A sad story

New Delhi, India
August 21, 2020 10:54pm CST
Day before yesterday, I was excited to make myself a cake. I didnt know that along with my excitement I would end up making this mistake. I put the cake batter, in the microwave. But after some time, when I saw the result of putting it in the microwave I saw it was too bad. Almost a huge part of the batter was spilled all over inside the microwave. I was taken by surprise. when I saw the microwave's timer I could immediately guess that the long amount of time in the microwave was the main reason why the cake batter had burst out of the plastic lot in which I had kept it. So guys, this was my sad story. How was your day guys? Hope you guys are having a wonderful time right now?
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7 responses
@Janet357 (75646)
22 Aug 20
My day is wonderful. Well practice makes perfect. Please don't forget to share your cake.
1 person likes this
• New Delhi, India
22 Aug 20
Practice is required for me this means
• India
22 Aug 20
That's sad and also the time it'll take to clean the microwave
1 person likes this
• New Delhi, India
22 Aug 20
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• Agra, India
22 Aug 20
Baking can always act as a big shock to all of us. It always have an array of different surprises for us
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• Santiago, Chile
22 Aug 20
I am so sorry your cake did not look as you expected. I know what it feels like when one's cake goes wrong, I remember when mine turned out to be awful and I felt sort of disappointed. Don't worry practice makes perfect!
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@happylife1 (13404)
• Karachi, Pakistan
22 Aug 20
Sad to know that story
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@dyarum (148)
• Indonesia
22 Aug 20
ohh I know how it feels when a cake fails. do not worry friends, next time try again carefully. I hope in the future you can make cakes well. i enjoyed today.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
22 Aug 20
Why did the batter spilled? I do not have experience in baking so I would not have known.