Potatoes are Vegetables: 'Potato Chips'

@Shavkat (137352)
December 11, 2020 7:06am CST
My 10 -year-old young niece and I are arguing about potato chips. The bottom line is she wants to have some. I told her that it is not good for her health. Niece: Why I cannot have it? Me: It is not healthy food. Niece: Potatoes are vegetables, right? Me: Yes, they are. But they are being processed as chips. Niece: But still, they are vegetables. Me: Fine, I will give you some. I gave in because it will be a long discussion. I asked her to drink lots of water after munching them. Do you find it funny to argue with kids? Image Credit: ph-test-11.slatic.net
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16 responses
@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
11 Dec 20
Okay, potatoes are not vegetables, nutritionally they are classified as a "starchy food", that is not something healthy... show her that you know more.
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
12 Dec 20
I did ask her to check her science subject about the food label. She knows that I know best. She is just being silly.
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
13 Dec 20
@LadyDuck Is she your brother's daughter?
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
12 Dec 20
@Shavkat My niece was the same when she was so young.
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• India
11 Dec 20
Haha you cannot win an argument with kids because they can weep anytime
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
11 Dec 20
I hope she wiill not weep because of this concern.
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• India
11 Dec 20
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
12 Dec 20
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@much2say (54452)
• Los Angeles, California
11 Dec 20
As a mother of 2, I seem to be having to do this all the time . Interestingly, my daughter does not like any potato chips. But she may argue that a pizza is a vegetable .
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@much2say (54452)
• Los Angeles, California
12 Dec 20
@Shavkat They think they are so clever .
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
13 Dec 20
@much2say In certain situations, they are.
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
12 Dec 20
Kids are so good at expressing themselves these days. I find it funny when they are trying to persuade adults.
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• Midland, Michigan
11 Dec 20
How old is this niece?
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
11 Dec 20
She is 10 years old.
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• Midland, Michigan
11 Dec 20
@Shavkat lots of water is a good idea and if she has a bowl or the serving size would be better that might not be so bad. Also if she does eat her veggies. But even though potatoes are a vegetable it's not considered when we know we should eat more veggies. Now if she wanted make it spinach chips that would be a bit more healthier. Do you have those there?
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
12 Dec 20
@MarshaMusselman I think that it is a good idea. Spinach is not that abundant here. I haven't tried it, but I can use lettuce instead.
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@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
11 Dec 20
That was a funny discussion. She is a clever girl.
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
12 Dec 20
I noticed that she is exploring to express herself lately. It seems she is like an adult when talking. For me, it is a good thing.
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
13 Dec 20
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@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
12 Dec 20
@Shavkat Yes, it is a good thing.
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@porwest (82065)
• United States
11 Dec 20
Kids are funny, and I admire her argument. lol
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
13 Dec 20
@porwest I am sure she knows the limitations.
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
12 Dec 20
In my humble opinion, she has lots of trivia lately. She tends to be like adults in the house. I cannot blame her since she's the only kid here.
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@porwest (82065)
• United States
12 Dec 20
@Shavkat That does happen. I actually do not like it when kids are a part of adult stuff. Kids need to be kids.
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• Calgary, Alberta
12 Dec 20
Well tell her it is processed food. its nothing but salt ,msg and carbs now.
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
14 Dec 20
I agree. I think I need to find an educational video from YouTube for kids about this matter. Thanks for giving me an idea.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
12 Dec 20
It's okay to allow children to eat potato chips occasionally. But you have to show them by example. If Uncle can eat, why can't I?
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
14 Dec 20
That's a good idea. She can be trained to eat what adults are eating at a particular time and day.
@RebeccasFarm (87363)
• United States
11 Dec 20
Ha funny.
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
12 Dec 20
She seems so funny in many ways lately. I think she is becoming bored being at home sometimes. There are moments that she ask so many questions, but the fact is that she knew the answers.
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@wolfgirl569 (100179)
• Marion, Ohio
11 Dec 20
She had a valid point
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
12 Dec 20
At some point, she is proving herself for being expressive in her opinions about this matter and other things.
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
11 Dec 20
cannot argue with them It is better if they will not see it
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
12 Dec 20
I agree. Junk foods need to be kept.
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
12 Dec 20
@Shavkat yes, I stopped buying them or if I buy them, I store them somewhere hidden
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@Merliva (3539)
• San Marino
11 Dec 20
i eat to many potatoes chips but i really wish it was healthy
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
12 Dec 20
I, myself cannot control myself in munching them, especially when watching films.
@Babale (1869)
• Semarang, Indonesia
17 Dec 20
For young children, potatoes are still potatoes regardless of shape.
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
18 Dec 20
We cannot do anything but to explain the child about it.
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@youfiq (2572)
• United States
11 Dec 20
lol, this is very interesting, on the one hand they are right that potatoes are vegetables, unfortunately they are not aware about consuming instant food, potatoes as vegetables have lost their identity
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
12 Dec 20
Before she munches it, I asked her to check the food label first. Now, she realized that it is not good to eat potato chips often.
@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
11 Dec 20
That is funny. I remember using the same argument when trying to convince my mom to get me french fries from Jollibee. Back then, Jollibee is all the rage among kids and it is the ultimate lunch/dinner when eating out.
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
12 Dec 20
I agree. I also did this during my childhood years. Being with kids flashes random memories in the past.
• United States
11 Dec 20
There are some potato chips that are healthier than others because they are less processed, but I consider potatoes to be one of those vegetables that aren't the healthiest anyway. Yes, sometimes it's better / easier to just give in.
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@Shavkat (137352)
• Philippines
12 Dec 20
Since she's still a child, I can still give her this junk food. However, it needs to be limited. I do agree that some snacks are less processed. In my mind, I am co0nsidering to cook French fries instead.