Reason why I hate Star Wars

@KityCat (7732)
December 21, 2020 4:11pm CST
I think it's more of a personal choice I guess. When I was a kid I absolutely loved star Wars films,the old ones I mean. My favorite remains episodes 3-6. I absolutely didn't like episode 1 and 2. When disney released their adapted continuation in 2015, I thought the story was okay, same with the follow up to the sequel in 2017.but by now I lost the interest in Disney's story telling. I didn't like Rogue One:A Star Wars Story(2016) Solo A Star Wars Story(2018) and the on going series 'The Mandolorian' and the latest Episode 9(2019) I do not know why but, I don't like the stories anymore. (//I stopped watching Mandolorian' and Solo mid way.) Is it just me , or do you also feel their story is not upto the mark ?
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8 responses
@porwest (85016)
• United States
21 Dec 20
None of the newer movies will ever surpass the greatness of the original three. I cannot even watch any of the new ones at all. They just do not appeal to me at all. Story. Graphics. Effects. They are just not good at all.
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@porwest (85016)
• United States
23 Dec 20
@KityCat That is it exactly. They (Disney) are just cashing in on the franchise and all of the merchandising that goes along with that. It has largely been reported that one of George Lucas' deepest regrets is selling it to Disney, and Lucas has been very vocal about his thoughts that the franchise has been ruined.
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@KityCat (7732)
• India
23 Dec 20
@porwest indeed
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@KityCat (7732)
• India
21 Dec 20
I agree. The first three where the ture best ones. What I feel is that the only reason Disney makes these star Wars films is that that Star Wars is a nice cash cow for them. They made more films in the last 5 years than Lucas back in the days... What many say is true.... Old is gold
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@Deepizzaguy (99564)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
21 Dec 20
My nephew likes the Star Wars movies. I am not really into the Star Wars movies since I cannot relate to science fiction characters.
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@prinzcy (32305)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 20
I'm okay with Star Wars. Haven't watch the latest movies though. I wouldn't say I don't like Star Wars to my best friend. She's a die hard fan
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@KityCat (7732)
• India
22 Dec 20
I am a big fan of star wars expecially of the first 6 original films which i grew up with, but Disney's adaption is simply the worst .
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@kaylachan (65227)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 Dec 20
I never got into that. However, if you consider some actors needed to be replaced. Same can be said for writers and crew. I can't say I'm surprised. Disney would want to use their own no doubt when they bought the franchize.
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@KityCat (7732)
• India
21 Dec 20
I would say the only franchise they ever did right was the Marvel Cinematic Universe
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@kaylachan (65227)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 Dec 20
Probably because they didn't change a whole lot. Just acquired it.@KityCat
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@Shavkat (137753)
• Philippines
22 Dec 20
When I was a kid, I do love it. Now, I am not fond of it.
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@Genipher (5405)
• United States
25 Dec 20
Oh, bite your tongue! The Mandalorian was actually VERYwell done. I was impressed at the story line. I don't generally like to sit down and watch a lot of Star Wars stuff but Mando was good. I also enjoyed the cartoon spin-off, Rebels.
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• Pamplona, Spain
22 Dec 20
The storyline is different although I do not like them i don´t really mind them I just don´t watch them either. I like the original ones a bit but in all truth I only ever liked the robots in the original ones and the robot one in the newer ones.
@jstory07 (137316)
• Roseburg, Oregon
22 Dec 20
I liked the first three the best because I watched them lots of times with my children.