 Apr 20
The beggars from here can transform to burglars in a split second.
@Aquitaine24 (11813)
• San Jose, California
5 Apr 20
@rappeter13 this happens in California too
@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
20 Mar 20
Mostly people here are following the guidelines except that they are still hoarding supplies.
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• Romania
20 Mar 20
It is good that they obey the measures. Here, a great percentage of the people don't care at all.
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• Romania
21 Mar 20
@JudyEv The problem is that usually people who obey the rules suffer from the ignorance of others.
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@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Mar 20
@rappeter13 They may end up paying for their lack of concern.
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@nela13 (58043)
• Portugal
20 Mar 20
Some people don't understand how dangerous this virus is and do idiot things.
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• Romania
20 Mar 20
That is why they should be taught a lesson. There is no other way. And population has to be protected.
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• Romania
25 Mar 20
@nela13 I agree with you 100 percent.
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@nela13 (58043)
• Portugal
25 Mar 20
@rappeter13 people who don't follow the rules should get a penalty, only that way some people will do what they are told.
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@zoe316 (414)
• Cebu City, Philippines
20 Mar 20
Same here in the Philippines, some people don't cooperate , even the President announced the Loackdown still people go outside . and did not practice social distancing
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• Romania
20 Mar 20
Probably, there is no punishment for them. If it would, people would be forced to stay in.
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• Romania
23 Mar 20
@zoe316 we are not there, yet. But I am hoping it will be implemented, soon.
@zoe316 (414)
• Cebu City, Philippines
22 Mar 20
@rappeter13 now there is already punishment , if anybody do not follow , still roaming around the street , the policemen will bring them to the police station.
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
20 Mar 20
For the most part, I have noticed people keeping some distance. Did have an incident yesterday where a man talking on his phone pushed through a couple of people, me one of them to get to the bathroom. I suppose he had to go very badly, but still, a moment hesitation and the path would have been clear for him.
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• Romania
20 Mar 20
He should have avoided the contact. That is very dangerous.
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• Romania
20 Mar 20
@cperry2 It shouldn't matter what they believe about the provenience of the virus, if it is natural or not. I have my own thoughts about this, but the most important is to protect each other and ourselves. The rest is out of our hands.
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
20 Mar 20
@rappeter13 I agree. There is that set of people who do not believe what is happening is real, still calling it a hoax. This is all compliments of a President who doesn't understand that his actions have created a dire set of consequences. The lives of several hundred people, if not thousands are on his hands for waiting so long to accept there is a real problem here. I believe those nonbelievers are destined to find themselves dealing with this virus very close hand, either they will get it or someone they care for will. I pray that karma will be kind to them.
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@bbghitte (3294)
• Philippines
20 Mar 20
Oh my, they are just making things worst. I hope your government will strictly enforce this total lockdown well to avoid more casualties. Total lockdown is also implemented here in our country since Tuesday, there are also curfews and passes if we need to go out.
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• Romania
20 Mar 20
I understand cases when people have to go out, because of work or other necessities. But I don't understand people who go out in parks and gather.
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@bbghitte (3294)
• Philippines
21 Mar 20
@rappeter13 there should be authorities to disallow them to do so.
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• Romania
21 Mar 20
@bbghitte They should, but they seem to be slow.
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