My MIND says "GO TO BED" but my body wants to STAY UP!!!

@stephcjh (38473)
United States
March 6, 2021 2:08am CST
I am so tired after working online so many hours plus getting things done around the house. I'm ready for bed but my body isn't. My mind is tired and would love to go to bed and go to sleep, refresh my brain and relax it for a while but my body is already telling me I will not fall asleep right away so I am still up. I am going to try to go to bed soon though. I am worn out. I will check notifications when I am back online if I do go on to bed.
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13 responses
@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
6 Mar 21
I am up all night, every night; so I can relate to that. I hope you got some rest.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
6 Mar 21
My husband gets up around 3-4 pm every day, 6 days per week and he leaves the house around 5 pm. He doesn't get home until the next morning around 8 am accept Saturday hours are different. I work all of those days too from home. A lot of times I have already been up all day plus I stay up all night working or getting things done around the house to try to stay on his schedule. Sometimes it feels like I work round the clock though. I pretty much do lol. Always stuff to do.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
7 Mar 21
@LindaOHio He is a supervisor over a company that does high pressure water blasting in chemical tanks for a company that makes rubber items.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
7 Mar 21
@stephcjh What kind of work does your husband do? That sounds like a long shift.
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@didinedhia (8470)
• Algeria
22 Mar 21
thats me every night hahahaha
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
23 Mar 21
Same here
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
23 Mar 21
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• Algeria
23 Mar 21
@stephcjh loooooool
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@prinzcy (32305)
• Malaysia
7 Mar 21
I am like that on weekend. I have so much to do, so I refuse to go to sleep.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
7 Mar 21
I go and go and go until I just cannot go any longer. I feel like I have to do that to stay caught up every day. I try to never waste any time and make the most out of each day.
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@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
6 Mar 21
I have that problems sometimes too , well almost all the time really. My mind just has a trouble shutting down even though my body is tired. If you find a solution, do tell me.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
6 Mar 21
LOL. Same here with you. Let me know if you find something good that works for it too. I did finally go to bed but my husband came home from work and woke me up with the ADT beeping so it was hard for me to go back to sleep again but I finally did.
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@thelme55 (76645)
• Germany
6 Mar 21
I can relate to that problem. I am sometimes like that.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
6 Mar 21
Happens to me a lot, just about daily. I did lay down for a while though.
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• Bosnia And Herzegovina
6 Mar 21
happens to me sometimes too. get some rest!
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
6 Mar 21
I am going to try to do that probably within the next 10 minutes or so. Getting super tired.
@kaylachan (65344)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
6 Mar 21
Good luck. I know I have a few things to do, myself, before I hit the sheets. I'm trying to motivate myself to do it.
@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
6 Mar 21
I am in the opposite situation today. I want to climb on my bed and sleep.
@rakski (113451)
• Philippines
6 Mar 21
I have those days too. Hope you can sleep soon
@Janet357 (75646)
6 Mar 21
did you drink too much coffee?
@yoalldudes (35037)
• Philippines
6 Mar 21
Happens to me too sometimes. The next day I would fall into a long nap.
6 Mar 21
I think you need some rest. Even God rested on the seventh day.
@rhuenz (10643)
6 Mar 21
Better to rest your body now,have a sleep or else it will give you headache.