Who would like to visit South Africa ?

Alberton, South Africa
April 18, 2020 5:31am CST
Hello friends have you been to South Africa ? South Africa is a beautiful country in an African continent,we have 9 different provinces and 11 officially languages ,we have mixed race of people ,blacks,whites,indians and so forth We have beaches and we have wild animals resorts, we have Casino's , beautiful restaurants and hotels . It's one of thee beautiful continent in Africa .
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7 responses
@happylife1 (13404)
• Karachi, Pakistan
18 Apr 20
I like to visit... I hope some day... Still no money??? Lol
2 people like this
• Alberton, South Africa
18 Apr 20
You not alone
@banksim (5205)
18 Apr 20
Please avoid traveling until Corona virus episode get over
1 person likes this
• Alberton, South Africa
18 Apr 20
Of course after the covid 19
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@banksim (5205)
18 Apr 20
@Deeahdee ok my friend
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• Chatsworth, California
18 Apr 20
Maybe someday. The only thing stopping me is fear of flying. I can’t do a flight that lasts more than 2 hours. But sure, I would like to visit at some point.
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• Alberton, South Africa
18 Apr 20
Me too I have not flown out but it's not fear ,it's lazyness or money I guess
@reehamk (433)
• Qatar
20 Apr 20
I'd love to, please take me there!
@Nicolla (1456)
• Serbia
20 Apr 20
I would Like to visit :))))))) as soon as possible
1 person likes this
22 Apr 20
....hello, and yes indeed, my desire is to visit every state and every country....
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@pjmurphy (2500)
• United States
18 Apr 20
It's been on our travel list for a while, but we've never made it. Guess we'll have to wait a while now. And, at our age, we may not get there.