Becoming a Manager!
By rufojr
@rufojr (94)
November 30, 2006 5:35pm CST
Tell me something about becoming a manager? What are the skills and attitude needed in order for someone to become a people supervisor? I've found an article about this in the internet and I think its true that when people leave the company, the very first person that you should ask should be the manager. Simple explanation, direct reports has the capability and the power to infulunce their subordinates. Management today is a process of providing the help and the resources to others to enable them to do their jobs. What the coach and manager did occurs all too often in all too many organizations worldwide. Managers think like employees instead of as managers. The results are worse than cuts and burnout, they are often the cause of lower production, weak performance, poor morale and career burnout.
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35 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
1 Dec 06
I was a Manager before I had to stop working
I worked my way from the bottom to the top and yes I suppose some skills are required but the main important skill that is needed respect your Staff, treat them decent, praise where praise is earned, treat them as human beings, do not ask them to do anything you would not do yourself, have common sense, work on initiave not by the book, work with your Staff, train your Staff if you don't it is the Managers fault if things go wrong not the Staff, appreciate your Staff, show understanding to your Staff and there is lots more but always remember your Staff are human beings not robot or a piece of dirt on the Floor
Ok there might some that will play up and that is when you go to the displinary proceedure the PROPER WAY if that does not work then you will have to take the drastic Steps
I did not have a lot of Problems with my Staff in the 8 years I was a Manager because I kept to these Rules you respect them, they will respect you back
@maddog108 (3435)
• Australia
1 Dec 06
a manager is only as good as his staff train them and look after them well they work harder and are happy thus a good manager
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@Plutolegionario (767)
• Italy
1 Dec 06
Hi, I'm completing my business University to becoming one. I think a manager needs squad ability, love for job and ability to manage resources and workers.
@pillowgirl (89)
• United States
1 Dec 06
Your question is how to become a manager... I think you should ask how to be a GOOD manager. There are a lot of managers out there that just plain aren't good.
I think a good manager actively instills confidence in his/her people knowing that they are a company's number one asset. He/she knows their strengths and helps build on them.
@icebridge (144)
• Philippines
30 Nov 06
In the course of our professional life, we have all met people who were very good managers and others who were
plainly mediocre, at least from our point of view. We therefore note that not everyone is cut out to be a good
manager. There are a number of typologies that lay down the qualities required of someone who aspires to head a
unit or manage a group of people.
As such, all employees do not behave or react in the same way and, depending on the generation that they belong
to, their expectations from their bosses vary greatly. However, they are all very demanding. It is also true that
every company, every department and every position has its own characteristics. It is therefore difficult to describe
an ideal profile that suits all these various demands. It is easier to define a series of skills and qualities that would
more likely guarantee the success of someone as a manager.
Without getting into details, it would be interesting to note that most studies categorise the qualities and skills
required to be a good manager into three major groups: Inherent qualities: What we are, our characteristics and values.
Acquired skills: What we have learnt and assimilated through our studies, reading and experiences.
Soft skills: These represent our everyday behaviour to various situations whether in our relations with the
systems and processes or with the people around us.=Inherent qualities=
Any person aspiring to become a manager should have the following qualities:
Open-mindedness: As the world is constantly changing, the modern manager should be in a position to
accept change and face it with courage and clarity of mind.
Cooperation: If a manager is rather lonely by nature, he will have difficulty in creating a stimulating work
atmosphere and functioning in tandem with others.
Optimism: In a competitive work atmosphere, it is essential for the manager to be optimistic by nature in
order to be able to mobilize his staff when faced with adversities.
Uprightness: At a time when our trust in some leaders is being eroded, this quality proves to be a golden
rule. It is difficult to ask our employees to follow instructions if we ourselves do not show any integrity.
Empathy: This is the ability to put oneself into someone’s shoes in order to understand him better. As the
era of “do or die” is over, empathy emerges as the basic quality that is required of a manager.
As we can see it, we either have or don’t have these qualities. It is sometimes possible to get back to them if we
haven’t used them often enough but we cannot acquire them only through learning or practice.
=Acquired skills=In order for a manager to perform well in his role, he should have the following acquired skills:
Expertise in his particular field: In order to lead a team or a unit, it is important for the manager to
master the main areas in which he works. It is not necessary to be perfect in all areas nor be the best in all
activities but he should be able to demonstrate to his subordinates that he is capable to managing all
these activities.
Methodology: A good manager should be able to advocate efficient working methods and organize work
in an efficient and orderly manner.
Problem resolution techniques: Due to the diversity of workplace-related problems, it is absolutely
necessary to know the best techniques in problem-solving if we are to have full control of the situation.
Communication: In a world where everything is based on the communication of information, it is of
utmost importance to be able to communicate efficiently with one’s employees.=Soft skills=Having the required qualities and skills is not everything. A manager needs to demonstrate appropriate behaviour
at all times for efficiency. These soft skills include:
Flexibility in leadership style: Nowadays, the greatest quality of a leader is the ability to adapt his
approach according to the circumstances in which he works. Sometimes, a directive style is more
appropriate whereas, at other times, a more democratic approach is more welcome. A good leader knows
the right approach to adopt in different situations.
Promote teamwork: Most employees only ask to be part of the success of a business. A manager should
take advantage of this potential to better mobilize his resources.
Model for subordinates: The manager should lead by example. The “Do-what-I-say-and-not-what-I-do”
approach is unacceptable.
Although the inherent behavioural skills are not taught in school, the same cannot be said about acquired skills. To
that extent, a number of training, learning, coaching and reading materials are available.
@icebridge (144)
• Philippines
1 Dec 06
A good Leader should be setting an example. Thus, he should be a good follower as well.
@classicaljazz (1628)
• United States
1 Dec 06
The best leaders are strong followers. A supervisor is not a commander he is a leader and the best way to lead is to have been where they have been and walk alongside.
@jtexas (527)
• United States
1 Dec 06
Well I wont write to much but when I became a manager. One of the first things I learned is organization.
Second I would have to say to have a timeline of when things are due. It allows the higher ups to see what your progress is when your working on a certain goal. also a good way to cover your butt if they ask you what have you been doing as a manager.
@blacknight000 (1397)
• Philippines
1 Dec 06
to become a manager, you must have the ability to manage a certain business or company! must have the characteristics of a manager!...manager is not an easy task, your going to deal with different people with different behavior! must have the skills, attitube, saocialization! must treat your workers nicely coz their the one who play an important role to certain business or company!...without them, you'll be nothing!...
@Bbilal (1998)
1 Dec 06
I'd become marketing manager of a some music band's I'd marketing for them. They were not paying me so I dont know =p
@bagoes (18)
• Indonesia
1 Dec 06
Should be strict on Plan Do Check Action and Coordinate,
because problems always happen in all side of Biz, so
manager should manage all related issues in their team
and find out the solutions
@jaginfo2006 (1757)
• India
1 Dec 06
well first you have to think broad, them work on small thing first. i know you can do that.
@ishqvishq (1021)
• India
1 Dec 06
A Manager is the person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work, and taking corrective action when necessary. For many people, this is their first step into a management career.
Managers may direct workers directly or they may direct several supervisors who direct the workers. The manager must be familiar with the work of all the groups he/she supervises, but does not need to be the best in any or all of the areas. It is more important for the manager to know how to manage the workers than to know how to do their work well.
A manager may have the power to hire or fire employees or to promote them. In larger companies, a manager may only recommends such action to the next level of management. The manager has the authority to change the work assignments of team members.
A manager's title reflects what he/she is responsible for. An Accounting Manager supervises the Accounting function. An Operations Manager is responsible for the operations of the company. The Manager of Design Engineering supervises engineers and support staff engaged in design of a product or service. A Night Manager is responsible for the activities that take place at night. There are many management functions in business and, therefore, many manager titles. Regardless of title, the manager is responsible for planning, directing, monitoring and controlling the people and their work.