Indomie, instant noodle from Indonesia

@nawala123 (20859)
May 16, 2020 8:07am CST
Have you ever enjoyed Indomie instant noodle? It is very cheap and delicious and popular. Many people from many countries have tried it. In Indonesia, the price is Rp 2500 per pcs. It equals to $1 for 6 pcs.
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9 responses
@Miss_Leafy (4296)
• Colombia
16 May 20
Hello, Nawala. I'm from Indonesia, too. But I moved to Colombia with my husband. I miss eating the noodles again.
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@nawala123 (20859)
• Indonesia
16 May 20
Where are you from? Jawa? Bali or sumatra? I heard that it available in amazon
@nawala123 (20859)
• Indonesia
16 May 20
@Miss_Leafy yeah ive heard about. Is ur husband colombian or indonesian?
• Colombia
16 May 20
@nawala123 I'm from Bali. Yes, I have searched it on amazon, but the shipping cost to Colombia is very expensive.
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@pitsipeahie (4552)
16 May 20
Yes, I love Indomie mi goreng instant noodles. I like the hot and spicy and the premium one with salted egg variant. I usually eat it with a sunny side egg on top of the noodles.
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@nawala123 (20859)
• Indonesia
16 May 20
Sunny side egg= we call it telur mata sapi (cow's eye egg)
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
16 May 20
Does it have different flavors? We also have cheap instant noodles here, I tried comparing the price and your noodles is cheaper by a few cents. Does the packet contain enough to make me full?
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
16 May 20
@nawala123 so many to choose from, I'll try looking for that brand in the Supermarket and online and see how much is the mark up from your priceand taste it if I can find them here.
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@nawala123 (20859)
• Indonesia
16 May 20
There are tens favours of Indomie
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16 May 20
@louievill Try it, you won't regret it. Its way flavorful than other instant noodles at almost the same price or just a few cents difference. I just learned about Indomie Mi Goreng instant noodle from a YouTuber, I got curious and tried it.
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
16 May 20
I’ve never had instant noodles.
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
16 May 20
@nawala123 Never.
@nawala123 (20859)
• Indonesia
16 May 20
No instant noodle?
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@Janet357 (75651)
16 May 20
thats cheap then..i seldom very seldom maybe once a year, eat instant noodles because of my UTI. i eat egg noodles and other sort of noodles.but not instant.
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@Janet357 (75651)
16 May 20
@nawala123 urinary tract infection
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@nawala123 (20859)
• Indonesia
16 May 20
@Janet357 so you have to avoid salt?
@nawala123 (20859)
• Indonesia
16 May 20
What is UTI?
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@Aik_taj (65)
• Purwokerto, Indonesia
17 May 20
Wow... it is my favorite food. If my parents not forbid me. Maybe everyday i will eat this
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@nawala123 (20859)
• Indonesia
17 May 20
It is not good if we consume every day. Moreover,it is high carbo but less fibre and protein
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• Purwokerto, Indonesia
19 May 20
@nawala123 but it taste so yummy. No others hommy foods can replace
@cherriefic (10400)
• Philippines
16 May 20
I haven't heard of it. But instant noodles can be tasty.
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@nawala123 (20859)
• Indonesia
16 May 20
It is available in many countrirs
@marlina (154156)
• Canada
16 May 20
I have the feeling that those noodles are very "salted".
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@nawala123 (20859)
• Indonesia
16 May 20
Yes, very salty
@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
16 May 20
I have never heard of it before.
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@nawala123 (20859)
• Indonesia
16 May 20
Find out it in amazon
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