Is the world safer since 911?
By Sunset50
@Sunset50 (1397)
United States
22 responses
@nunnsenseable (209)
• United States
23 Oct 06
No with the government the way it is now, WE will be the last to know anything, including if a missile/bomb on the way, just be prepared is all I say.
@sweetcakes (3504)
• United States
23 Sep 06
No. We are inconvenienced by things that really make no difference in our security simply because they look good to (or for) politicians
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@Nattiehan (228)
• United States
23 Oct 06
the world has become a more dangerous place since then because now the US gov can use that tragic day as an excuse to create wars and sign laws that limit and/or take away our liberties. The war in Iraq is creating terrorists, not stopping them. And more and more, the world turns against us as we trample on everyone.
@dgwinchina (292)
• China
10 Nov 06
A direct result of 9/11 is the war on terror.
What the war on terrorism is all about is to keep the people frightened enough so that they give up their freedoms in exchange for ill-perceived security.
The Patriot Act and further acts and presidential signings have now resulted in the fact that ANYBODY can be arrested for no reason at all, then told that they are a suspected terrorist, and imprisoned for an unlimited period with no recourse to law.
They can even be shipped off to a foreign country and tortured!
This has happened already, and it will happen again. It can happen to YOU.
The idea of terrorism is to promote the agenda of the Illuminati/New World Order, who control the governments, and their secret services. That agenda is to take control of the entire world, remove over half the population, and reduce the freedoms of the remainder to the levels of slavery
An Illuminati Primer
The Architecture of Modern Political Power
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Except you can't be picked up and sent off for no reason. It just doesn't happen.
You can be afraid it will happen to you all you want, but it doesn't, and it won't/
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
24 Jan 07
Not only US, other countries like UK, India have to be constantly keep vigil on terrotists dangerous games. All countries in the world should come to an agreement that terrorism should be totally banned and stopped. If any terrorists are supported by any country, there should be total economic ban.
@dgwinchina (292)
• China
10 Nov 06
A direct result of 9/11 is the war on terror.
What the war on terrorism is all about is to keep the people frightened enough so that they give up their freedoms in exchange for ill-perceived security.
The Patriot Act and further acts and presidential signings have now resulted in the fact that ANYBODY can be arrested for no reason at all, then told that they are a suspected terrorist, and imprisoned for an unlimited period with no recourse to law.
They can even be shipped off to a foreign country and tortured!
This has happened already, and it will happen again. It can happen to YOU.
The idea of terrorism is to promote the agenda of the Illuminati/New World Order, who control the governments, and their secret services. That agenda is to take control of the entire world, remove over half the population, and reduce the freedoms of the remainder to the levels of slavery
An Illuminati Primer
The Architecture of Modern Political Power
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
19 Dec 06
There is a difference between being safer and being more paranoid. You could be both, you could be one at a time, or neither. We are definately more paranoid, because it happened, we know it happened and people don't forget that.
With terrorism on such a large scale, its hard to forget that its happening and that another larger attack could happen. That doesn't mean that the security implemented now isn't effective, we have much more in place to stop terrorists from executing a large scale plan.
@giaggio (165)
• Italy
24 Jan 07
i think is safer... look at the us... before there was no difference between taking a cab and taking a plane... look at now... and moreover... look in london... u spend few hours to fly and more at the airport... heheheh...
In general... it's better now...
@Auxarcer (150)
• United States
13 Feb 07
No we're not safer,far from it.Since our government got into the "war on terror" things have only gotten worse.To start with we've not been told the full truth about what happened on that day.According to the government/Bush, the alleged hijackers were Saudi as is Osama bin Laden.Instead of going after Saudi Arabia and Osama bin Laden, which you would think would be the logical thing to do,we invade Iraq and Afghanistan and go after Saddam instead.Iraq had nothing to do with 911 nor did Afghanistan.Nor were there any "weapons of mass distruction" or "terrorist ties" found.What we have accomplished however, is the absolute distruction of Iraq,the loss of over 3000 US service men and women, and tens of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan men, women and children.The net effect of all this is to make America and Americans despised the world over,indeed hated the world over.Now people and countries have been given reason to kill Americans and go after American interests any time they get an oppoutunity to.And whatever happened to Osama?I mean other than nothing?It's worth noting that the bin Ladens and the Bush family go way back in business together which might well explain the apparent lack of interest in Osama.
@hodgemo2 (272)
• United States
10 Nov 06
I don't think that the world is any safer. We've tried to become more aware of threats, and while awareness is important, we haven't really done anything to solve the problems. As far as being paranoid, or worried...for the most part, I think after a little while we tend to forget.
@forfein (2507)
9 Nov 06
SAFER ?????
Are you serious??????
When I was in the Army the potential "Enemy" was the Soviet Union.
We were nearly paranoid then about the "Red Army" (to be frank I think the US was more paranoid than us)
But we used to train all the time to defeat them!
We had Nukes that would totally destroy the World (for your information the deterrent was called MAD, what a good description Mutal Assured Destruction)
It was a very frightening time!!
But NOW !!!!
MY GOD...... we dont know where we are going, who the terrorists are, (execept that they Muslim)
DANGEROUS !!!!! OH YES !!!!!
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
9 Nov 06
No the world is not a safer place than it was before 9/11. In fact it is much worse. Violence has exploded all over the world...partially due to the wars in Iraq and Afghanastan. Then you have the violence in Gaza. Terror plots abound in every nation. I do not feel safer. I thank God that I am safe and I pray for the safety of others in our nation and the rest of the world. I pray for peace, but I am aware of what the Bible says about the end of the world, and the wars of many nations. I believe that time has come to pass.
@expertadvisor (122)
• United States
9 Nov 06
no we are not safer, we are much more vulnerable, because of how we reacted to 911, more countries distrust us or do not respect us and when people feel they can not trust you it causes you to have more enemies.