Cheating in a relationship

@fahmita_ (2255)
July 10, 2020 10:52am CST
I hope none of you have ever been cheated on a relationship. Because what I know, it will cause great trauma to something and it's hard to get rid of it. I also couldn't imagine a couple who was married and had children but still had an affair behind their partner. I wonder what is the reason they are having an affair? Is it bored? I'm sometimes afraid of marriage because of thinking about this kind of thing.
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8 responses
@Brideen40 (495)
• Kenya
10 Jul 20
I fear being totally committed to a man it may end up in tears
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@fahmita_ (2255)
• Indonesia
11 Jul 20
Me too. That's why I'm still single. lol
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@fahmita_ (2255)
• Indonesia
11 Jul 20
@Brideen40 Yes, but be careful.
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• Kenya
11 Jul 20
@fahmita_ but one can try though incase of luck
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• Hungary
10 Jul 20
Well first of all, it's a great trauma indeed. In my opinion cheating is done either because of boredom, or the person just not themselves, and don't know what is right, and what is not. It's very common nowadays, but I think you shouldn't be afraid of marriage. If the one you are together with is the one you need, the I'm pretty sure there won't be such problems :)
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@fahmita_ (2255)
• Indonesia
11 Jul 20
You're right. I don't have to worry about marriage. I'll find my best person who always being honest to me and never hide anything. Thanks for making me believe.
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• Hungary
11 Jul 20
@fahmita_ Thank you. I believe you'll find that person ;)
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@fahmita_ (2255)
• Indonesia
11 Jul 20
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
10 Jul 20
Throughout my life I have known people who were married that were not happy or were having an affair and confided in me. One I told to leave, get a divorce. He said he couldn't do that because of his kids. I said your kids know something is wrong. Wouldn't you rather them have two happy parents? And they were older late teens so could understand. He didn't and now 10 years later he has left and going to file for divorce. Basically he wasted ten years of his life. Also a woman I worded with did the same thing. She and her husband had an understanding that the marriage was over. It's sad.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
14 Jul 20
@fahmita_ That was years ago and she moved away so I don't know what happened with her other than the husband ended up in another city and state than she did. The other relationship has the couple separated and he now wishes it had happened years ago. Sad.
@fahmita_ (2255)
• Indonesia
11 Jul 20
I see, divorce is the best way when our partner cheated. But it's also hard to do, they must think about their child also their family. And moving on is really hurt and difficult. But it's better than stay with a liar. I'll be regreted if I was your friend. wasting her time just for a liar like that. I hope she'll be strong and moving on.
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@nawala123 (20871)
• Indonesia
15 Jul 20
realtion is commitment commitment is all about trust
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@fahmita_ (2255)
• Indonesia
15 Jul 20
Yeah, I agree with you. But it's hard to find someone who can keep commitment with me. My ex was lied to me, so I can't believe anyone right now
• Bosnia And Herzegovina
11 Jul 20
that's why i think it's not good to get too attached to someone - so if that kind of things happen, you can just leave the person. you don't have to forgive the person or try again, you simply leave. but i kinda understand when people stay together after cheating, if they have a child.
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@fahmita_ (2255)
• Indonesia
11 Jul 20
Yes, but I swear that moving on is the hardest thing. Even though they've cheated on us but obviously we still have a feeling to them.
• India
10 Jul 20
You never know what the other person is thinking it) or planning. What if the couple who are married were in relationship with other person before marriage but were unable to part
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@fahmita_ (2255)
• Indonesia
10 Jul 20
That's what worries me. It would be better if we marry someone we really know the past and the environment.
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@crafty01 (480)
• Jamshedpur, India
11 Jul 20
Nobody likes to be cheated in any way, let me explain in this way, My cheating is like an accident, now if my partner is cheating then I call it cheating, not an accident. Welcome to the Age Of Hypocrisy, anyways the word cheating has a delicate, tactical, complicated sometimes philosophical interpretation.
@JohnKu (2552)
10 Jul 20
It's the worse feeling when you found out about how your partner cheating on you. Though luckily, I never experienced that kind of mental trauma.
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@fahmita_ (2255)
• Indonesia
10 Jul 20
Yes, that is a feeling I hate. Hopefully you'll never feel it.
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