I'm tired of politics and all of the hate

@sissy15 (12356)
United States
January 12, 2021 2:27am CST
As I've mentioned before I'm done with politics. I have zero desire to hear someone argue their side. Everyone has a right to believe what they want or feel what they want but that doesn't mean everyone is going to agree with them and they too have that right. I'm tired of political correctness and having to watch every word you say because it may offend someone. I'm tired of listening to people rant at me and me sitting there and listening to it so I don't hurt feelings or get a lecture. I'm tired of how everyone seems to be a bunch of hypocrites. The little bit of solace I take is that maybe the future generations will be a bit better. That maybe somewhere along the way people can actually say what they want without everyone being angry over it. I watch as everything I once loved somehow crumbles down. It's not the America I grew up in. We have always had our issues and maybe this was a slow build-up but what I've been witnessing lately is not what I remember and I'm sad that my son will never know the world that I once knew. I'm tired of the two-party system, I'm tired of everyone pointing out each other's flaws and not recognizing it can be directed at them too. I'm tired of listening to rant after rant from everyone else while I stay mostly silent. I won't get into my personal political views because first and foremost it's no one's business and second because I don't want to debate. This isn't about a debate. It's just my opinion. Everyone gets one and this is a small part of mine. I don't honestly know who is right or who is wrong but what I can say is that this you either see things my way or you're wrong policy is messed up. What's right and wrong isn't as black and white as people seem to think. Some things are more obvious while others have shades of grey. I sit and I listen to the bickering and people's political stances and they both think they're right and maybe in some cases they both are. I don't have the solution. I don't know how to magically stop it all and make everyone get along. I don't know why everything always comes back to violence. All that I've seen violence bring so far is more violence. No one is able to sit down and talk and compromise or hear the other side out it's always each side talking but never listening. In order to solve a problem you have to both talk and listen so really only one part of that equation ever happens. Compromise is tough and no one wants to do it because they both think they're right and shouldn't have to. No matter how much science, knowledge, or reason comes into play you can't sway someone who doesn't want to be swayed. Now everything is a mess and both sides blame it on the other. The irony is in my opinion they're both at fault but neither can see. No one can see their own hypocrisy but have no problem pointing out the other's and they're both right. Both sides are hypocrites. It's a bunch of do as I say not as I do bologna. Then there are a handful of people like me who no longer wants anything to do with it but we are stuck right in the thick of it having to listen to everyone tell us we are either with them or we are part of the problem because you have to pick a side but why do I have to pick a side when I don't particularly agree with either side? Both sides have valid points and ridiculous viewpoints. I think everyone ultimately wants the same thing but they don't know how to reach it so it manifests itself into this giant mess where everyone is at each other's throats. It shouldn't be like this but here we are. I listen to everyone tell me what we should do and I'm now getting to this point where I tell everyone I'm done and I don't want to talk about it. I mean yeah I'm sort of talking about it now believe me the irony isn't lost on me. It's just this is my way of venting. I can tell everyone I don't want to talk about it but that doesn't stop them ever and it's not even a simple friendly thing it's always them telling me I NEED to think or feel a certain way. They don't really want my opinion they just want me to agree with them and they're mad when I don't. I've always tried my best to listen to people and I mean actually listen not just argue my side but to genuinely try and understand why they feel the way they feel but I'm never met with the same courtesy. I like to know why people feel the way they do to open my mind some too but when all I hear is anger and them telling me I'm wrong when I try to tell them my side it's frustrating. I even told my husband I didn't want to talk about it today because I am genuinely done with it. It's not even that he fully disagrees with me it's just that my mind can't take much more. Everyone thinks I'm for the opposite of who they're for but that's not it at all I'm just not particularly for any of them. I don't like what this two-party system has done to our country. It has pitted us against each other and has made us all into enemies. It should be simple: Racism/hatred towards any religion/gender/sexual orientation etc wrong whether you agree with it or not you need to just keep your nose in your own business and stop the hate. You don't have to agree with everything but unless it is directly hurting you why should it matter? How hard should it be to just get along with everyone? When you look at or talk to a stranger on the street you don't know much about them and you can get along with them so why does all of the other stuff really matter? No one expects you to be best friends with everyone but simply getting along isn't that difficult. If you actually really got to know someone and left politics out of it you'd be surprised what you probably have in common. To me, it should be that simple but I know it seldom is. Everyone lets everything else rule and dictate their feelings. I wish the hate would stop period. I know I've had a similar rant before but things have really been getting heated around here lately. I just don't get why everyone makes life more complicated than it should be. George Washington once warned against political parties because people form themselves into groups he believed we should all just be one big unit. He was right and boy do I wish they would have heeded his advice.
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6 responses
@Namelesss (3365)
• United States
12 Jan 21
Very well said! It is your thinking that is the reason we need people like you in office.
3 people like this
@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
14 Jan 21
Thank you, but chances are people like me wouldn't want to be in office because we just wouldn't want to deal with this mess at least I know I wouldn't. I don't envy anyone in a political office. They might make a lot of money but everyone pretty much hates them and they'll never be able to make everyone happy. It's just not possible. All you can do is do your best to listen to both sides and attempt to compromise but no one wants to so that makes it difficult.
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@Shavkat (140362)
• Philippines
12 Jan 21
I don't like politics, so I refrain from watching TV news lately. I cannot endure saying them
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@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
14 Jan 21
I'm the same way I avoid them and prefer not to watch the news. I can't stand any of it anymore.
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@Shavkat (140362)
• Philippines
15 Jan 21
@sissy15 I sometimes feel frustrated when seeing this bad news in particular.
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@prinzcy (32303)
• Malaysia
13 Jan 21
Politics are the same anywhere.
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@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
14 Jan 21
Not really I mean you have places like North Korea where they don't even get an opinion. Politics may stir emotions in people no matter where you go but the varying aspects of them are very different.
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@ZedSmart (19785)
• Philippines
12 Jan 21
It's tiring to listen especially those what we heard in mainstream and social media. People have their own biases and I think this is the root cause of being divided as both sides are to claim that they correct or on the right side. Here in my country I never participate any discussion related to it because it will just stress me much. While it's true that we have the right to voice out, I'd rather keep myself silent and do something productive when it's no longer healthy or helpful to discuss.
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@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
14 Jan 21
I rarely pay attention to the media anymore. I usually read just enough to know what's going on and leave it at that. It annoys people when I don't want to talk about it but I find it does nothing for anyone. What do we gain by talking to people who don't want to listen to us? It angers everyone and we end up in a worse position than we started in. There are things that are important for us to talk about like racism but everything else seems rather pointless. We just anger each other and it ultimately ruins relationships.
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@ZedSmart (19785)
• Philippines
15 Jan 21
@sissy15 I do agree with you.
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
12 Jan 21
Well said. Enough already is what I say.
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@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
14 Jan 21
Thank you, agreed.
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12 Jan 21
Hate today wears many faces, and it tears society. What matters to me for now is to walk forward with a positive outlook.
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@sissy15 (12356)
• United States
12 Jan 21
I agree, but sometimes that's definitely easier said than done.
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