Towards Bliss

@Shiva49 (26488)
March 22, 2021 9:10am CST
We are given all the ingredients for a heavenly life. They include what we see and don’t in terms of physical assets all over the place including under the sea bed; then the vast real estate out in space that could be a storehouse of things beyond our wildest imagination. We have now reached the moon literally and also Mars. We could be wealthy beyond our dreams but, hopefully, we will not self destruct before realizing our true potential. The classic duality is at play here. We build, invent, construct but on the other hand are the few who do the opposite. It seems to be a neck and neck race. The vast majority hopes that the good and good sense will prevail. While we try to make sense of all that is served on a silver platter, we need a few to survive and elevate ourselves. They lie within each of us waiting to lead us along the right path. They are: 1. Love 2. Good Sense 3. Coexistence 4. Compassion 5. Oneness For the above to prevail we have to beware the enemies of survival - hatred, ego and greed. It is an easy choice to make but our hubris can be the spoilsport. We are invited to a party to meet and make merry but that goes with responsibilities too. Will we turn the corner or will we be defeated by our attitude? Image: Bliss from free media site Pexels
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13 responses
@msdivkar (23359)
• India
22 Mar 21
I agree with you nature has given us in abundance its beauty and tranquility but the human being is bent upon destroying it for his narrow gains. Nature than shows its anger through untimely rains and tornadoes and much more inflicting immense measeries on him.
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@Shiva49 (26488)
• Singapore
22 Mar 21
And then resources are wasted, misused, for all out destruction. Are we not reaping what we sow fast and furious? Even this virus has origins that are shrouded in mystery. No one dares to probe while hue and cry is raised against lesser issues.
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@msdivkar (23359)
• India
22 Mar 21
@Shiva49 Virus issue is being probed but seems only to make up the wrong doings of somebody.
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@Shiva49 (26488)
• Singapore
22 Mar 21
@msdivkar We should know what really created this virus so that we can be better prepared and prevent it, nip it in the bud.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
22 Mar 21
Life can be good with the choices you make.
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@Shiva49 (26488)
• Singapore
22 Mar 21
That is the key. Let us hope we learn the lessons from our past.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
22 Mar 21
@Shiva49 That would be good.
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@m_audrey6788 (58472)
• Germany
22 Mar 21
It is really nice having a good environment or nature around. We must enjoy and take care of it until it is still there for us
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• Germany
22 Mar 21
@Shiva49 I agree
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@Shiva49 (26488)
• Singapore
22 Mar 21
What we value add is negligible. Nature nurtures us despite our being ungrateful and uncaring.
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@kanuck1 (4424)
22 Mar 21
If the world was run by people like you, it would be a different world.
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@kanuck1 (4424)
22 Mar 21
@Shiva49 I agree with you on doing our part to make a better world.
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@Shiva49 (26488)
• Singapore
22 Mar 21
Thank you, I think all want a better world, at least most. If we are kind and grateful to nature it will give us returns manifold. We counter hatred with hatred and thereby our misery is compounded. Let us make a beginning to "be the change you want to see in the world" as Gandhi exhorted.
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@Shiva49 (26488)
• Singapore
23 Mar 21
@kanuck1 Thank you, appreciated.
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@DianneN (247186)
• United States
23 Mar 21
I would hope we would turn the corner and learn from our mistakes, but unfortunately, there are too many caught up in greed, hatred, and ego. It’s difficult to change those attitudes unless it comes from within.
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@DianneN (247186)
• United States
25 Mar 21
@Shiva49 Key words - our inner knowledge!
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@Shiva49 (26488)
• Singapore
24 Mar 21
Agreed, it should be through an inner transformation to get our priorities right. Our inner knowing always prompts us what is right.
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@Rashnag (30593)
• Surat, India
23 Mar 21
Beautiful post. Rightly said. Thanks for sharing. Take care
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@Shiva49 (26488)
• Singapore
23 Mar 21
Thank you for your support Rashna, appreciated.
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@Rashnag (30593)
• Surat, India
24 Mar 21
@Shiva49 your welcome
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@prinzcy (32305)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 21
But it is also a part of human nature to be greedy. Some are just too greedy to the point of destroying something that meant to be protect.
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@Shiva49 (26488)
• Singapore
23 Mar 21
Yes, greed goes overboard easily, so better to nip it in the bud. Reward is in order but not an attitude winner takes it all to the extent of denying others what is rightfully theirs.
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@RebeccasFarm (88420)
• Arvada, Colorado
26 Mar 21
My soul is restored by nature.
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@jobelbojel (35115)
• Philippines
24 Mar 21
We have everything given to us freely. And yes, it is the decision we make. It is really up to us if we want to make it grow or ruin the lives we have because of good or bad choices.
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@Shiva49 (26488)
• Singapore
24 Mar 21
The ultimate freedom is inbuilt though our own deny it to us. They tend to stand in the way to dictate their views while our creator has given us everything without borders. We need to find a way out from this mess.
@BelleStarr (61102)
• United States
22 Mar 21
It is the eternal struggle of good verses evel and good will prevail.
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@Shiva49 (26488)
• Singapore
22 Mar 21
It should - otherwise we are toast.
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@innertalks (21663)
• Australia
22 Mar 21
That's a well-formed article, siva, and I agree with the sentiment of it. The direction of our future, and the future quality of our life here depends almost entirely on ourselves. Will we follow love, and the other qualities that you have listed, or go the other way instead, following greed, hatred, and ego, or the me-first attitude, instead? On the other hand, here is my two-cents worth towards the discussion as to whether nature nurtures us, or not. Nature has been referred to as Mother Nature, but perhaps this is only because we think that there is a Father God, behind it all. Without this God being real, why would nature try to nurture anything, on its own? Nature is just nature, and follows its own way, its own rules, with us included within it. Nature nurtures nothing, as is proven, in the rest of the Universe, which is largely all inhospitable to life. It is mere good luck, that the conditions were right here, randomly coming together to allow life to begin, and then to evolve here. Once life evolved to our level though, luck can give way to brains, and we can more steward our home, and look after it. We are then supposed to be our own nurturers, if we want to stay around here, otherwise, nature will just brush us away, like another pesky fly, on its surface. Now, if we believe in God, another element could be added to this scenario, but even God agrees with the one, the scenario, that I have said here. In the Christian Bible, it has been said that man was created to not so much rule over the other creations of the Earth, but to be a caretaker for them all, loving them, even giving names to every item of God's creation, that makes each item then special to mankind as well, if he, or she, allows it to remain so, rather than them moving to mere exploitation of all around them, rather than caretaking and managing of valuable resources too.
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@innertalks (21663)
• Australia
23 Mar 21
@Shiva49 Ha, ha. I like that tale. He looked up, and he fell into the drink!
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@Shiva49 (26488)
• Singapore
23 Mar 21
Thanks Steve for your perspective. Nature is also part of creation but it has inbuilt mechanism to nurture us all. It is self-balancing and also cyclical and we see the play of seasons within a year. I think it can also extend this cycle to evolution of species and we change with its working, influence. We could also be a passing phase like other species though it may hurt our pride to say so! I meant nurturing in the sense all basic ingredients are renewed every moment and what we do for survival is minimum, value add here and there. All else is renewing all the time, fruits, nuts, water and of course air. Mother nature is more to allude it to the love of a mother but it is also part of the creative process. Our creator has given us enough to dream on with the solar system and beyond. And visitations depicted in cave drawings point out that we would not be alone after all.
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@Shiva49 (26488)
• Singapore
23 Mar 21
@innertalks Yes Steve, the classic duality is ever present. We need to survive on our own merits like parents advise children to make them responsible. There is tale about a boat getting stuck outside the shore. The passengers alighted and stepped and walked on planks to safety but one looked up and prayed without playing his part to take care of his steps. So nature wants us to do our part too.
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@nela13 (56931)
• Portugal
22 Mar 21
You are right, we were given everything to live a simple and happy life.
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@Shiva49 (26488)
• Singapore
22 Mar 21
Yes, time to show our appreciation with enabling action.
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@nela13 (56931)
• Portugal
22 Mar 21
@Shiva49 Yes, it is.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
22 Mar 21
Nature has much to offer us, lots of peace.
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@Shiva49 (26488)
• Singapore
22 Mar 21
Nature has nurtured not only us but also other species over billions of years not excluding plants and innumerable other life support ingredients. It is for us to return the care and love so that future generations will also enjoy what we take for granted. This virus is a warning signal to mend our ways.
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